HP Presentation Herbal products

Post on 21-Dec-2015

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HP Presentation document for multi level marketing with herbal products catalog containing all products

Transcript of HP Presentation Herbal products

Body Composition




11 Body Age

2 Resting Metabolism Rate (RMR)

3 Visceral Fat Level

4 Subcutaneous Fat Percentage

5 Skeletal Muscle Percentage

4 5

5 Skeletal Muscle Percentage

Body FatBody fat comes in two varieties. There’s Subcutaneous Fat, a noticeable layer of fat that lies just below the skin, and

then there’s Visceral Fat (Intra-Abdominal fat), which is buried beneath the muscles.

Visceral fat is the more worrisome variety because it is located in the abdominal cavity (stomach area), surrounds vital

organs and is metabolized by the liver, which turns it into blood cholesterol.

The more visceral fat you carry around the higher your chances of developing insulin resistance (leading to Type 2

Diabetes), heart disease and other metabolic syndromes. Visceral fat can go largely unnoticed because it’s not visible to

the naked eye.

Subcutaneous fat not only accumulates around stomach but also around the upper arms, hips and thighs, and can cause

distortion of the body’s proportions. Although not directly linked to increased risk of disease, it is thought to increase

pressure on the heart and other complications.

Visceral fat levels :

1 - 9 (Ideal), 10 – 14 (Risk), 15 – 20 (High Risk)

Body MuscleThere are 3 types of muscle tissue which is cardiac, smooth, and skeletal. Cardiac muscle cells are located in

the walls of the heart, appear spindle-shaped, and are under involuntary control. Smooth muscle fibers are

located in walls of hollow visceral organs, except the heart, appear striated, and are also under involuntary

control. Skeletal muscle fibers occur in muscles which are attached to the skeleton.

Skeletal MuscleSkeletal muscle is striated muscle tissue that is attached

to bones. It is composed of fibers that look like a mixture

of dark and light bands bundled together that run along

the bone. These muscles are responsible for contracting the bone. These muscles are responsible for contracting

and relaxing when a person moves. Skeletal muscles are

the muscles that we can see and feel through our skin.

Each skeletal muscle is attached to a bone on one end,

stretching across a joint and is attached to the end of

another bone.

Body Age ClassificationBody Age indication is based on one's resting metabolism and is used as a guide to one's metabolic age. It is calculated

from your resting metabolism while the latter is calculated by combining your weight, body fat percentage and skeletal

muscle percentage to produce a guide as to whether your body age is above or below the average for your actual age.

Examples (figures above):

The example on the left has a body age of 30, or average body composition for the actual age.

The example in the middle has a lower body fat percentage than average and higher skeletal muscle percentage and

resting metabolism, which results in a body age of 25 that is younger than the actual age.

The example on the right has higher body fat percentage than average and lower skeletal muscle percentage and resting

metabolism, which results in a body age of 35 that is older than the actual age.

Basal Metabolic Rate (RMR) / Resting Metabolic Rate

(RMR)Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), also called the Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR), is the amount of energy needed to support

the body's most basic functions when at rest in a neutral, or non-stressful, environment. The BMR is the number of

calories a specific human needs per day to stay alive. BMR can be responsible for 70% of the calories burned per day.

The body's most basic functions are those that are immediately necessary for a person to stay alive. These functions

include pumping blood, breathing and producing heat. Nonessential functions, such as digestion and standing are not

included in this calculation.






Diet-Induced Thermogenesis


60% - 70%

20% - 30%


Basal Metabolism /

Resting Metabolism

Daily Activity Metabolism

Diet-Induced Thermogenesis

60% - 70% of daily energy use is for Basal Metabolism / Resting Metabolism !

Energy Consumption

Is Good Health important to

you and your family?

If Yes, Why?

If you have to choose one out of following

two options, which one would you choose?

1. Good Health with less money

2. Bad Health with lots of money2. Bad Health with lots of money

How about having another option?

Good Health & lots of money too

Please book your seat for

workshop on wealth

creation on Tuesday

7:30 pm

�� Clean and neat

How do we want our living


Where do we live?

� Hygienic & healthy

� Looking good and beautiful

� Feeling good

Do we have to invest money, time & effort

to keep it clean & beautiful?

Our Bodyis the only place where we

live 24 hours of the day & we live 24 hours of the day & we

have only one body in this life

How much money, time & effort

are we investing to keep our body

healthy & fit?

�How is our looks?

�How people around look at us?

�Do we feel healthy & energetic

How do we want our body to be?

�Do we feel healthy & energetic

throughout the day?

�Do we want to look good & beautiful-

both internally & externally?

�Are we carrying excess weight?

Optimal Health

Both External & Internal






Foundation Pillars of Optimal Health






Does today’s food give required

nutrition to the body?

True or False?

It was true in 1940,

but it is false today

1. Soil fertility depletion

40% reduction in minerals & trace minerals in soil

in the world.

2. Usage of pesticide & chemical fertiliser

3. Time taken for fruits and vegetables to reach us

40% of B vitamins are lost in 60 minutes after

plucking fruits and vegetables

4. Our cooking method – vitamins are lost due to


5. Pollution

6. Stress

7. Eating habits

8. Life style

Solution is taking

natural, organic food


More than 55% of women, 45% of men and 20% of children are overweight or

Know The Facts

45% of men and 20% of children are overweight or obese in INDIA. 75%

of urban population is

over weight or obese

Problem ???????Problem ???????

Excess weight is more dangerous than �Excess weight is more dangerous than

being a life-time smoker, chronic drinker

or banned substance user!!

-British Journal of Public Health

WHO has identified obesity is the

4th chronic disease today.

Obesity develops into many chronic disease

� Diabetes (57%)

Obesity is a sickness

� Diabetes (57%)

� Pancreas failure (30%)

� Heart disease (17%)

� High Blood Pressure (17%)

� Arthritis (14%)

� Breast or other cancers (11%)

� It damages the Vital Organs-Heart, Kidney, Arteries,Nerves & Eyes.

� It causes the liver to increase the production of high Triglycerides (Blood Fat). Which makes the blood Sticky & Thicker and Blood clots happen result-Arteries gets blocked.

� It increases the Blood Pressure.

Diabetes Effects

It increases the Blood Pressure.

� It causes the liver to increase the production of LDL (Bad Cholesterol) and Heart gets affected.

� It stimulates the Hunger Pans for Carbohydrates.

� It promote storage of excess fat in abdominal area.

� It contributes to Weight gain.

Are you Pre-Diabetic ???Are you Pre-Diabetic ???

According to WHO :

� Healthy BMI range is: 18.5-22.9 (BMI = weight in kg / height in m2)

� Standard body fat % range is for :Female : 17% - 25%Male : 14% - 23% Male : 14% - 23%

� Waist Measurements is for :Male : < 90 cm / 34.5”Female : < 80 cm / 31.5”

� Waist to hip ratio < 0.8 for men & 0.9 for women� Visceral fat <9

If you fail any One of these specifications, you

are already Pre-Diabetic.

Are you APPLE-shaped?

Are you PEAR-shaped?

Ht (m)

Small frame


Small frame(M)Medium frame(F)

Medium frame(M)Large frame(F)

Large frame(M)

Heath and life risk

overweight obese

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 35 40

1.47 41 44 45 48 50 52 54 56 59 61 63 65 76 87

1.50 43 45 47 49 52 54 56 58 60 63 65 67 79 90

1.52 44 46 49 51 54 56 58 60 63 65 67 69 81 93

1.55 45 48 50 53 55 58 60 62 65 67 69 72 84 96

1.57 47 49 52 54 57 59 62 64 67 69 72 74 87 99

1.60 49 51 54 56 59 61 64 66 69 72 74 77 89 102

1.63 50 53 55 58 61 64 66 69 71 74 77 79 93 105

Find Your BMI (Standard WHO) Male/Female, use kg for refFind Your BMI (Standard WHO) Male/Female, use kg for ref

1.65 52 54 57 60 63 65 68 71 74 76 79 82 95 109

1.68 54 56 59 62 64 67 70 73 76 79 81 84 98 112

1.70 55 58 61 64 66 69 72 75 78 81 84 87 101 116

1.73 57 59 63 65 69 72 74 78 80 84 86 89 104 119

1.75 58 61 64 68 70 74 77 80 83 86 89 92 107 123

1.78 60 63 66 69 73 76 79 82 85 89 92 94 110 126

1.80 62 65 68 71 77 78 81 84 88 91 94 98 114 130

1.83 64 67 70 74 79 80 84 87 90 94 97 100 117 133

1.85 65 69 72 75 81 83 86 89 93 96 99 101 120 137

1.88 67 70 74 78 84 84 88 92 95 99 102 106 123 141

1.9 69 73 76 80 86 87 91 94 98 102 105 109 127 145

1.93 71 74 78 82 86 89 93 97 100 107 108 112 130 172

Small frame:wrist less than 16cm(M)、 13cm(F),Medium frame:wrist16-18cm(M)、13-15cm(F), Large frame wrist more than 18cm(M)、15cm(F)

The HealthPointe 2.0 ProgramThe HealthPointe 2.0 Program

Feel Better, Live Better


Synergy of Medical Science &

Nutritional Science

No hunger, No medicine, No strenuous exercise

Medical Science focuses on CURING

Nutritional Science focuses on PREVENTION

Health Pointe is a combination of bothHealth Pointe is a combination of both

The Health Pointe 2.0 ProgramThe Health Pointe 2.0 Program

� Previously only available in medical

clinics in the USA

� 30 plus years experience

� More than 1 crore people benefited

1. To enjoy increased energy levels

through out the day

2. To achieve optimal health and there by

Major benefits of this program

preventing lifestyle diseases

3. To achieve ideal body weight and

maintain it for life

4. To reduce stress and also ill-effects of


Food consists of MACRO nutrients &

MICRO nutrients

MACRO nutrients are Carbohydrate,

Protein & Fat

MICRO nutrients are vitamins and


Reduction of

Food Quantity The Body Then

Goes Into

Starvation Mode

What most people do to loose weight?- DietingWhat most people do to loose weight?- Dieting

Protein Carbohydrates Fats

The HealthPointe 2.0 ProgramThe HealthPointe 2.0 Program





Metabolism ProcessMetabolism Process


When you diet

The Make up of Food in Health Pointe

Body burns fat


What we do in Health PointeWhat we do in Health Pointe

Protein Carbohydrates Fats

The HealthPointe 2.0 ProgramThe HealthPointe 2.0 Program





When you diet

Secret in health pointe is Dietary Ketosis

Glucagon-natural fat burning hormone in

the body is activated with less intake of

carbohydrate & moderately high protein

Body gets into ketosis- natural fat burning process

Synergy of Medical Science &

Nutritional Science

Why Most People Failed in Diet ?Why Most People Failed in Diet ?



�NO ! NO ! NO!


Which is an intense desire to

eat certain food or groups of food

The HealthPointe 2.0 ProgramThe HealthPointe 2.0 Program

You need to eat 8-12 times a day

Breakfast Lunch Dinner

snacks snacks snacks

Other Weight Loss

ProgramsHealth Pointe



1. Hydration

2. Metabolism


1. Hydration

2. Metabolism2. Metabolism

3. Muscle mass

4. Charm(weak

protein in skin)

2. Metabolism

3. Muscle mass

4. Charm

Weight Loss Methods Time ? Convenient ? Long term ?

Weight Loss Methods Time ? Convenient ? Long term ?

� Chinese or Western medication

� Liposuction

� Gastric bypass /Lap band

� Vegetarian, hi grain (Hi Triglyceride)

� Weight loss diet food

� (Atkins – good cholesterol activity 0, � (Atkins – good cholesterol activity 0,

high fat)

� (South Beach- X getting fiber,

minerals & vitamins)

� Meal replacement (duh!!)

� Intensive exercises (free radical?!)

� Slimming and beauty spa therapy

� Nutritionist prepared meals (TV Dinner??)

ComparisonComparisonHealthPointe Traditional Diets

Fast & Safe Slow

Less Hunger Increase Hunger

Normal Consumption Increase Cravings

Gain Energy Decrease EnergyGain Energy Decrease Energy

Happy Mood Depressed

Maintain Muscles Decrease Muscles

Change Lifestyle Only ChangeMenu









Uses real food and have good

relationship with foods like healthy and

skinny people do!!

The Complete Weight Management & Maintenance Education ProgramThe Complete Weight Management & Maintenance Education Program

1st Step - Improve eating habits

Eat low calorie, low carbohydrate, low fat and

reasonable amount of high protein food.

3 main meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner plus

6-9 protein snacks/day

Coach will guide you on food menu

The HealthPointe 2.0 ProgramThe HealthPointe 2.0 Program3 days Preparation

3 Protein Days

Weight Loss Weight Stable Set Point


28 Menu Days14 days of



3 to 9 months


1 cycle = 45 days


• to stabilize blood sugar &

The Complete Weight Management & Maintenance

Education Program

The Complete Weight Management & Maintenance

Education Program

2nd Step - Supplements

• to stabilize blood sugar &

improves arteries functions &

achieve optimum health while

losing weight


�Fortifies the immune system

�Assists in the elimination of toxins

�Repair and maintenance of body tissue

�Powerful energy you can feel all day�Powerful energy you can feel all day

�Assists Maintenance of cell membranes

�Assists metabolism

�Maintains healthy cholesterol levels

�Important for healthy Gastrointestinal functioning

�Dietary fibre from Natural sources

The HealthPointe 2.0 ProgramThe HealthPointe 2.0 Program

Food Supplements

�Approved from WHO

�Organic, raw plant materials

� Natural (not synthetic)

� Only global vitamin and mineral brand to grow, harvest and process plants on their own certified organic farms.

Protein Powder

Why Protein ?Why Protein ?

�Protein are made up of Amino Acid.

�It is Building Block of body –Repair &

Generate Cells.

�It Increases the immunity.

�It makes the nerve system strong.

�It provides Energy.

Nutrilite DailyNutrilite Daily

13 Vitamins & 11 Minerals13 Vitamins & 11 Minerals13 Vitamins & 11 Minerals13 Vitamins & 11 Minerals�Vitamin-A








� Iron


� Iodine






�Folic Acid


�Pantothenic Acid







Salmon Omega-3Salmon Omega-3

Is fat good ?Is fat good ?

�Omega-3 Fatty Acid is a good fat

�It reduces bad cholesterol

�It is brain friendly fat�It is brain friendly fat

�It is very important for the development of Brain, Nerve Cells & Eye.

�It cures depression & increase the ability to concentrate


Supports normal

gastrointestinal health

and regularity.

Unique blend of three

natural soluble fibers


Nutrilises bad

Bio-CWater soluble antioxidant

�Nutrilises bad

effect of Free-



Nutrilises bad


Fat soluble antioxidant

�Nutrilises bad

effect of Free-


�Good for Heart

�Good for Skin


• It reduces the Gas


•Good for Joints

•Prevent •Prevent




� Energy Booster

� Increases

Metabolic rate

� Helps in


The HealthPointe 2.0 ProgramThe HealthPointe 2.0 Program

�� 10,000 steps a day

� Pedometer monitors

3rd Step – Gentle Exercise

� Pedometer monitors

your activity level

� Motivates you while

burning calories and

reducing stress

The HealthPointe 2.0 ProgramThe HealthPointe 2.0 Program

� Drink min 2.5+ litres of

water each day.

Requirement is 1 litre for

4th Step - Water

Requirement is 1 litre for

every 25 kgs of body weight

� Essential for proper

absorption of nutrients and

elimination of toxins and


The HealthPointe 2.0 ProgramThe HealthPointe 2.0 Program

5th Step – Ketosis Test (Urine test)

During weight loss days

Test with second urine sample

The Complete Weight Management &

Maintenance Education Program

The Complete Weight Management &

Maintenance Education Program

6th Step - Knowledge

Coaching Is Very CriticalCoaching Is Very Critical

6 - weeks advice

from experienced

coaches (via email/

skype/ telephone/sms)skype/ telephone/sms)

Success StoriesYou may see some of these people You may see some of these people

in the next Health Point preview

Vasantha – Lost 15 Kgs in 60 days

Ravikiaran, Davanagere

Lost 13 Kgs, 7.3% Fat & 5 inches in 45 days

Angelo Rodrigues, Goa – Lost 9.5 Kgs

in 45 days

Manjunath Reddy, Bangalore – Lost 8 Kgs in

30 days

Before After

DrSudharshan, lost 15 kgs and fat

31% to 23%

DrSudharshan, lost 15 kgs and fat

31% to 23%

Shivkumar, Bangalore Lost 22 Kgs in 60 daysShivkumar, Bangalore Lost 22 Kgs in 60 days

Kavita, Bangalore – Lost 12 Kgs & Fat 12%

in 45 days

Sapna Savanth, Banglore Lost 14 Kgs in 60 daysSapna Savanth, Banglore Lost 14 Kgs in 60 days

Shaw Jean (Malaysia)Lost 5 Kg, Fat 5% and waist 2” in 45 days

Lim Siew Wah (KL, Malaysia)Weight Loss-12.7 kgs, body fat 11%, Waistline 5”

Mr Tang (Hongkong)In 7 months lost 53 Kgs, body fat 50% to 18%, Waist

from 50 inches to 36 inches

Requirements to be in the program:Requirements to be in the program:

1. Get the blood test done

2. Take photographs (front & both sides)

3. Take all measurements & record it in journal

Before the program

During the program

1. Daily accountability & communication with the

coach. Be committed to your health

2. Following menu plan & other guidelines

strictly as guided by coach

3. Writing Daily food log book

During the program

Ask Yourself . . . . . Ask Yourself . . . . .

�If not THIS, then WHAT ???

�If not YOU, then WHO ???

�If not NOW, then WHEN ???



One Thought ……….

How much is your health


Investment towards a healthy body.

Package depends on individual

Readings & Blood test results,

varies from person to person.

The package may include:

Investment towards a healthy body.

Package depends on individual

Readings & Blood test results,

varies from person to person.

The package may include: The package may include:

Fat monitor scale, Pedometer,

Kitchen scale, Food Journal,

Supplements & Advisor Fee.

The package may include:

Fat monitor scale, Pedometer,

Kitchen scale, Food Journal,

Supplements & Advisor Fee.

If Wellness is If Wellness is


Try illness!Try illness!

Requirements :

1. Must have passion to learn and help others!

2. Must experience the program for sure!

Want to be Health Pointe coach?In India more than 50 crores people are either over weight

or obese.

Would you like to help these people by becoming one of the

Health Pointe coaches?

2. Must experience the program for sure!

(7 days cycle for trainer to experience who are fit)

3. Must undergo certification & other module courses

Benefits :

1. Optimal health for you & your family

2. Knowledge for life

3. Help others to gain good health & prevent diseases

4. Good income potential ( Attend a business seminar to check

it out)

Set appointment with the

person who invited you

and make a healthy

Set appointment with the

person who invited you

and make a healthy and make a healthy

decision for a healthy

body, TODAY!

and make a healthy

decision for a healthy

body, TODAY!