How we did... the soundtracks_PT class 6D3

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of How we did... the soundtracks_PT class 6D3

How we did the soundtracksPT team 3

SOUNDTRACKERSeTwinning project 2013-2014

PT + NO + LV

1. We watched the Latvian animations and chose one to work on.

2. We produced and recorded some sounds. We also used the sounds of our Sound Bank produced by the PT and the NO teams.

3. We mixed the sounds on Audacity and synchronized them with the animation.

4. We used the “Soundtrackers” intros made by our colleagues on and searched for the proper music for the credits on All for free!!!

5. We mixed all the elements (animation, soundtrack, intro, credits and credits' music) on Windows Movie Maker and uploaded the final movies into our Youtube account.

6. We made QR codes for our movies. You can watch them on your mobile phone.

PT class 6D | team 3