How to Write the Perfect Email

Post on 21-Jan-2018

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Transcript of How to Write the Perfect Email

How to write the perfect email to VIPs your boss and the whole company

If you have ever stared at the send button terrified to press it

Here are nine simple steps to help smarten up those do or die emails

1. Write the email freestyle: get all your thoughts down first

Don’t add the email addresses yet; you don’t want to send your ramblings by accident

2. Cut (out) the superfluous: obliterate your word count

People have busy lives, get to the poinr; go over every sentence and every word… if it is not essential scrap it

3. Organise the detail: group items that are related

Ask yourself, could this information be presented as a list or a table? Then present it as a list or a table

4. Check your tone: lighten up on the management speak

Research shows that people like to hear from friendly humans

5. Ask for what you want: clearly state your desired outcome

‘Please review and sign off the strategy document by the 21st’

6. Provide all they need: include everything that is referenced

If you mention a previous email or a document, send it

7. Don’t forget the subject line: summarise the purpose of the email

The subject line could be something like: strategy document sign off

Other useful prefixes: For your information, URGENT and No reply needed

8. Check spelling and grammar: send a clean and correct message

You don’t need your boss wondering if you are as sloppy preparing the end of year accounts

9. Send a test email: check that everything works

Test until you can press the send button without fear

How to write the perfect email to VIPs; now get to it ladies

Pauline van Goethem is a communication specialist helping organisations to turn information into easy to consume professional content – contact