How to whiten teeth

Post on 23-Jul-2016

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Learn how to whiten teeth fast, naturally at home and be your own dentist. Baking soda, coconut oil whitening and many more safe homemade solutions

Transcript of How to whiten teeth


How to whiten teeth or Tooth bleaching were a very common topics

that gone viral with the beginning of 2000s. Whiter teeth were like

money: we don’t have them always, but we are all dreaming about.

Normally, if you do not whiten your teeth, they will turn yellow over

time. Some lucky people are born with a sparkling smile, while others

(like me) would love to have a little help. Whether you need a natural

& moderated teeth whitening or a more intense one, here are 5

effective ways to whiten your teeth:


Personaly i like doing things on my own at home because I can do it

whenever I want with a minimal cost. How to Whiten teeth yourself at

home, that's what I've always wondered. There are several ways to do

this, but I'll tell you first about natural foods. Several ingredients you

find in your home such as strawberries, apples, lemon juice and apple

cider vinegar can help whiten teeth.

Malic acid found in strawberries and apples can help whiten teeth. You

can simply pass these fruits on your teeth time to time to have a

brighter smile! Regarding lemon juice, it has lightening properties in

cosmetics (hair, stains, teeth, etc.). It can be mixed with baking soda

and rub on the teeth with a toothbrush occasionally.

Note: All ingredients listed above are acids therefore they can present

a risk. I would not recommend using them every day on your teeth

because enamel could be damaged. These are simple natural

solutions, with limited results ... but it's worth a try!


If you already know a little bit about whitening teeth at home you

probably asked yourself how to do it with baking soda. These are a very

popular allies that have proven their effectiveness against yellow

teeth. As found in pharmacies or grocery at lower cost, it is an

interesting option for those who wonder how to whiten teeth at home.

Hydrogen peroxide in low percentage may be used in several ways. We

can often use it in homemade recipes combined with various

ingredients. As it kills the bacteria that cause bad breath and yellowing,

that way you’ll have a good mouth hygiene and your teeth will be

whiter. However (there's always a but), this product can also be

harmful if improperly handled at home. The peroxide can burn the

gums, especially if you use a high percentage. It can also make the

teeth and gums more sensitive in some people. The long-term

consequences are low (this is what dentists use to whiten after all), but

instantly it makes teeth more porous. So avoid drinking coffee, and tea

in the hours following your treatment. If you do not feel comfortable

using hydrogen peroxide on your own or afraid of damaging your

teeth, visit your dentist and let him do the work for you, it's safer.

Baking soda acts more on the tooth surface so it is advisable if you

want to remove stains caused by coffee, tea, wine, tobacco, etc. It

polishes the tooth rather than whitening its center. It can be abrasive

to the teeth, but be aware that when it is mixed with water it becomes

alkaline (non-acid). You can put some on your toothbrush

over toothpaste and brush your teeth with 1-3 times a week.

Personally, making it three days in a row I was impressed enough with

the results.

Simple home recipes for teeth whitening:

If the foods appointed above did not worked for you, I propose a

simple homemade recipe that can answer your famous question more


1 - Mix some of hydrogen peroxide and some of sodium bicarbonate

together until you get a paste.

2- Apply with your fingers on your teeth and carefully avoid your gums.

The peroxide should not come in contact with your gums because it

could burn. If that ever happens, use vitamin E on the burned area

(small white blisters).

3- Wait 2-5 minutes. You can keep your mouth open to avoid removing

the dough or just protect your teeth with a mouthpiece. Avoid

swallowing the mixture. Rinse and thoroughly clean your teeth


To do 1-2 times a week, then once a month once the desired results

appears. As the tooth becomes more porous when you do this

treatment, avoid drinking or eating staining foods to not harm the



The first method I used in my life to finally get rid of the question how

to whiten teeth was that of whitening gels. The one I have used for

several years is the whitening gel Plus White.

This gel was a great discovery for me, because for 8$ I got the

“antidote” for my how to teeth whiten fast question. Plus White is a

product that I still use from time to time, especially when I have a

special event coming up. Since my first purchase, I can’t find the

whitening tube sold alone. Now he is sold in a kit with a mouthwash

that should be used before flushing. I don’t know if they changed the

formula, but I think I had better results before this new concept.

However, this still works well and for your information, the hydrogen

peroxide is the third ingredient, as for Crest Whitestrips.

How to use

This gel should be used every day for two weeks to one month to have

a good whitening effect. If you purchase the kit, you need to rinse your

mouth with the provided product. Then apply the gel to the teeth with

your fingers and allow it to act for 5 to 15 minutes. To protect the

product during the treatment, I use a mouthpiece that has been

molded into the shape of my teeth. Thus, the product remains in place

where it should be. Then I rinse and I remove residue with my


I buy my gel Plus White from pharmacies (Jean-Coutu and others) and

my mouthpiece (plastic protector that athletes put in their mouth) at

Canadian Tire in the Sports section. You can find more information

about Plus White in their website:


This is another effective way on how to whiten your teeth. When

talking about whitening strips, I'm sure the only product that comes to

mind is: Whitestrips by Crest. To be honest, I never tested these tapes

... The reason? The price! You will find a Whitestrips box between 40

to and 60$ in pharmacies or online. Personally I find it a bit expensive

for a treatment at home. Some kinds of Whitestrips give results that

last up to 12 months, but others only 3 months. However, I have heard

hundreds of good comments on these teeth whitening strips and I

would be willing to try them one day. I also heard several people said

it had burned their gums, but mine does not tend to be sensitive. And

you, did you tested them?

Personally, I found my happiness in another brand: Rembrandt. It is

not very well known here because it is hard to find in pharmacies. I

jumped with joy when I found Stain Dissolving Strips whitening strips

at Target during my most recent trip to Plattsburgh in the US. Expect

the best ... they were only $ 20 regular price. I bought 2 boxes based

on good reviews I had read on the internet. Fortunately, these bands

are exactly what I hope to find, I like them a lot and I highly recommend

it. If you do not find them in stores, you can buy them on

My girlfriend asked me one day the same question as yours, how to

whiten teeth fast? So I decided that we should try them both and after

just three days, we already see a difference. After one week we can

see clearly the difference, but you must do it at least two weeks to

ensure the best results. My girlfriend had the teeth more yellow than

me when we start, so the before-after difference was clearly

visible. I'm not a fan of the strips taste (apparently mint), but for a

shock treatment in 15 minutes, I will not protest!

How to use :

These 56 bands must be used 2 times a day, on the top and bottom

teeth. You must use the entire box (2 weeks) for maximum whitening.

On clean teeth, apply the strip in the indicated direction (or it will not

fit), and begin with the lower teeth. I love pressing the bands gently

against my teeth to be sure I cover them entirely. Then, simply fold the

excess behind your teeth and leave it for 5-15 minutes. The product

begins to foam quickly so better have a quiet 15 minutes without

speaking. Once the entire band dissolved, rinse your mouth well as it

should and remove any residue with your toothbrush or a tissue.


If you still unsure and want a more intense and more sustainable teeth

whitening, only one solution comes to mind: teeth whitening at a

dentist. He will answer all your questions and make a custom

whitening for your needs and your teeth. This process typically

performed in clinics uses 36% of peroxide. The high percentage

ensures good results while being safe as it is carried out by a


The clinic whitening is an investment: you will spend 350 to 800$ for

such treatment. One thing is certain is that you will not be

disappointed with the results! The treatment may be performed on

seat (in clinic) or at home. The dentist will then take your dental

impressions and a mold and the whitening gel will be given for you to

achieve the treatment yourself at home plus a “how to get white teeth

guide”. In addition to the peroxide, know that some clinics also offer

laser whitening. In short, for such treatment in the clinic, your teeth

will remain white 6 months to 2 years approximately.

Summary :

This infographic summarizes all the points discussed in this article.

Note: This how to whiten teeth article took me a considerable amount

of time to write it this way, so if you found it useful please share it and

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For more information about teeth whitening and oral hygiene please

visit the website: