How to watch tv shows on alluc’s new site

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Transcript of How to watch tv shows on alluc’s new site

Video Search Engine Site

This is an instructions on how to browse and watch

television series and shows on the new Alluc site.

First, go to this site

Then input your the TV show/s you want to watch in the box.

Once you put your show/s in the box

you click the “Streams” button.

It will direct you to another page showing all the videos related to the word/s you input in the previous page.

You can also use the sort, filter and found in button for more easy browsing

and searching.

Once selected or chosen your videos to watch and by

clicking it, it will direct you to another page giving links to the video/s and descriptions

of the show.

If your not contented on the video you choose you can

always use the “Similar Links” below the


Click the link and it will direct you to another page to where you will or can

watch the video you choose.

Enjoy your TV shows on the new Alluc site and you can also browse for more

TV series with their hundreds of hosted


Thank you for watching my presentation on how to browse and

watch TV shows on the new Alluc site.