How to Use PR to Build Your Business | Jennefer Witter, The Boreland Group

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Tune in | Jennefer Witter is the communications chair for the Women in Security Group of ASIS International, the preeminent organization for security professionals. She is an active member of 85 Broads, a global networking group for professional women, and served as the chair of the organization’s Washington, DC Chapter. Jennefer also served on the board of directors for the African American Real Estate Professionals of DC. Jennefer never took a business class and never had a desire to be an entrepreneur. Her entrepreneurial journey began in 2003 when she founded The Boreland Group. What she learned was that she has a natural ability for business, which was greatly honed in her former position as a vice president at Ketchum, a global public relations firm where she launched the Corporate Technology division. It generated one million dollars of revenue in its first year.

Transcript of How to Use PR to Build Your Business | Jennefer Witter, The Boreland Group

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10 PR Insights To Build Your


This presentation consists of highlights from the interview with Moe Abdou,

founder & host of 33voices®.

Jennefer Witter is the communications chair for the Women in Security Group of ASIS International, the preeminent organization for security professionals. She is an active member of 85 Broads, a global networking group for professional women, and served as the chair of the organization’s

Washington, DC Chapter. Jennefer also served on the board of directors for the African American Real Estate Professionals of DC. Jennefer never took a business class and never had a desire to

be an entrepreneur. Her entrepreneurial journey began in 2003 when she founded The Boreland Group. What she learned was that she has a natural ability for business, which was greatly honed in

her former position as a vice president at Ketchum, a global public relations firm where she launched the Corporate Technology division. It generated one million dollars of revenue in its first year.

Jennefer Witter@JenneferTBG

CEO of The Boreland Group

Good PR elevates the visibility of your image. Great PR does that while positively impacting your bottom line.

Insight #1

Insight #2

Think not of what media can do for you; instead think of how your work can

make their job easier.

Insight #3

Capture the attention of a journalist by sharing trends or a contrarian point of

view, but never sway from their beat.

Insight #4

Saying something positive about yourself isn’t PR; building credibility through trusted third

party resources is what earns you recognition.

Insight #5

Never approach a media interview underprepared; approach it with:

Insight #5

Never approach a media interview underprepared; approach it with:

One specific topic

Insight #5

Never approach a media interview underprepared; approach it with:

3 to 4 key points to support that topic

Insight #5

Never approach a media interview underprepared; approach it with:

Be brief, succinct and relevant

Insight #6

Pitching a reporter?

Use the words ‘story pitch’ in the subject line

Insight #6

Pitching a reporter?

Limit your pitch to 4 or 5 sentences

Insight #6

Pitching a reporter?

Always honor a reporter’s beat

Insight #7

When your voice on social media is in alignment with your real life persona,

meaningful dialogues will emerge.

Insight #9

Opt not to use big words when small ones will do - for without understanding,

nothing you say matters.

Insight #10

As your prepare your message, remember Dr. Seuss’ wise advice:

“Why fit in when you were born to stand out?”

If you were to be known for just one thing, what would it be?

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