How to use linkedin to get a great job: Tutorial i

Post on 05-Feb-2015

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"How to use Linkedin to get a great job" is a series of 4 tutorials aimed at helping (graduating) students to use Linekdin to find and obtain a great job.

Transcript of How to use linkedin to get a great job: Tutorial i


How To Use Linkedin

To Get A Great Job: For students: Tutorial I

Produced: Ann-Marie Childs

Social Media Director, Active Space Australia

Contact me:


In these tutorials you will find out

how to use groups to optimise

your LI profile so recruiters will find you AND like what they find!

1. How to Find Groups to Join

2. How to Join Groups

3. How to Participate in Groups

4. How to Help Recruiters Find You



1. Professional social media network2. Sourcing tool for recruiters3. Facilitator of professional dialogue4. Job board for middle to senior managers

1. LinkedIn is the largest professional social media network in the world.

a) It is growing at the rate of 2 new members every second (or 7000 new members an hour!!!)

b) It is used by professional who typically populate their profiles with resume-like details such as: their career history to date; their educational history; awards; and recommendations from others.

c) Members share their details according to their own preferences and can determine how public their profile is eg who views their profile, whether Google can display it in search results and how much of their profile can be seen.

But First lets look at why you need to get a profile on Linkedin!


• 1. Professional social media network

• 2. Sourcing tool for recruiters

• 3. Facilitator of professional dialogue

• 4. Job board for middle to senior managers

a) In fact, LinkedIn has developed products that it sells to corporate recruiters to help them find talent on LinkedIn.


2. Recruiters are big users of LinkedIn

a) Many professional recruiting agents also are enthusiastic LinkedIn users. Recruiters face fierce competition to be the first to place talent into advertised roles and LinkedIn can provide an immediate list of worthy talent for the recruiter who knows how to use it.


3. LinkedIn has developed two highly successful ways to facilitate interaction between professional members:

a) It provides a way for members to connect This means that when a LinkedIn member finds someone they would like to engage with, they can request a connection. If accepted, they can then communicate through email.

b) It allows members to set up professional groups so that members with like interests can come together to share and discuss issues mutual interest.




• 1. Professional social media network

• 2. Sourcing tool for recruiters

• 3. Facilitator of professional dialogue

• 4. Job board for middle to senior managers

4. LinkedIn also has a job board.

This means that jobs can be advertised by Companies on LinkedIn much the way they are on Seek.

However, most of the jobs advertised on LinkedIn at present are for middle to senior level management.




• 1. Professional social media network

• 2. Sourcing tool for recruiters

• 3. Facilitator of professional dialogue

• 4. Job board for middle to senior managers

Tutorial 1: How to Find LinkedIn Groups to Join (Principles)

In this tutorial you will learn how to find job-promoting groups on LinkedIn

But first you need to understand 3 Important facts about LinkedIn Groups:

1. LinkedIn allows people to set up groups so that professionals in the same industry/ company/ professional association or with similar interests can:

2. There are thousands of Groups on LinkedIn that have members ranging from as few as 1 to more than 50,000

3. LinkedIn groups can limit membership (by country, company or association for example) or be open to all comers.

This means that membership of a group offers LinkedIn users an opportunity to be at the forefront of change and the first to be aware of evolving opportunities in their field, as well as geting fast answers to job-related problems! 7

Tutorial 1: How to Find LinkedIn Groups to Join (Principles)

There are three criteria for joining a group:

1) Does the group looks like it will deliver professional / industry-relevant information that will help you to keep up with a) new technology, b) changing legislation and c) industry and career-related opportunities? A group needs to have >200 members to be useful in this way.

NB: Australian-based groups would be most useful for b) and c). Note that local groups are generally much smaller than international or US based groups.


Tutorial 1: How to Find LinkedIn Groups to Join (Principles)

2) Will the group help you to find out what a viable career path in your field looks like– ie how other people like you have built their careers? (typically will need to be an Australian based group)

3) Will the group help you to get informed about new job opportunities (typically will need to be an Australian based group)


Tutorial 1: How to Find LinkedIn Groups to Join (Walk Through)

You will need the following materials:

a) Completed LinkedIn account including a photo, education summary and some work experience if you have any. You should also outline your areas of professional interests.

b) A computer

c) “Notepad” to write or copy- and-paste names and links for groups you have short-listed for joining.


Tutorial 1: How to Find LinkedIn Groups to Join (Walk Through)

1. Login to your LinkedIn profile – you will land on your LinkedIn account page, which looks like:

2. Click on the “search” drop down box

3. Select “Groups”

4. Type in the keywords phrase “multi media” (with quotes). We begin with this keyword as it is a good general keyword phrase that will generate a list of groups potentially relevant for any student taking the interactive digital media diploma. NB: We will use two keyword phrases for this tutorial: “multi media” and “gaming” and also look at how to set up a job-relevant keyword list at the end of the lesson.

5. Hit enter!11

Tutorial 1: How to Find LinkedIn Groups to Join (Walk Through)

LinkedIn delivers over 160 results for this keyword phrase, showing 10 on the first page

6. Now refine the search results by adjusting details of the “search group” on the left of the results:

(1) “all categories” has a drop-down list of group types – select “professional groups”

(2) “Choose” provides a drop-down list of language options – choose “English” (You will end up with 59 results) 12

Tutorial 1: How to Find LinkedIn Groups to Join (Walk Through)

7. Click on the 1st group (Animation and Film Jobs) for more details. (Looking down the first ten results, you will see that the first group is the only one potentially relevant to our search for groups that will help us get a job.)

8. Make an assessment about whether this group satisfies any of the selection criteria. As this group seems to be for a wide variety of professionals that work in the digital media sector, it is probably worth joining


Tutorial 1: How to Find LinkedIn Groups to Join (Walk Through)

9. Copy the name and link and paste to “notepad” This will be the first group on your list of possible groups to join.



Using the search term “multimedia” also generates a great list of potentially valuable groups, including: 3D Modelers and Designers; Instructional Design Professional Group; 3D Animation, VFX, Graphics & 3D Game Art.

Repeat the above 9 steps using the keywords - “gaming” and “gaming Australia”.

TIP: Using Google “advance” can get better results. For example, type‘"games"’ in the Google search bar,

Select 3 groups to add to your list (not necessarily those shown in the images).

Tutorial 1: How to Find LinkedIn Groups to Join (Walk Through)

• Finding the best groups to join initially will depend on the relevance of the keywords used to search for groups.

• Although broad keywords like “multi media” can help you to find useful groups, you need to consider what industry you are hoping to be employed in for more targeted group results. (Find out more about “relevant keywords” on slide 30)

• The Google keyword tool can help you find popular keywords.

11. Keep adding to your list of potential groups to join till you have worked through your list of keywords (aim for around

10 as that is the maximum number of outstanding requests to join groups, that LinkedIn will allow).

Final TIP: Use relevant Keywords to search for groups



Call to Action

If you: Are not confident you can set up your profile so that it

looks professional and will get noticed by and impress recruiters, OR.

You don’t have the time to set up, let alone optimise your profile, then:

GET a professional to do it for you:

contact me at: for details. (then all you will have to do is send your resume!)

NB: TUTORIAL 2 is on the next video.