How to synchronize your sales & marketing

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Gary White's presentation for the April 2010 BACN meeting about making sure your sales and marketing efforts are on the same page.

Transcript of How to synchronize your sales & marketing

How To Synchronize Your Sales & Marketing

A Workshop with Gary White of Pacific Crest Marketing

Tips & Techniques for Companies Large & Small

Not Synchronized

  Time and again we hear unfortunate stories of sales and marketing activities that do not support one another and actually work at cross purposes.

  One hand does not know, or care, what the other hand is doing. They are out of synch.

Defining Moments

syn-chro-nize v. (si ng krəˌnīz)

[ trans. ] cause to occur or operate at the same time

[ intrans. ] combine; agree; coordinate

Combine, Agree, Coordinate

  Being in synch starts from within. Whether you are a one man band, or a one woman brand, or a large company or a small business owner, everything you think, write, say and do needs to work together.   Traditional marketing materials   Social media   Referrals and lead generation   Sales calls

  Tip: You need to have a written value proposition that describes who you work with, what they need and why they work with you…and then some.

Combine, Agree, Coordinate

  If there are two people or two thousand people in your company, everybody needs to be on the same page. Literally and figuratively.

  Tip: Have key people throughout your organization fill out a value proposition template. One for each person. No collaboration. Not yet.

Combine, Agree, Coordinate

  Tip: Don’t worry about the words you use for this exercise. Just fill in the blanks. At this point they are for “internal purposes only”.

  Tip: Describing concepts is different than writing copy. Think about “inside words” (private) vs. “outside words” (public).

  Tip: Work on the copy and talking points later. Think about hiring a professional copywriter to do the job. They would also bring perspective and objectivity to the task at hand.

Combine, Agree, Coordinate

  Review all of the completed worksheets for agreement, disconnects and contradictions.

  Create one master document through trial and tribulation. Everyone has to own it.

  Tip: Use your best resources.

  Play the same song at the same time in the same key. Harmonize.

  Tip: Make a commitment to use a written value proposition as “the conductor” for all of your sales and marketing efforts.

Technique: Value Proposition Generator

Technique: Strategy Compass

1. Determine Challenges, Problems, & Internal Alignments

  S.W.O.T. analysis will identify your Bridges & Barriers.   Strengths/Weaknesses/Opportunity/Threats

  Tip: Your strengths and opportunities are your bridges to your clients and prospects.

  Tip: Your weaknesses and threats are your barriers.

2. Define, Segment & Size Target Audience

  Are you saying the right things to the The Right People (Targeting) at the right time?   Job titles   Company size   Company type (industry vertical segments)

  Tip: Be very specific. Clarity here is a key piece in reaching the right people, getting quality referrals and prioritizing your use of traditional and new media.

3. Analyze Competitive Set, Differentiation & Positioning

  Know both the real and perceived competition.

  Know thyself and how you are different from all the rest.

  Know how you want to be known.

  Tip: Monitor the language people use when they describe what it is that you do and the value you bring to the table.

  Tip: Be brave enough to go narrow.

Stand out,

don’t fit in!

4. Probe the Voice of the Customer and the Prospect

  Do some kind of marketing research. Formal or informal.

  Use social media and data mining to listen to the conversation, to interact with your audience and to improve the customer experience.

  Tip: Interview your clients or have someone interview them for you.   Ask your clients why they work with

you and even why they don’t.

  Ask them what they need that they are not getting from anyone.

  Ask them to tell you three things they lose sleep over regarding work.

5. Diagnose Key Rational and Emotional Drivers

  Are you saying the right things to the right people at The Right Time?   What is their business challenge?

  What is their emotional need state?

  Tip: Here are some examples of words to use in your value proposition:

Rational:   Time to market   New product development   Supply chain   Customer acquisition   Employee retention   Operations efficiency   Productivity   Cost control   System integration   Risk management

Emotional:   Fear   Anger   Frustration   Resignation   Pressure   Hope   Satisfaction   Fulfillment

5. Diagnose Key Rational and Emotional Drivers

  Are you saying the right things to the right people at The Right Time?

  Technique: Use this grid and these examples to define what triggers and drives your clients and prospects. Add them to your value proposition.


  Economic downturn

  Political issues

  Community involvement




  Career goals

  Board pressure

  Internal politics


  Succession strategy

External Triggers External Drivers

Internal Triggers Internal Drivers

6. Establish Value Proposition, Benefits & Viability

  Do not write much about how you do what you do and nothing about how much you receive in compensation.

  Tip: How and how much are often traps or pitfalls later in the process: when marketing ends and selling starts.

  Think problem/solution.

  Think about making a contribution.

  Think about positive outcomes.

  Tip: Use action words like increase, improve, accelerate, enhance, maximize, minimize, save, cut, reduce, eliminate, motivate, revitalize.

6. Establish Value Proposition, Benefits & Viability

  Use $’s, %’s, #’s, or time frame when describing a positive outcome.

  Tips: Use your client success stories to uncover your true business value. Your good clients will help you. If you are already in the habit of asking your clients why they work with you, this step will be easier.

  Tips: Use the Internet to find long lost facts and figures to re-construct success stories from the past.

7. Create Reasons to Believe & Messaging

  Your value proposition is the skeletal structure to support all of your synchronized communication.

  Your client success stories puts skin on your bones, engages your audience and provides clients and prospects with reasons to believe.

  Tip: Memorize at least three client success stories with proof points: tell facts, talk figures, be foolproof on problem/solution.

7. Create Reasons to Believe & Messaging

  Are you saying The Right Things (Messaging) to the right people at the right time?

  Create three bullet points that clearly communicate the value you deliver.

  Tip: Your elevator pitch or Verbal BillboardTM is merely a very short version of your written value proposition.

  Tip: Only when other people can repeat your pitch will you get high quality referrals.

8. Revisit Target Audience, Sales Process & Marketing Plans

  Stay In Synch!

  Tip: Revisit your value proposition and its component parts on a regular basis. Rewrite it if and when your products and services change or when market forces dictate.

  Tip: Your clients and prospects are a moving target.

HoYour Sales & Marketing


A.  Pacific Crest Marketing Value Proposition

B. Client Success Stories: Value Received

C. Client Success Story: Contribution Made

D. Technique: Success Stories Template

E. Success Stories Template: Completed

Pacific Crest Marketing Value Proposition

Our clients are CEO’s, presidents, senior sales and marketing executives and business owners who are under constant pressure to make sales goals and to maximize marketing budgets.

These team leaders, in companies of all sizes, have a lot in common. They want and need to…

…determine if sales and marketing are in sync.

…ensure both are saying the right things to the right people at the right time.

…get everyone to identify bridges and barriers between their company and the target audience.

For more than 23 years, Pacific Crest Marketing has been helping clients to build their brands, position their products and to increase demand.

While most of our work has been in banking, shipping and wine & spirits, all of our clients have profited from the use of our proprietary tools, techniques and specialized skills.

Here are a few client success stories about the contribution we made and the value our clients received.

Client Success Stories: Value Received

Client Success Story: Contribution Made

  Pacific Crest was an integral part of the innovative management team that maximized the competitive advantage of a Sonoma County wine.

  Differentiated the brand by creating an engaging and one of a kind story built around the rich architectural history of Healdsburg, California.

  Re-positioned brand of wine was able to command a 100% increase in the original price point. Case sales grow by 41% in one year!

Technique: Success Stories Template

Success Stories Template: Completed   Category: Wine & Spirits

  Client: Managing Director, Nordic Beverage

  Situation/Assessment: The company was floundering with key branding, marketing, and product line decisions, and needed savvy stateside marketing expertise to help them launch and penetrate the U.S. market with their products. This same expertise would also be leveraged to help them raise Norwegian investment capital. Our early assessment was that they needed a new brand name and positioning for their vodka line (it carried the brand name ‘50 Below’, positioned as a premium vodka), new packaging, taste tests, evaluation of their Nordic pedigree, a breakthrough print campaign, plus strong bartender involvement.

  Action Plan/Process: The first step we took with Nordic Beverage was to recommend and help them select a new advertising agency in the U.S., as well as set the stage for the needed market research. With the new agency in place (Clear Ink), we planned and implemented focus groups with consumers (vodka drinkers) and potential brand ambassadors (bartenders). Subsequently, we helped them demonstrate the viability of their product to existing and key potential investors through a series of presentations in Oslo.

  Results/Upshot: A superior brand name was created: Christiania. (This was the name of the Norwegian capital city prior to Oslo.) This supported a key point of differentiation: Christiania is the only vodka from Norway distributed in the States. This was deemed to be important, as Norway’s image as clean and icy cold proved to be perfect for vodka. The packaging built on these positive associations with a frosted glacial blue-green bottle which also set it apart from Grey Goose, Belvedere, Chopin and a long list of wannabes. And so, the product was re-positioned as “The World’s Smoothest Vodka”: an ultra premium vodka from Norway with a commanding price point and a beautiful, up-scale bottle. What’s more, the infinitely smoother formulation of the vodka itself garnered accolades from the discerning trade.

  They got their funding! Christiania, the first and only brand of ultra-premium vodka from Norway, launched in over 12 states. According to the General Manager, PCM “was an indispensable player in our new product development.” Sales exceeded 50,000 cases in the first year rolling out to trend setting markets: San Francisco, Miami, Los Angeles, New York City and Las Vegas.

Pacific Crest Marketing Est. 1986


Contact Gary White 415-902-5929

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