HOW TO SUCCESSFULLY “SPIKE YOUR CAREER · 4 Part Career Development Model 1. Discover – your...

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Transcript of HOW TO SUCCESSFULLY “SPIKE YOUR CAREER · 4 Part Career Development Model 1. Discover – your...

John Quinn

Career Management Services

11330 Q Street, Suite 230 Omaha, Nebraska 68137

(402) 953-6078



4 Part Career Development Model

1. Discover – your passion, strengths, and job opportunities.

2. Prepare – your résumé, cover letter, and social media profile.

3. Execute – job search strategies, interview techniques, and salary negotiations.

4. Plan – SMART goals, getting ahead, and career development.

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1. Discover

• Deloitte Shift Index Survey, Duke University Fuqua School of Business, Kelly Global Workforce Index, SHRM People InSight Survey, and Gallup’s State of the American Workforce study: – 80% hate job. – 80% choose on interests and close relationships.

• Assessments: – Personality test. – Interests inventory. – Skills profiler. – Values assessment.

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What’s Important and Why

• Assessments Help Us: – Determine areas of success.

– Focus on the long-term.

• Research Helps Us: – Understand the job.

– Assess the work environment.

– Evaluate salary and demand.

– Consider location.

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Where’s the Data?

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2. Prepare

• Understanding key parts of a professional résumé.

• Why a cover letter?

• Difference between a résumé

and a LinkedIn profile.

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First Things First

• It’s easier to get a job when you have a job!

• Job changer’s 6/9/12 month approach.

• $10,000 per month!

• Create and stick to a budget.

• Buyer’s market.

• 100:10:1

• Get real!

• Network and apply often. Slide 7 of 58 © Résumé Advisers, LLC 2015

Why do I Need a Résumé?

Because it’s a number’s game! A résumé: • Is a marketing piece and you are the product. • Showcases your competitive edge. • Demonstrates how your qualifications are a

perfect fit for the type of position, industry, or level.

• Solicits an interview.

RÉSUMÉS DON’T GET JOBS – YOU DO! Slide 8 of 58 © Résumé Advisers, LLC 2015

Child’s Play – Right?

• Anyone can write a résumé.

• It’s all about value.

• Take your time!

• 6 to 30 seconds.

• It’s all in how you count.

• Don’t make them guess.

• So many formats.

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About Formats

• Reverse Chronological

• Functional

• Curriculum Vitae (CV)

• Hybrid

• Visual

• Infographic

• Video

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About Formats

Reverse Chronological


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About Formats


Curriculum Vitae Slide 12 of 58 © Résumé Advisers, LLC 2015

About Formats

Visual Résumés

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About Formats

Video Résumés

Video Résumé Production

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Pros and Cons

• Reverse Chronological – Pros: (employer’s preference) – Cons: (highlights deficits if not prepared correctly)

• Functional – Pros: (camouflage) – Cons: (negative perception)

• CV (curriculum Vitae) – Pros: (SAM - thorough) – Cons: (long)

• Combination or Hybrid – Pros: (best of both worlds) – Cons: ??

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Key Résumé Components

• Summary.

• Keywords.

• Professional Experience.

• Education and Training.

• Technical Skills / Awards.

• Special Interests / Leadership / Professional Affiliations.

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• What are keywords? (job specific)

• How important are keywords?

• Applicant tracking systems.


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Professional Experience

• Reverse Chronological – start with most current.

• Incorporate Keywords – applicable to position.

• Highlight Achievements – CAR (Challenge-Action-Result) statements.

• Use Proper Grammar – punctuation, spelling, and editing.

• Include Relevant Experience – paid and volunteer.

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• All computer, software, and hardware.

• Any language fluency.

• Training programs.

• Certifications.

• Verifiable!

Technical Skills

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Cover Letters

• Uses same design as résumé.

• Importance of a cover letter.

• Tells why you are perfect for the job.

• Uses terminology from job


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Cover Letter Design

• Situation dependent.

• Different information for

different levels.

• Be creative.

• Must be meaningful for

the situation.

• Employer may require specific information.

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Cover Letter Formats

• Paragraph format: – Story context: who you are and the value you bring to

the table.

• Comparison-list format: – T-style: compares requirements

to qualifications.

• Bullet-list format: – Story + achievements: same

as paragraph approach complemented by achievements.

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Six Steps for Cover Letters

1. Identify your key selling points:

– Qualifications, skills, experience, accomplishments.

2. Pre-plan:

– Choose type, research company, get contact name.

3. Write an opening paragraph:

– Hook or sales pitch.

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Six Steps for Cover Letters

4. Write the body: (benefits)

– Substance, key qualifications, accomplishments.

5. Write the closing: (ask for the interview)

– Style: passive or assertive, anything specific to job.

6. Finalize: (proofread, proofread, proofread)

– Spelling, grammar, punctuation, clichés, slang, and jargon.

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Social Media Profile

• LinkedIn – largest professional social media site.

• Facebook – largest social media site.

• Use résumé as content for profile.

• Long = skip me.

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LinkedIn Sections

• Picture • Headline • Vanity URL • Background

– Summary – Headings – Attach Résumé – Experience – Honors & Awards – Organizations – Courses – Volunteer Experience – Projects

– Skills – Endorsements – Publications – Languages – Test Scores – Patents – Education – Certifications/Credentials – Additional Information

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More LinkedIn Sections

• Recommendations – Given

• Connections • Groups • Following

– Influencers – News – Companies

• Posting • Blogging

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Using the Web

• Social Networking:

– Over 3 billion users worldwide posting

on over 210 social networking websites.

– LinkedIn, Facebook, twitter, Pinterest

Google+, Sina Weibo, and Qzone represent

88%; approximately 2.8 billion users.

– 5.8 billion mobile devices globally.

– 41% to 64% of users – mobile access.

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LinkedIn Statistics

• 259 million users.

• 2.1 million groups.

• 184 million unique visitor/month.

• 172,000 new sign-ups/day (over 2/second).

• 7,610 searches/minute.

• 200 conversations/minute.

• 94% of recruiters use LinkedIn to examine potential candidates.

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Things to Think About

1. Only apply if you are qualified. 2. Express your value to their company. 3. Connect past experience. 4. Always include a cover letter. 5. Customize your cover letter. 6. Employers do background checks, drug screening, and skills testing. 7. The I - Me game. 8. 75% of employers google candidates;

62% rescind offers. 9. Pay attention to details.

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3. Execute

• How to get started.

• Networking.

• Recruiters.

• Interviewing tips.

• Career planning – SMART goals.

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Getting Started

• Convert résumé and cover letter to text format.

• Prepare job history including: – Start and end dates (month/day/year).

– Company name, address, phone number.

– Actual job title.

– Supervisor info: name, title, phone.

– Roles and responsibilities – from résumé.

– Achievements – from résumé.

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Job Search Strategies

• Numbers game:

– 100:10:1

• Apply appropriately:

– Need at least 3 of top 5 to 7 “required skills”.

– Cover letter.

• Apply online/in person.

• Networking and recruiters.

• Career and job fairs.

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• Personal

– List of 100

• Professional

– List of 50

• See and be seen

– Events specific to industry

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Networking Events

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Networking, Job Fairs & Alumnae

• Job fairs

• Friends

• Friend’s parents

• Alumnae

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Networking, Job Fairs & Alumnae

• Job fairs

• Friends

• Friend’s parents

• Alumnae

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Job Boards

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• Contingency

• Retained

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The Interview

• Why do we interview?

• Your number one goal is …

• Establishes how well you fit – not what you know!

• Is a two-way street.

• What you wear matters.

• Avoiding common interviewing errors.

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Preparing for an Interview

• Before the Interview:

– Practice interviewing.

– Check them out!

– Take a drive.

– Review the job.

– Read news articles, blogs, commentaries, …

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Get the Right Look!

Does it really matter?

• Dress for success - dos and don’ts.

• Get there early (10 to 15 minutes).

• Firm handshake.

• Friendly, enthusiastic, and smile.

– Small talk is good!

• Volunteer a copy of your résumé.

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Dos and Don’ts

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Dos and Don’ts

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Dos and Don’ts

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• Only one first impression.

• Look and act professional!

• Do not accept a drink or other encumbrance.

• Know your résumé.

• Be cool, calm, and collected.

• Stay confident – you are there because you possess the qualifications they need.

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What Do You Know?

• Keep focused on the subject matter.

• Stay on topic – don’t stray.

• Answer questions succinctly.

• Be passionate and animated.

• Quantify your details.

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• Upright l-shaped body position.

• Maintain appropriate eye contact.

• Manage your movements and gestures.

• Mirror the interviews actions: – Leaning in to speak.

– Relaxing back to l-shape.

• If interview goes off track – bring it back.

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How do You Relate?

• Clarify skills and accomplishments.

• Quantify everything!

• Connect your skills to job requirements.

• Use teaming examples.

• Show leadership strengths.

• Turn negatives into positives.

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Answer Tough Questions

• Don’t shy away from hard questions.

• “I don’t know” is okay.

• Prepare in advance an answer for:

– How did you handle a difficult situation …

– What is your biggest weakness …

– What would you do if a co-worker is stealing or being dishonest …

• Body language and eye movement!

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What Your Eyes Say

Up and to the Left Indicates: Visually Constructed Images (Vc)

Up and to the Right Indicates: Visually Remembered Images (Vr)

Down and to the Left Indicates: Feeling / Kinesthetic (F)

Down and To the Right Indicates: Internal Dialog (Ai)

To the Left Indicates: Auditory Constructed (Ac)

To the Right Indicates: Auditory Remembered (Ar)

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The Close

You mean I'm not done yet? • Always ask one or two questions! • Questions show you are paying attention and are

interested in the position. • Never ask something you should already know! • Some good closing questions, include:

– What training is associated with this position? – When will you be making a decision? – Anything that is important to you that you cannot

otherwise discover.

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Post Interview

Immediately after the interview:

• Write down everything you remember.

• Make notes of items that the interviewer liked or called your attention to.

• Always send a thank you note.

– Include a reference to something that the interviewer noted or focused on.

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Things to be Aware Of

• Do not be overly friendly. • Do not talk too much or volunteer any information that

is not pertinent. • Do not lie or embellish the truth. • Let them make their own assumptions and draw their

own conclusions. • Do not discuss salary on the first interview. • Determine if this is a good fit for you, don’t just accept

that it is. • Leave your cell phone or smartphone in the car. • Do not disparage any former employers.

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Salary Negotiations

• Research.

• Local/National pay scale.

• Meet you halfway.

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4. Plan: What is a Career Plan?

• A concise, written document that contains clearly delineated steps you will take this year and in subsequent years to help you achieve your career goals.

• Make it SMART – Specific

– Measurable

– Attainable

– Realistic

– Time-bound

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• Goals (short and long term): – Position and place.

– Level, opportunity, and upward mobility.

– Money and benefits.

• Education (current and required).

• Skills (current and required).

• Interests and values.

• Actions to achieve goals.

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John Quinn

Career Management Services

11330 Q Street, Suite 230 Omaha, Nebraska 68137

(402) 953-6078