How to really read the bible

Post on 13-Aug-2015

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Transcript of How to really read the bible

How to really study the Bible

The 3 steps





• Have you heard of people who talk about how they have read the bible through? How much of that can they actually quote or remember? According to the spirit of prophecy it is not about reading the bible through, it is about reading a passage until it is completely understood. Comparing it with other texts in the bible until it gives meaning to your life. All this should be done prayerfully.


After reading your selection, do not just shut the book. Think about what you have read. How can you practically apply it to your life? what are some new truths you have learnt? I would suggest keeping a bible journal either digital or a real journal/diary. After putting down your thoughts you may also put down your prayer requests and put a bible promise beside the request. It also helps with memorizing verses.


Before you begin your study, begin with prayer and ask the guidance of the holy spirit. To lead you and guide you the read the things you need to read and to also give you wisdom to understand what you are reading

How Readest thou?It's one thing to read the Bible through;Another thing to read to learn and do.

Some read it as their duty once a week,But no instruction from the Bible seek.

Some read to bring themselves into reputeBy showing others how they can dispute.

While others read, because their neighbors doTo see how long 'twill take to read it through.Some read it for the wonders that are there;

How David killed a lion and a bear.While others read it with uncommon care,Hoping to find some contradiction there. But, read it prayerfully and you will see,

Although men contradict, God's words agree.For what the early Bible prophets wrote,

We find that Christ and His apostles quote.So trust no creed that trembles to recall

What has been penned by one and verified by all.