How to make_a_mayan_stela[1]

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Transcript of How to make_a_mayan_stela[1]

How to make a Mayan Stela

Meraleigh Randle


Stelas were not only found in Central America in civilizations like the Maya but also all around the world. While some used them for grave markers, to remember history or to honor a king… The Maya used Stelas for all that and more. To make your own Mayan Stela read through this easy how to guide.

Step 1First you need to go to a

quarry and find a slab of limestone big enough for what you are using it for.To honor a god, warrior,

king or the deadTo record history To provide art for noblesTo commemorate a

major happening and/or event

Step 2Transport the limestone

slab to the required and/or desired area. Ropes are used by tying

them to the stone The stones were then

dragged by man power No evidence of any animal

or wheeled vehicles transporting the stone slab but this method may be used if you desire to.

Step 3

Now the stone tools are needed.No metal tools were

developed by the Maya so stone tools were used. The stone tools were shaped in

many different ways ranging in thickness and length depending on what they would be used for.

Step 4

Before carving into the Stela, you need to create a rough draft of what will go onto the Stela.Decide what images will be

used if any and figure out what the outline is of what the stela is going to say.

Step 5 After you have all of your tools and the stone slab is in place the carving of designs and/or hieroglyphics begins.Depending on what the

purpose is the hieroglyphics and designs will differ. Hieroglyphics describing

everything that happened or is happening will be needed and designs like pictures or images will be needed to help people understand and visualize everything that took place later on.

Step 6If the stela is to be used to

document a major event this is what will need to be on the Stela.Hieroglyphics describing

everything that happened or is happening will be needed and designs like pictures and/or images will be needed to help people understand and visualize everything that took place later on.

Step 7After all of the carving is

done it is your choice to polish the stone or not. If you are planning on painting sections or the entire thing the stone will need to be polished in those areas.Get a rough piece of

harder stone and rub against the areas you want polished and/or painted.

Step 8If you polished the Stela

you can now paint it or leave it. If you want to paint the Stela here is what needs to be done.Prepare the paint and

then paint all of the desired areas.

Step 9Once the carving is

finished the completed Stela needs to be put in a vertical position.Ropes once again need to

be used. Tie the ropes around the

Stela Pull the ropes until the

Stela is in a standing position.

Make sure the Stela is not going to fall and is in perfect position.

