How To Make With Binary Options -...

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Transcript of How To Make With Binary Options -...


























WhatIsBinaryTrading?Binary trading option, alsocalled digital option, all-or-nothing-option, or fixedreturn option, is a type ofoption where one has onlytwomeansofpayoff;youcaneither takea fixedamountoftheassetornothingatall.Thetradewilleitherriseorfall,or

in binary trading language“call” or “put”. For starters,there are two typesofbinarytrading options available –cash-or-nothing and asset-or-nothing. However, there arefour other options regularlytradedinthemarket,thesearedouble-one-touch/doubletwo-touch, asset-or-nothing,no-touch and one-touch.Binary trading option is atype of option that followsEuropean style options,

meaningtheyworkedonlyontheir expiration date notbeforeorafter.Binary trade option is oneexampleofexoticoption.Itisa trading option that deliversuniquecharacteristicsmakingit complex andunmanageable. In terms offunctionality, binary tradeoptionsappeartobesimpletouse and interpret. One thingtorememberisthatcompared

to traditional trading wherethe payout increases alongwith the stock value, inbinary trading, a fixedamount is identified and thatwill be the only payoutthroughandthrough.Binary training method alsoprovides instant results sinceit is conducted on a web-based environment. You cando it within your own homeusing a regular desktop

computer or laptop. Thistrading option is simple andstraightforward and learninghowtotradeiseasy.Howdoesitwork?When tradingbinaryoptions,you need to specify a fixedpayout thatwillbepickedupby the traders when certainconditions aremet. Just likein sports betting, you caneasily determine if it is a

“win”ora“loss”.Inthecaseof binary choices, the pricewill increase or decrease,basedonwhat typeofoptionwaschosen.Belowaresomeexamples of binary tradeoptions, with a briefexplanation of how they aredoneandhowmucharetheirpayouts.CashornothingoptionThecashornothingoptionisthemost common, if not the

most traded binary options.Most traders, and those whoarejustabouttostart,usethisoption. In cash-or-nothingtrading option, an exerciseprice or the asset price isgiven.Thisisthevalueoftheassetwhen trading starts thatday. You need to choosewhether, at the end of thetrading day the asset pricewill finish higher or lowerthantheinitialprice.Inotherwords you need to predict

whether thepricewill riseorfallby theendof the tradingday. A correct predictionmeans you can earn themoney allotted for the asset.Although the profits dependontheagreedprice,thiscouldusually range from170%-190% of your originalpremium. If in case onemiscalculates, and assumedwrong,orthepricestayedthesame,youcanstillfindsomesort of a refund. There are

some trading companies thatoffer a 10-15% refund, butonlyforoutofmoneytrades.This option is the easiest touse, which is why it isconsidered the mostprofitable.AssetornothingOptionThe asset-or-nothing optionfollows roughly the sameprinciples as the cash-or-nothing option; the onlydifference is that there is no

payoffunlessthepriceof theunderlying asset increased.This means that there is nooptionfor“put”orafallinanassetornothingoption.Iftheasset’s value increased, onewill receive the amount thatcorresponds to the new priceof the asset. So even thoughyouneedtowageranamount,theearningswillbebasedonthe actual price and not yourbet.

Other Types of BinaryOptionTradesTouchOptions

No-touchoptionTheno-touchoption is theexactoppositeofonetouchoption. In this option, thetrader needs to determinewhat amount his chosenassetwill not reachon thedatethathewilldetermine.This is considered the

riskiest among the binaryoptions because one needsto anticipate what willhappen to themarket overa certain period of time.Profit becomes larger asthe time frame becomeslonger although the riskremains higher as timeprogresses.

OnetouchoptionAnother type of binarytrade option is the “one-

touch” option. Unlikewhen doing the cash ornothingoptionor theassetor nothing option, in the“one-touch” option oneneeds to forecast if themonetaryvalueofanassetwill reach an identifiedprice before the expirytime.With this option oneneedstoidentifythebarrierorthepricethatneedstobereached, when it will bereachedandhowmuchwill

the payout be. That inmind, a correct predictionwillgiveonea fullpayoutwhile a wrong choice willlose one the full premiumset initially. This type ofoption can make the mostmoney possible – anincrease of around 250-400% of the originalamount.

Doubleno-touchoption / Double one-touch

optionFollowing the idea of onetouch option, in a doubletouch option one needs todetermine a value that theassetwill touchduring thecourseofa time frame thetrader selected as well.Theonlydifference is thatin a double one-touchoption, one needs todetermine two values thathe thinks the asset will

reach before the maturitydate. If theasset isable toreach one of the twopredetermined values, hewillreceivethefullpayout;failurewillmeanlossofallpremiums.The double no-touchoption on the other handfollows the concept of no-touch option. This time,however, two points areidentified as unreachable.

One will only get thepayout when the timelapses and none of thepointsarereached.

TargetBetOptionTargetbinaryoptionoperatesontheconceptofpredictingifthe market will end in apositive range or a negativerange.Positivetargets.Apositivetarget implies that onespeculatesthatanassetwill

end up within a positiverange.NegativetargetAnegativetarget implies that onespeculatesthatanassetwillend up within a negativerange

LadderBetOptionThis is a type of binarytrading option where thetrader is given a price rangearranged in equal intervals –just likestaircasesorladders.

Here, one needs to identifyseveralpricelevelsaswellasseveral periods. A traderearns when the assets hechose have, “climbed” theladder’sstepsatcertaintimeshealsoset.TunnelBetOptionInthisoption,atraderbuysacontract. This contract statesaprice range.A trader either

chose to believe that theasset’svaluewill stay in thatrange or breaks through andpasses the same range.Tunnel bet option is alsoknownasIn/Outoption.Therearetwovariantsofthein/outoption.Oneisstaysbetween/goesoutside.Theotherisendsbetween/endsoutside.Inastaysbetween/goesoutsidevariation,“staybetween”meansthatprice



1. KnowyourtermsBefore jumping into theproverbial river called binarytrading, youmust familiarizeyourself first with the terms

used in this tradingplatform.Besides learning about thekinds of binary trades (seechapter 1) you must alsoknow how to use thelanguage that professionaltraders use so you actuallyhavean ideaofwhat’sgoingon.At the money. This is theterm used by binary tradersusetodescribebreakingeven.Thishappenswhen thevalue

of the asset ended up thesame as when it opened.Whenthishappensthemoneyis returned to the trader infull.Call Option. A call optionimplies that the traderbelieves that the asset hechose will increase upon thespecified time. The increasecanbeassmallasatenthofacent, as long as the valueincreases the call is honored.

If called correctly, then youwillmakeaprofit.Andifyouguessedwrong,thenyouloseall of the money that youwagered.Expirydate.Thisreferstothetime and date that the tradersets for when the binaryoptionwillexpire.When thistime comes, the price isexaminedtodetermineifoneis“inthemoney”or“out themoney”.The expirydate can

beas short as15minutes,oritcantakeaslongasaweek,maybe even longer,depending on your choice.The longer the time allotted,the higher the premiumearned, but the risks will behigheraswell.In the money. Winning thetrade is referred to as being“in the money”. If a traderpredicted that the value willincrease, and it did, or if he

predicted a decrease, and ithappened, thenhewins.Thisis considered a successfultrade; hence it is “in themoney”.Out the money. This is theoppositeof“inthemoney”.Awrong prediction of the riseorfallofanasset’svaluewillmean that one is “out themoney”.Pips. Pips refer to a unit ofmeasurement. This is the

measurement that tracks theincrease or decrease of thevalueoftheassets.Put option.This is the exactoppositeofthecalloption.Inthis case, the trader predictsthat the value of the asset inquestionwill decrease beforethe time is reached. Just likeinacalloption,anincreaseofa tenth of a cent means aprofitforthetrader.Strike price. Strike price

referstothepricepointwheretheoutcomeofbinarytradeisdecided.This is identifiedbythetraderhimself.Touchoption.Intouchpoint,any trader just needs todecideiftheasset’svaluewillreach a specific mark, eitherbelow or above the openingprice by the end of time. Iftheassettouchesthatpointbythe end of trade additionalpremiumwillbegiven to the

trader.2. Knowthetrend

After familiarizing yourselfwith the trading terms, youshould also familiarizeyourself with the financialmarket. One’s success inpredictinga“call”ora“put”is based on how oneinterprets the movement ofthe trade, and not relying onmere chance. Keep in mindthat events, news, and

controversiescanaffectassetsandtheirvalues.Theseissuescan affect the market trend.Read financial news, watchfinancialshowsandlistenstotrade advice. One shouldfocusonthosethatdeterminethe possible tradingcommodities. Not beingprepared means a 50%chance of losing. A returnrate of below 100% is anindicator that one can losemoneyinthelongrun.

3. Howmuchmoney is

needed?Mostpeoplewouldagreethatone needs to hold at least$1000 as trading capital, or$3000 ifonewants toholdareallygoodstabatit.

4. Know what optionstoBuy

Part of preparation isknowing what to trade. Do

not just go out to themarketandtakeeverythingyouwantand add it to your portfolio.Familiaritywith an asset canprove to be an advantage tothe trader. Start with thepopular and stable stocks.Justlikeintraditionaltrading,focusingonbluechipsturnedout to be beneficial toeveryone. A great deal ofinformationabouttheseassetsis readily available fortraders,andyouneedtomake

use of as many resources asyou can to increase yourchancesofsuccess.

5. KnowyourToolsMany trading companiesassist their customers byproviding them with tools todo their own research andanalysis. Make sure to takeadvantage of suchopportunities. One shouldlearnhowtoreadagraphora

chartofacertainasset.Thesecan give one an idea of atrend of an asset. Mostbrokers have their own toolstheyuse.Makesuretocheckout what can give the mostaccurateresult.There are several chartsyoucouldlookat.Someareasfollows:


these includes all of thebasic and standardtrading information oneneeds to know. Itindicates the openingprice, closing price, thehighs and the lowsof anasset.

- Candlestick chart–same as a bar chart,candlesticks show thestandard trading

information such as high,low, open and close priceofastock.Itiscolorcodedto showwhether the stockendedbelowtheopenpriceoraboveit.-LineChart-The line chart onlyprovides the close priceof an asset on a day-to-day basis. This could behelpful in assessing

whether the price willincrease or decrease thefollowingday.


Binary option signals helptraders identify opportunitiesforprofitbeforetheyactuallyhappen. Companies thatprovide such service makessure that their customers canget all the information theyneed regarding an asset, like

what to buy, when to buy,and how much to buy areprovided. These companiesalso make sure that theirclients are updated throughanymeanspossible.Theygetin touch with their clientsthrough, but not limited toSMS,phonecalls,Skypeandsuch.There are three types ofBinary option signalsprovidersinthemarkettoday.

1. Automatic Tradesoftware provider –This is the newestoption provided fortraders. This optionuses software thatcould communicatewith the tradingplatform. This way,trades could betriggeredautomatically.

2. Partial-Manual-Trade

Providers – In thiscategory, binaryoption signalsprovides trade alertsthat are not clear-cut.They are just mereheads-up as to whatwill happen in thetrade market. Thedecision on trading isstill left with thetrader

3. Full-Manual Trade

Providers–thisleavesthe entire decision upto the trader. Thecompanywill providetheprice– forbuyingand selling – as wellas when to buy or tosell. The providersends the informationto the trader throughdifferent means ofcommunicationpossible, and thenwaits for the decision

of their client trader.Theonlyproblemisifdeliveryofthesignalscomes across delays,the implementationofthe trade will also bedelayed.Inadditiontothis, there is an issueabout the accuracy ofthe signals and win-ratesforthetrade.

7. Learn how to manage

riskUnlike stock or foreignexchange trading where onecan cut his loss whennecessary, the binary tradeoption it is all-or-nothing.The rule of thumb when itcomes to binary trading isthat you should expose only5%orlessofyourcapital.Donot just shoveeverythingoutin themarket, then hope andpray it works to your


TheAdvantages&DisadvantagesofBinaryTradingADVANTAGESTradeanywhere,anytimeBinary trading option makesuse of an online tradingplatformthatisaccessibleviadesktop, laptop and evenmobile phones. This gives

tradersconvenientaccessandreal time updates on his orher stocks. Even whentraveling, you can easilycheck up on your tradingoptions and make decisionsonthefly.Assetsincludedinbinary trading areinternationally traded. Thismeans that trading throughthisoptionisa24/7affair.Any market condition is

tradeable.Traditional trading platformsrequire an increase in stockbeforeyoucanmakeaprofit.When the market isexperiencingadownfall,thenyour money will get put onhold. You need to wait untilthemarket isupagainbeforeyou can withdraw yourearnings.And,ifworstcomesto worst, the value of yourstocks won’t rise again, and

you just have to cut yourlossesandtryagain.In binary trading, you canmake money not just whenthepricesareontherise,youcan also earn even when theprices are falling. Theseopportunities equal greaterprofitearningpotentials.MinimalInvestmentWith binary trading mostbrokers allow their clients to

trade with as little as $1 intheir account. You can startwith a small amount;remembertoonlytradeusingmoney thatyoucanafford tolose.EasyandSimpleTradingviaBinaryoptionisaseasyas1,2,3:

1. Select your asset andtheexpirydate.

2. Chooseyour position;

either call (increase)orput(decrease).

3. And then choose theamount you want towager

Oncedoneallyouneedtodois sit back and wait for theresult.AWideArrayofChoicesBinary trade option offers awide range of locally andinternationally traded; you

onlyneed tochoose theonesthat appeal to you. But domake sure that you checkyouroptionscarefully.LessRiskSinceonlyaminimalamountof money is required, youwill only be risking asmuchasyoucanafford.Whenyouchoose an option, there willalwaysbeapotentialforgain,andfor lossaswell.Keeping

thisisinmindwillallowyouto calculate the risks andfigureoutanamountthatyouarecomfortablebettingwith.High rewards and FastReturnsTraders can set their owntime frame. The time framecanrangefrom15minutesorup to a week. Within thisperiodonecanalreadyseethereturns of their premiums.

Return rates, on average,ranges between 70 to 88%.Continuous return rates likethiscanmakeasubstantial ifnothighreturnof investmentforanytrader.DISADVANTAGESNoTimeforPracticeUnlike traditional tradingplatforms where you canpractice before the actualtrading, in binary trading no

simulated trading support isgiven by brokers to theirtraders. There may becompanies that offer demoaccounts, but they are veryfew and far in between.Traders enter the marketwithout any practice. Youbasicallylearnasyougo.NoTradingToolsCharts and tools are notreadily available for a binaryoptions trader; you have to

put out a request for them.Technicalanalysisisalsonotavailable for binary trading.Traders are kept virtually inthedarkwhenusingthistypeoftradingplatform.Tools, charts and technicalanalyses are important toolsof any trader. This can helppredict a trend,when to stopor when to continue. Toolsare particularly useful whenone uses the “touch options”

– one-touch, double one-touch, double no-touch, orno-touch. Chart analysis,technical analysis andtrending lines can helppredict what values the assetcan reach or what values itwill not reach over a periodoftime.Studying Financial AssetsandMarketsonyourownishardwork.

Since no studies, charts andanalysisareavailable foranyone’s perusal, studying forthis type of trade requiresworking from scratch.Studying is very important ifonewantstoreapthebenefitsin the long run. Carefulplanningandstrategymakingcan maximize your incomewhilehastemakeswaste.An inexperienced tradermayfind it difficult to review

stocks especially when it isnot aware what it needs tolook for. If he does findresources tohelphim, theoryalone cannot help him thatmuch. Practice or practicalapplication is also importantto put into action the theoryonefinds.People Tend To BecomeOverconfidentBinary option gives one the

easeofactivation,depositandtransfer. Sounds good right?Wrong. This ease of accessmakes one lenient if notcareless.LegalityissuesSome jurisdictions considersonline gambling illegal, andthey also happen to considerbinary options trading as aform of online gambling. Soyou cannot really trade

legallyinsomestates.ToomanychoicesSincebinarytradingcaterstolocal and international assetsonecanbeoverwhelmedwiththe choices. One cannot relyon the general movement ofthe stock market for it doesnot reflect individualmovements as well. Anincreaseinthestockmarketisnot an assurance that

individual stocks willincreaseaswell.459words

SpottingAScamThe rule of thumb in binarytradingisthatwhenitsoundstoo good to be true, then itwillmostlikelybeascam.WhatisaScam?A scam is defined as adishonest way of obtainingmoney or anything of value.A fraudulent scheme usually

applies confidence tricks andmisrepresentations. Theyoften promise a high rate ofreturn bordering on theimpossible. This is morecommoninbinarytrading.Common Binary TradingScams1. Blocked Trades -Althoughtemporaryblockageis not unusual to anybrokerage a constant

blockage is a sure sign thatsomething is wrong with thecompany. A brokerage justlikeanybankoperatesontheideathatnotallitsclientswillwithdraw their money at thesame time. However, if thisever happens, the bank andthe brokerage should be ableto provide enough money tocover all outflows of cash.For banks, their respectivecentral banks assist if thebank is undercapitalized. For

brokerage however, there isnosuchinsurance.If your brokerage isconstantly falling short oftheirpayoutstoyouandyourfellowclientsitisasignyourbrokerisundercapitalizedandunfortunatelyitwon’tbelongbeforeyourbrokergoesdownwith all of your hard-earnedmoney.2. Bonus Scams - Bonuses

arenotnecessarilybadthings,and indeedsomeof themaregiven. One should reallyunderstand the principlesbehind deposit bonuses.Bonuses supposedly workboth ways; the trader wouldbenefit sodoes thebroker.Awould be trader is enticed tojointhetradewithanofferofan incentive. This incentivesupposedly increases thetrader’s capital, giving him alongerstringforhisportfolio.

A bigger capital means anincreased trading frequency.This is what makes bonuseswork for both trader andbroker.However, this scam makeswithdrawing impossible orunrealistic. Sometimes, forthetradertobeabletogetthebonus he must provideadditional capital out of hisownpocket.

3. Account Closure for NoValidReasonA broker that changes termsand conditions on a regularbasis is a sure sign thatsomething is wrong. Oneshould be wary of a brokerthatisnotregulated.Havingnoonetoregulatetherules mean the trader’smoney is at themercyof thebroker. The brokers arecreating rules every now and

thenandbeforeoneknows ittheirhard-earnedmoneymaynot be returned to thembecause of unjustifiedreasons.4. Vague regulatorystatementsSome brokerages come upwith regulatory statements tomake them appear regulatedand legal. Some also placetheir head offices in areas

with lax regulations thenplace some in areas with asolidregulatorybodytomakeitappearasiftheiroperationsarelegal.You need to check thestatements and if there arequestions ask. A companythat cannot provide asatisfactory answer toclarification is not atrustworthy company andthus, you shouldmove on to


HowCanYouAvoidBeingScammed?One should practice duediligence before investingtheir hard-earned money tosomeone else. In addition tothatherearesomelistsoftipsonhowtoavoidscamartists.1.BeRealisticWhen trying to find abrokerto help youwith your binarytrading needs, look for one

that does not offer an earlyretirement or one thatpromises money will comeinto your pockets day in andday out. Trading binaryoptionsisnotaseasyastheymake it sound.Binaryoptionis all about fun.Moneymaycomein,butmoneyfromthisoption will not make you amillionaire any time soon.You can make a fewthousands a month, but thatrequires great predictive

power, research and analysisof short-term marketmovements.2. Stay away fromcompanies that guaranteebigprofitsBinary trading is a game ofchance. There are two sidesto a coin. No one canguarantee profit let alone bigones. Some examples offraudulent offers are as

follows. Read the commentaftereachexampleaswell:

Profitof$2500aday,every day – earningdepends on yourwager. In order foryou to earn that highyoumust bet high aswell.A binary market’smajor benefit is thatthere is noprobabilityoflosses–

wrong. The market,whereveritislocated,isunpredictable.If the market movesup or down you willget a profit- this ispossible, but you doneed to bet bothoptions at the sametimetoachievethis.

DoyourresearchOne should find a reputablebinary option broker. There

are a lot of sites online thatprovide a list of reliablebinary brokers. Check theirbackground, trading history,and feedback from satisfiedclients.WallStreet orNYSEmight provide you such infoaswell.Avoid companies that haveasketchyhistoryTheyaskedyoutoshareyourmoney with them why

wouldn’t they share theirhistory with you?Make sureyougeteverydetailinwrittenform. Everything should beaboveboardnotunder.LookscanbedeceivingMost scammers and conartistsinvestontheirlooks.Agood-lookingman orwomanis hard to resist right?Beautifulwomenorgorgeousmenexplainingtheyarefrom

Wall Street claiming theytradebinaryoptionstherearesomewhat comforting to adegree. Not. Wall Streettraders do not buy binaryoptions, they sell them.Successful traders trade inmillions, binary tradingrangeswithinthousands.Norisk?NowayAfirmthatpromisesnoriskswith their trade is not being

honest with their client.Everythingisarisk.Thegoalis not to remove risk, butminimizeit.Be careful with yourtransactionsIfanythinggoeswrongabankrecord,aphysicaladdressandvalidregisteredcredentialsisthekeytorecoveringyourmoneyjustincase.Nevertransactonline


TenImportantStrategiesYouNeedToKeepInMindToMakeSeriousMoneyWithBinaryOptionsThefirst fivechaptersof thiseBook covered the basics ofbinary trading. Preparation isthe key to success in this

trade. And, of course itwouldn’t hurt if one gets ahold of tips and tricks fromthe masters themselves.Compiled in this chapterwould be the top tips andtricks of this trade. Learn it,work it and practice it.However, these are onlysupplemental. One shouldpractice due diligence whendoingsomeofthesetips1. Avoid trading binary

options when feelingemotional. This logicapplies to almost everyendeavor of man. Anemotional person is anunreliableperson.2. Do homework. Makesuretoviewthegraphs,thechartsandall theanalysesfor a long period. Try todefineapattern if anyandlearntointerpret thesigns.

DoallofthisBEFOREyoubegintrading.3.The first signofawinis all you need. Once themarkisreachedTAKEIT.Do not aim higher or letyour stocks linger. Youcantrydoingitsomeothertime.

4. Listen to what othersare saying. Keep yourself

updated and aware ofdrastic changes in thenews. Understand the rootcause that way you cancorner the market when itrisesorfalls.

5.Ifyouareunsureabouta trade, do not buy intoit. Gut feeling is not anoption when trading.Chooseyourassetswisely.Although new assets are

tempting always choosefirst the most common.Common assets are mostlikely discussed in forumsmore often and throughsuch discussion you canlearn a lot. Use thisinformation to youradvantage.

6. Start small and slow.Donotletawinmakeyoufeelindestructible.Employ

somesenseofself-control.Be gratefulwithwhat youearned and do not bitemore than you can chew.Avoid long-term binaryoptionsuntilyouarereadyforit.Chooseanhour-longtrade or the shorter 60secondstomaximizeprofitandminimizerisks.7. Do not expect to getrich quick. A make richquick scheme may prove

problematic in the longrun.Again,thisisasubjectof careful reading,analyzing and researching,notsheerluck.8.Timingisanimportantfactor in binary trading.Oneneedstobeabletoactfast and should allot timefor trading. Do not leaveyour short terms open andleavewhiletheironishot.Do not invest when the

marketisvolatileorjumpy.Ajumpymarketcancausegreat profits, but as thesametimegreatlossestoo.9.Knowallthestrategies.Some of them are brieflydescribedasfollows:

Trading withtechnical analysis –This strategy usescharts,graphsandthelikes. This strategyfollows the principle

that “the marketremembers”. Thisimplies that whathappens in the pastcan happen in thepresent and willhappeninthefuture.

Trading with trader’stendency indicators-this is normallyprovided by yourbroker. This report

shows the percentageof traders buying andselling theasset.Youneed to be carefulwith this reportthough for this is nota clear indicator ofincrease or decreaseof the value of anasset. Not becauseeveryone else said someans that it iscorrect. Try formingyourownopinion.

Trading withfundamental analysis– This strategyfocuses on economicstatistics as well asthe overall economicclimate to predictchanges in assetvalues.

Trading a la

martingale. – Themartingale is amethod of bettingwherein the initialinvestment isincreased every timethere is a loss untilsuch time that a gainorawin is achieved.This follows theconcept of breakeven. Mostexperienced traderdoes not recommend

this strategy tobeginnersandmastersalike.

10. Learn how to havefun. It lessensthepressureof earning, makes tradingsimpleandlessstressful.

ConclusionThank you again fordownloadingthisbook!I hope this bookwas able tohelp you to understand thetricks of binary tradingoption. As simple as it maysound this type of tradingoption just like any tradingoption is risky. Better be

prepared than be caught offguard.The next step is to put intoaction the list of thingsmentionedhere.Tosumitup,rememberthesesteps:

1. Select the asset andthetime.

2. Chooseyour position.You either call(increase) or put(decrease).

3. Choose the amount

youwanttowager4. Justwaitfortheresult.

Start slowly and ease yourway to the top.Makesure todoyourresearchwell.Donotjust jump in just becausesomeone said so. When indoubt, you should ask, doyourresearchandstudy.Thisbookplusyourowndiligencecan make binary tradingoption your milking cow inno time. Good luck with

trading.Thank you for the downloadandgoodluck!

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IntroductionYou’ve already heard mystory about how I gotaddicted to online trading. Ihave to admit that itwas funandsoeasytodo…yetitwasso hard to stop. Long storyshort, I was on the verge oflosing my relationship,ruining my career, and feltlike I had reached rock

bottominamatterofmonths.I discovered and learnedways to control it andovercome my addiction,whichI’mabouttosharewithyou.Inthisbookwewillclearthepath so you don’t NEED togamble with online trading.You’ll be presented withstrategies that are proven towork and will cut you cleanof your addiction. It will

allow you to have the powerto regain control of your lifeso that if you want to stocktrade online, you can (withfull control), or you cancompletelystopcoldturkey–likeIdid.This book goes into detailabout the strategies,techniques, and methods tohelpovercomeyouraddictionto online stock trading andgambling. It talks about

addictions to trading binaryoptions with day trading andthe tempting 60-secondtrades. Most importantly itprovides you with ways to“cure” it, and regain controlofyourlife.

OnlineTradingVSGamblingThe buying and selling ofstocks originated from floortradingtophonetransactions.However, neither of thosemethods are still populartoday. Today, online trading(or E-trading) is the mostcommon method forexchanging stocks. Fast

computers and high-speedinternet have opened thedoors to this ease of access.These have increased thenumber of people who canuse it.Unlike before, you donot have to be rich to enterthe world of online trading.Even commoners can investinstocks.Online trading is veryconvenient. With just a fewclicks, people can easily

participate in buying andsellingstockactivitiesonline.In addition, the process ofregistering is very easy.Youonly have to find an onlineplatform or an online brokerto be able to start. Here is asystematic guide on how tostartonlinetrading.HowOnlineTradingWorksFirst, you need to determine

howlongyouwillbetrading.Do you prefer short-term orthelong-terminvestments?Long-term investmentsrequire knowledge on cashflow, earnings, book value,returnonearnings,etc.Theseconcepts are fundamentalswhen it comes to stockanalysis. On the other hand,if you want to enter "swingtrading" or short-terminvestment, you should also

know the technicalities ofstock trading. Thisinformation is essential inorder to decrease the risk oflosing.Upon deciding on whetheryouprefershort termor longterm investments, you thenwill need to follow the stepsbelow.1.Findanonlinebroker.2. Choose an account toregister.

After you have registered,findanonlineplatformwhereyoucancreatetransactions.Atip is to research before youinvest. There are sitesavailable where you cancheck the credibility of theplatform. However, you cannevertellhowitworksunlessyoureallyuseit.The next step is to place anorder.Here isanexampleonhow trading takes place in

NASDAQ.1.Placetheorder.2.Adatabasewillreceivetheorder.3.Thedatabase looks for thebest price among all theavailablemarkets.4. After finding the perfectmatch,thepartieswillreceiveaconfirmation.5. Regulatory bodies willcheck the stock'sperformance.

6. Data is analyzed byNASQAD.7. Last, after agreeing uponthetermsandprice,thebuyerand the seller will receive anotification from the brokeraboutsigningthecontract.Usually, it takes one secondto place an order and thewhole transaction for aboutoneminute.Thisisthereasonwhy people are so engrossedwith online trading. It is

definitelyfastandexciting.TypesofOnlineTradingThere are three types ofonlinetrading:

1. DayTradingBased in its name, daytradersonlyplacetheirbetson intradaybasis.Theydonot let it sit overnightbecause of the higher risk

of losing. Aiming to earnquick profits, these tradersobserve the fluctuationsthroughout the day andgrabthebestdealtheycanget.Sub-types:


2. SwingTradingDay traders and swingtraders are quite similar.Theonlydifferenceisthat,

swing traders can holdtheir position in the stockmarket for more than oneday. In addition, swingtraders base their bets onpredicting short-termfluctuations.Thedownsideis there is a higher risk oflosinginovernighttrades.3. PositionTradingThis is the same as swingtrading,butpositiontraderscan hold their bets from a

day to several days ormonths depending on themovement of stocks.Theywillwaitforahugeriseinstocksbeforetheygetit.

OnlineTradingtoGamblingTechnology has been a greathelp for people who love toinvest in stocks. With onlyfewclicks,youwillbeabletoconduct research about the

company you want to investin. Plus, you have a widevariety of options. You canthink it over and get back tothe trading platform whenyou are ready whilemonitoringtheriseandfallofstocksisinrealtime.Becauseitismoreaccessible,people are attracted toinvesting.Thiscreatesamorestrong hold to trading -making it more possible for

peopletogetaddicted.Online trading only becomesa formofgambling ifpeoplekeeponinvestingonhighriskbets.Consistentfailuremeansthey are already addicted.Theydonotthinkbeforetheyact. They simply love thefeeling they get from it - theexcitement from theuncertainty. They do notresearch. They makedecisions based on their gut


WhyDoesOnlineTradingFeelSoGood?Makingmoneyisveryeasyinonline trading. You placeyour order in about a secondandyoucanimmediatelyreapwhat you have investedwithin minutes. It doesn’tmatterifsometimes,youlose.

Whatis important is that, themore you keep playing, thehigher your chances ofwinning.That is the reasonwhymanyonline traders became onlinegamblers. They keepinvesting and placing ordersto earn a lot of money. Thedownside is some onlinetraderskeepslidingdowntheslope – frequently placingorders and eventually

draining all their resources.These people become soobsessedthattheyforgethowto weigh their options andmake wise decisions. Theyhave lost control ofthemselves. Adverse effectsmay happen if they do notstop. They are not onlyputting their lives to wastebuttheyarealsoaffectingthelivesoftheirfamilymembersand friends by always beingunavailable and

uncontrollable.ReasonsWhyOnlineTradingisAddictingHow can online trading beaddictive to people who areawareoftheprosandconsofthe situation? The answer issimple: they are addicted tothe feeling they get from it.Peoplewho become addictedto online trading are thosewho find high-risk decisions

exciting. But, that is not thesole reason. There are manyother causes of addictiondepending on the person’spersonality and the situation.Hereare5majorreasonswhypeople get addicted to onlinetrading.

1. EasyIn Chapter one, youlearned that joining onlinetradingisveryeasy.Withafew clicks, you can create

an account, register, fundyour chosen account, andthen place an order. Theprocess can take place inlessthananhour.Plus,thetrading itself happenswithinaminute.If a manager of a specificcompanyworkshard tobeabillionaire, awiseonlinetrader can also level withthe manager's earnings byhavingagoodstrategyand

waiting for the prices torise.2. FastNotonlythattheprocessiseasy, but it can also raiseyour money quickly. Byfollowing the simpleprocedure, you can placean order andwait for it toprofit.Ifafteraminutethemarket went up, and youare satisfied with yourprofit, then you can sell it

immediately.3. HappinessPeople tend to stick to thethings that make themhappyevenifit’sdraggingthem down. It is theexcitement from theunknownandtheriskfromplacing their investmentswithout thinking it overthatmakesthemstay.4. Relieves Stress and

other Unpleasant

EmotionsIf you are trading becauseyou wanted to relieveyourselfofstress,thenitisa strong reason for you tostick to it. Since it is funand exciting, it willdefinitely soothe you anddivertyourattention.5. Diversion from a

ProblemFinally, aside fromrelieving you of stress, it

can be a good diversionfrom a problem. Placingbets and waiting for it toprofit can occupy yourmind and reject unwantedthoughts.

ThePassionateTraderversustheTradingAddictThere are two kinds oftraders: the Passionate and

the Addict. Both arededicated to online trading,buttheirpurposeanddecisionmaking strategies are verydifferent.A passionate tradercan handle his or her tradeswell, calculate the risk andbase his or her decisiondependingon the flowof themarket.On the other hand, atradingaddictbaseshisorherdecisions on emotions.Addicts do not analyze thesituationlogically,ratherthey

place an order on high riskcompanies because of theexcitementtheygetfromit.At first look, they may notseem different at all, but asyouthoroughlyanalyzethem,you’ll clearly see the patternoftheirbehavior.PassionateTraderA passionate trader takes hisorhertimetothinkaboutthedecisions to be made. Every

single detail counts so he orshe is not careless indeciding. This trader is alsocalledthewisetrader–awareof the options and the prosandconsofthesituation.Thegoal of a passionate trader isto make money with theoptimum possibility whereinrisksandlossesareavoided.TradingAddictOn the other hand, a trading

addictissomeonewhoplacestheirstockswithoutanalyzingthesituation. If they feel likeplacing an order, buying andsellingstocks,theywilldoit–withoutanyhesitation.Itisas if they are standing on avastgroundof sand.Nothingis permanent. If there is asand storm, they’ll be easilywashed away by it withoutevennoticingwhathappened.They are blinded by theirpurpose, which is to easily

make money by taking highriskinvestments.With these descriptions, youcan’t really tell whether aperson is a passionate traderoratradingaddictunlessyouclosely observe how theytrade. However, the tradingaddict creates a situationwhereineverybody,includinghis or herself will soon bedamaged.

AtWhatPointDoesOnlineTradingBecomeAddictive&SuckYouIn?There is a very thin linebetween online traders andonline gamblers. Most aretrading to profit immediatelywithout analyzing themarketor the pros and cons of their

decisions. They are not onlynegatively affectingthemselves,butalsoaffectingothers as well. Sooner orlater,theywillreapwhattheyhavesown–anevilseedthatwillbearanevilfruit.6AdverseEffectsoftheAddictiontotheOnlineTraderSoon, the boomerang will

definitely hit you. If you aregambling for profit andcontinuously betting thewrong way, then, you’ll besurprised on how fast you’llbeeatenbythequicksandyouhave created. The effects ofaddiction to an online traderare very adverse. You can’tundo it. Itwillgraduallypullyoudown.

1. DrainingFinancesThemostobviouseffect is

on the financial aspect. Ifyou are an addict, youplace bets without eventhinking about the risksanditwillmostlikelydrainyour resources. High riskinvestments haveprobabilities of less than50%, meaning lesserchances of winning. Thiscan result in continuouslosing and you’ll surelyend up with an emptypocket.

2. HealthEffectsEye strain and back painare twocommonproblemsof an online trader. Longhours of sitting in front ofthecomputerwillstraintheeyes. It will also causeback pain because of longhoursofsittingandwaitingforthestockmarkettorise.3. SleepDeprivationIf you are addicted totrading, day traders as an

exception,youwillbeabitparanoid on how themarket will fluctuateovernight so you keepthinkingabout it.Youwillnotbeabletosleepwell.Itmay worry you and keepyouawakeovernight.Thiswill leave you sleepdeprived. Your immunesystem will also weakenbecause of the continuouslackofsleep.

4. DecreasedProductivity

Addiction will also eatawayallthetimeyouhave.Inthiscase,youwillnotbeable to do anything asidefrom trading. You don’twant to miss a secondwithout placing aninvestment.Youkeeptrackofwhat’s happening everysecond. It occupies mindandyourlife.

5. Poor WorkPerformance

If you have a job, you’lldefinitely sacrifice it foronline trading. You won’tbe able to give your onehundred percent to yourwork. Between officehours, you’ll see yourselfchecking on the stockmarket. Trading would betheonlythingthatmatters.

6. IsolationImagine this: if24hoursaday, 7 days a week yourmainfocus is trading, thenyou’ll eventually becomeisolated from the peoplewho care about you. Youwill not seek for anyattention or security, forthat matter, because themost important in theworld is to trade and towin.

7. Detachment from theWorld

The end point of being anaddict is the detachmentfrom the reality.You’ll belostintheworldoftradingand itwillbehardforyoutocomeback.


oftheOnlineTrader1. TimeRelationships with familyand friends will soonwitheranddiebecauseyoulack time tohangoutwiththem.Youaresooccupiedthat you focus all yourenergy in thatsoleactivity–trading.2. AttentionThe family should comefirstnomatterwhat.Butif

you are an addict, eventalking toyour spouseandyour children would be aburden.Youdonotwanttobe disturbed by anyonewhenyouaretrading.Yourattention is focused onwhetheryou’llwinorlose.3. FinancialSupportIf you are really an addictto online trading all yourresources will be drained.Thiswillresulttodrainage

of money to support thefamily. In some cases, anonline trading addict willsteal from the family’smoney and use it intrading.Inthelongrun,thefamilywillalsosufferfrompovertybecauseofyou.

Now, you need to know thesigns of being addicted. Thefollowingisaquicklist:

You spend most of

your time placingbets.You do not doanythingproductive.You cannot detachyourself from thecomputerscreen. It ishardtodistractyou.You keep on placingbets withoutconsidering theconsequences.Youenjoythefeeling

of placing high-riskbets.You bet because ofimpulse and gutfeeling.Youloveuncertainty.You keep losing andstill place more bets,not realizing howmuchyouhavelost.

If you suspect that you arealreadyatradingaddict,then,continue reading this book.

The succeeding chapterswilldiscuss different strategies toaid you in overcoming youraddiction to online tradingandhowtogetyourlifebackimmediately.

PowerfulStepsToOvercomeOnlineAddictionAs with any kind ofaddiction, you first need tofind the rootof the addictionand stop it immediately.Assess yourself. Where didthis addiction come from?How did I acquire it? What

makesmedoitoverandoveragain? Think about it veryhard so you can controlyourselffromdoingit.Here are some things youhave to do before you startthewithdrawalprocess.

1. Takeatimeout.Stopdoinganything.Lookfor a placewhere you cansit and meditate. Arefreshing park will do.Find a place where there

are less people. A placewhere you can sit byyourself, think and talk toyourself. In this way, youwill be able to evaluatewhathappened.2. Takeadeepbreath.Before you start thewithdrawal process,breathe and think of thethings you have sacrificed–familyandfriends.Thinkabout the things you have

done to yourself. Did youbecome a good person ornot? Did you becomeproductive? Are youhappy?3. Ask yourself these

questions.What happened? Whathave you done? What arethe effects? Can you stillregainyourlife?

Of course you can still takecontrol of your life. You

merelyhavetobecourageousenoughtofighttheaddiction.Have a strong mindset. Setgoals and aim to accomplishthem.Now that you have done themeditating process, you areready to start the withdrawalprocess.TheWithdrawalProcess

The following are tips youcanusetohelpyoustopyouronlinetradingaddiction.

1. Close all youraccountsandgethelp.

Thefirstthingyouhavetodoistostoptrading.Ifyoucontinue to face thecomputer and look at thestock market, nothing willhappen. Total detachmentis needed to be able toflush it out from your

system.Go thewebsitewhere youhave registered. Sell allyour stocks. Get all yourmoney and close theaccount as soon aspossible. This will alsolessen theriskofexposingyour money to thefluctuating market andincreasing the risk ofbankruptcy.2. Take a breather and

get away from yourcomputer. Have avacation and enjoydoingotherthings.

Get away from the sourceasmuchaspossible.Ifyoucan abandon yourcomputer fora fewweeks,thendoso.Trydoingotherproductive activities, suchas sports or playing aninstrument, travel if youhave money. Do the best

you can to pull yourselfaway from any tradingactivity.3. Distract yourself by

prioritizing otherthings.

After you have gone on avacationortoacamp,thenit’s time to focus all yourenergy on other things. Ifyou are working, try tofocusonyourworkandbeat your best performance.

Prioritize your family andfriends.Giveyourselftimeforyou tobondwith themand make up for the timelost because of the onlineaddiction.

What can be your reasonswhy you are addicted toonline trading? Is it themoney? Emotions?Excitement? Love for theuncertain?Takingrisks?Well,takethisrisk.Letgoof

youraddiction.ReasonswhyyouhavetostopthisonlinetradingaddictionIfyouare stillnotconvincedas to why you have towithdrawfromonlinetrading,the following reasons willhelp you further understandthesituation.

1. It drains all yourresources. If youcontinue to invest onhigh risk transactionsand you keep losing,you will becomebankrupt.Itwilldrainall your money. Donot let this addictiondrag your life to theground. Do not letthis be the reason foryourfall.

2. You are not the onlyone affected. Yourfamily members arealso involved. Insteadof helping in thehousehold, you arebecoming a burden.Youareunproductive.If you continue this,youwillnotonlylosemoney but also thepeoplewhocareaboutyou.

3. It affects your health.Long hours ofcomputer use willstrainyoureyes.Yourimmune system willalso weaken becauseyou are always up atnight. You keepworrying about thestock marketfluctuations. Do notsacrifice forsomething that maynot last long. Invest


1. PrioritizeWhat is most important toyou? Is it money? Is it yourfamily? What are yourvalues?Whatmattersmost?Get a pen and some paper.Writea random listof thingsthatyoucareabout themost.Is it your job? Family?

Hobbies? Traveling?Makingmoney? Be as specific aspossible so you can pinpointwhat exactly youwant.On aseparate sheet of paper,numberitfromonetotenandrank the 10 most importantthingstoyou-numberoneasthe highest priority. Post itnear your bedside or thecalendar, or anywhere thatwillcatchyourattention.Thiswill remind you every daythat therearemore important

things in life than onlinetrading.

2. Practice Controllingtheurge

Practice is the ultimate curefor addiction. Practicecontrolling your emotions. Ifyoufeellikegoingonlineandchecking the investments,distract yourself. Look forother things you wanted todo, things you enjoy doing.

Keepyourselfdistracted.Thisstrengthens your ability tocontrol your urges. Keep inmind the things you havelistedinnumberone.3.Mindovermatter.You have to think about thethings that matter the most.Control your actions bythinkingaboutyourpriorities.You are capable of doingthat. The brain is created to

control every part of yourbody.Ifithappensthatyoufeeltheurgetotrade.Closeyoureyesand take a deep breath –inhale, exhale for 5 minutes.Youwillbesurprisedthatthefeeling will pass after that.You’ll be able to do otherthings without even thinkingabouttradingagain.

4. Giveyourself rewards

for having controlledyourself.

Don't be afraid to treatyourself for a jobwell done.Give gifts. Eat your favoritedish from your favoriterestaurant.Go on a vacation.Or you can set a rewardsystem for yourself. Forexample, if you did not eventhinkabouttradingtoday,youcanhavelunchinafirstclassdiner. This is one form of

discipline and showing loveforyourself.

5. Loveyourself.Pamper yourself by going tothe spa or having amassage.Beingtoodependenttoonlinetrading loses your sense ofidentity. By having some“me” time, you’ll return toyouroldselfsoon.

6. Find communities or

support groups thatwill inspire you toovercome thisaddiction.

Some organizations andhealth institutions offerrehabilitation services foraddiction. If you become apartofasupportgroup,you’llrealizethatyouarenotalone.Youwillbeinspiredtoletgoofthisaddictionandgetbacktocontrollingyourself.

7. Plan the future. Set

goals.Ifyouare really seriouswithchanging your future, setgoals so you will always beremindedthatyouneedtofixthe present to be able toaccomplishyourgoals.After following these steps,the next thing to do is toregain control. Having anaddiction is not easy. It is

hardtostopbutitishardertomaintain the detachment.Some fail at this stage. Theyhad a great start, but after afewmonths, they go back totrading.

SixThingsYouMustDoToSaveYourLifeIf you can overcomeaddiction,itisasignthatyoucan regain control of yourlife. Do not let the urge totrade hinder you frombecoming a successfulperson. Maintaining an

addiction-free life may behardbutyoucandoitbyjustholdingontoyourgoals.Hereare the tipsonhowyoucan regain the control. Dothese steps before your lifebecomeslost.

1. AcceptanceYou have to accept thatyou are in a difficultsituation and you need abig change in your life.

The moment you realizethis, don't let it slip away.Youhavetomakeyourselfbelieve - you needed tochange.2. EvaluateAfter you have acceptedthe fact thatyouare reallyaddicted, the next thing todo is to evaluate. Whathave you done wrong? Isthe addiction really worth

it? Are you even happyaboutwhathappened?3. SetgoalsHave a self-assessment.This is the time to talk toyourself. Evaluate thethings you have done.Now, do not dwell on thenegative,butrather,onthepositive. You are justhavingabadday,notabadlife so do not feel bad

about yourself. After thisevaluation, set goals. Inthis situation, change isneeded soyouhave to seeyourself5to10yearsfromnow. How do you seeyourself?Arestillgoingtobe an online gambler?Whatareyourdreams?Doyou want to succeed inlife?4. RebuildIntrapersonal

Now, it is as if you don'tknowyourself.Getapieceof paper and jot down thebad habits you want tothrow away, the positivetraits you want to retain,and the traits you want todevelop. After you finishwriting,tearthepartwhereyou have listed the badhabits,throwitinthetrash.Retain your good habits,developitandneverforgetit.Itisgoodtohaveagood

talkwithyourself.5. Live each day like

youridealself.Let go of the bad habitsand practice it. The moreyou think about the traits,the more it is developedand injected to yoursystem.So,ifyouflushoutgambling, keep tellingyourself that you want itout. You don't want it in

yoursystem.6. MakeachecklistIt is good to see a list ofyourgoals.Inaddition,itisthebest if onebyoneyoutick the boxes. Little bylittle, you see your goalsare becoming real. Thesegoalsaretangible.Youcanreally do this. You willgainconfidencetoyourselfandyou'llregainyourlife.

Life does not end ingambling. You have to bestrong to overcome it. Youstill have the chance to besuccessful.Donotlosehope.Donotbecontrolledbyyouremotions.You should be theone to take control of them.Online trading addiction isnot a big dilemma. You justhave to be strong-willed toovercomeit.

Whatisyourattitudetowardsyour goals? Towardsyourself?Doyoureallywanttochange?You can still open doors foropportunities or ratheropportunities are still openforyou.Allyouhavetodoisto acknowledge them and tochoose which ones willbenefit you and your family.Choosetheonesthatarebestforyou.

ANewVersionOfYourself–WithoutNeedingToTradeNowthatyouhavearrivedatthis point, you are ready toface the future.You are nowfree from the addiction. Youcan now live your life to thefullest without anythingholdingyouback.Startanew

lifeandneverevergobacktotradingagain.QuickTipstoRemember:Ifyoudofeellikeyoucangoback to trading, here are tipsyouhavetorememberbeforeyou register and place yourinvestments.

1. Donotrush.If you have decided to gobacktotrading,donotdothis

immediately. Let a year ortwo pass before you registerto this activity again. Afterthe withdrawal stage, neverdoanythingrelatedtotradingbecause this would onlytrigger another addiction.Keep on striving to live ahealthylife.

2. MakerestrictionsIfyouhavealreadyscheduledtheday thatyouwill register

and create an account, makesure tomake a list of all therestrictions you should have.For example, you can onlytrade during after officehours.Setthehighestamountthatyouaregoingtoinvestsothat you will not be carriedawaybyyouremotionswhentrading. This is the best wayto control yourself fromgettingyouroldlifeback.

3. Setatimelimit.Makeaschedule.

Before you start placing anorder, set a specific time ofthe day when you can trade.One suggestion is by tradingfor only 2 hours after youroffice hours. This will limitthepossibilitytomakeabruptdecisions because you arealready tired from work andyou’ll justhave tocheckandwaitforthemarkettorise.

4. Bepatient.

Ifyouarereallypromisingtobeawise trader,youhave tobe patient. Placinginvestments without thinkingwillonlydragyourlifedownagain. Wait for the righttiming. Let it stay in themarket until it profits. Don’tbe paranoid that all yourmoney will be lost. Themarket is fluctuating,

sometimes it rises, andsometimes it falls. So, yousimply have to wait for it toearn.

5. Stop if you feel likegoingback.

If you feel the urge to tradeeveryminuteofeveryday, itis better stop immediately. Ifyou continue, you will onlybe repeating the processagain. Do not be blinded by

the perks you think you canget from trading. These aretemporary,sticktosomethingthatwouldlastlong.Gettingbackintotradingwillbereallyriskyandmightruinyourlifeagain.Sothebestthingtodoisabstinence.Nevergobacktothatoldlifeyouhad.Thereisalotmoreinstoreforyouinthefuture.Donotwastetheopportunitytochangeandbetheperson


ConclusionSometimes you do thingswithout realizing it’sdestructivetoyourhealthandlife. You keep doing it untilyou’ve finally losteverything. That’s the timewhenyou’ll realizewhatyouhave done. Do not wait forthatpointtocome.Assoonasyou have recognized your

addiction to online trading,stop it. Seek help and admitthatyouareaddicted.Overcomingaddictionishardbut with the right mindset,you can get your life backagainandgaincontrolofyourfuture. With this guide, youwill definitely live happier –withoutthisaddiction.Think about the things youreallywantedtodo.Whatareyour plans for the future?

Whatareyourplansforyourfamily? Imagine yourself 10years from now. How areyou? What are you doing?Areyoustilltrading?Doyouhave a lot of money? Thesethings will set the goals youhave to accomplish today.Always remember that,whatever you do in thepresent will affect yourfuture.Now that you have finished

reading the book, you cannow go on with your life.Make wise decisions anddetach yourself from onlinetrading addiction. Hopefully,this book has helped you toovercome addiction and togain control of your lifetoday.Thank you for the downloadandgoodluck!




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