How To Make Piñon Pine Salve...½ cup plus 2 tablespoons plant oil (avocado, coconut oil, coconut...

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Transcript of How To Make Piñon Pine Salve...½ cup plus 2 tablespoons plant oil (avocado, coconut oil, coconut...

How To Make

Piñon Pine Salve

By joan morais

Copyright 2019 by Joan Morais All Rights Reserved Worldwide


How to Make Piñon Pine Salve by Joan Morais Copyright 2019 Joan Morais All rights reserved worldwide. This booklet is intended for the personal use of the reader. No part of this booklet may be reproduced or distributed in any printed or electronic format without written permission from the copyright holder.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this publication is the result of research and experience by Joan Morais. I have tried to be as precise as possible with the description of the ingredients and the recipes. I do not make any claims regarding any of the ingredients, recipes or medical claims. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat cure or prevent any disease. I recommend each individual do their own additional research on the safety and storage of each ingredient, premarket testing, the FDA regulations for cosmetics and the cosmetic regulations in other countries.

Copyright 2019 by Joan Morais All Rights Reserved Worldwide


Piñon Pine Indigenous people and traditional medicine both have so much wisdom and healing and something we need to keep learning, practicing, teaching and passing down. To integrate this wisdom into current times and remember nature provides us everything. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children Chief Seattle

I discovered the Piñon Pine tree when I went exploring to Sedona and the Grand Canyon in Arizona. It turned out to be a spiritual trip for me. I learned about Native American medicinal herbs and how they have been and are still used for healing.

As soon as I arrived in Sedona and stepped out of the car, a Piñon Pine tree was in front of me and captivated me for my entire trip. I was drawn under this tree's spell and its intoxicating scent. I didn’t know anything about Piñon Pine and yet I had a strong sense it was a medicinal tree and could be used for healing.

When we were in the Grand Canyon, we were in a heavy hail storm for 15 minutes. When the hail stopped, the ground was filled with white and it looked like snow. What was so profound to me was the scent of the Piñon Pine. The hail hitting hard on the needles released the essential oil of the needles. The scent was so fresh, clean and invigorating. All I wanted to do was inhale this pure pine scent.

Piñon Pine Salve

I had a sense to make a therapeutic plant-based salve with Piñon Pine. I was so curious to find more about this tree. In Boynton Canyon, Sedona, I saw a Piñon Pine salve. I was amazed at the synchronicity with the strong sense I had about this tree. If we are present then we can hear the whispers and guidance from the ancients in the wind.

Piñon pine sap is a natural antiseptic. Piñon pine salve has properties that promote soothing and healing to the skin. It is used for minor cuts, scrapes, mild sunburns and burns, splinters, bug bites and scratches. It is a general treatment salve for a localized area on the skin. About Piñon Pine Piñon or Pinyon or Pinion trees are considered to be very important and even sacred to some Native American tribes. They can be found in Arizona, New Mexico and Utah and other southwestern parts of the United States. These trees are very water resistant and fight off disease and pests with their sap. Pinyon trees produce seeds, pine nuts, which are a staple to Native American's diet. Pinyon wood is used to burn and for incense because of its unique and sweet smelling aroma.

Copyright 2019 by Joan Morais All Rights Reserved Worldwide


Piñon Pine Salve Basically, Piñon Pine salve contains the sap, also called resin or pitch, oils and wax. Most Piñon Pine salves and the recipes use beeswax. I wanted to create a plant-based Piñon Pine salve using plant wax. When I make medicinal salves, I like to place the medicinal ingredients on a bed of crystals and infuse the energy from the crystals. A double boiler system should be used to melt the sap and the wax with the oils. Piñon Pine Sap Piñon pine sap is also called pitch and resin. It is very sticky and can be challenging to work with and filter it. If you can source responsibly sourced and debris free sap/resin it is much easier to work with. Responsibly Sourced Pinon Pine Sap The Pinon Pine tree uses the sap to deter disease and pests. Sourcing the sap, only a small amount should be taken from the tree. Enough sap should be left for the tree to remain healthy and protect itself with the sap. If you have access to Pinon Pine tree, you can search the internet for how to process it from the tree. Everything on the earth has a purpose, every disease and herb to cure it, and every person a mission. This is the Indian theory of existence. Mourning Dove

Copyright 2019 by Joan Morais All Rights Reserved Worldwide


Piñon Pine Salve Recipe Customizable Base Recipe 1/8 cup (0.6 ounces) candelilla wax ½ cup plus 2 tablespoons plant oil (avocado, coconut oil, coconut MCT oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, sunflower, sesame oil) 4 tablespoons (1 ounce) shaved pieces cocoa butter 2 ounces (about 1/4 cup) piñon pine sap My Recipe for Piñon Pine Salve 1/8 cup (0.6 ounces) candelilla wax ½ cup infused oil (olive oil, sesame oil, sunflower oil) 2 tablespoons organic MCT coconut oil 4 tablespoons (1 ounce) organic shaved pieces cocoa butter 2 ounces (about 1/4 cup) piñon pine sap (responsibly sourced) Plant Oils: I infuse several oils with herbs. I use the “sacred infused herbal oil method” (see below) that I learned from Ms. Beatrice, a 7th generation traditional Mayan healer in a small village in Belize. For this salve I used oils as I had on hand; organic olive oil, organic sunflower and organic sesame oil. I infused them with 9 dried herbs I had (calendula, chamomile, elderflower, hibiscus, lavender, roses, piñon pine needles, juniper, juniper berries). Most any plant oil can be used. I prefer to use plant oils with a longer shelf life. Sacred Infused Herbal Oil Method 9 herbs (best if dried or partially dried) Plant oil to cover Basically, you want to gently warm the oil in a pot for 30 minutes a day for 3 days. The oil remains in the pot during these 3 days. Ms. Beatrice used a cast iron skillet. I use an enamel iron Dutch oven. Day 1 Place the herbs in the pot and cover them with oil. Warm the oils and herbs in the pot, uncovered, gently on very low heat. Warm for 30 minutes if the temperature of the oils stays at warm. Check the oil several times, if they start to get too warm, (you should be able to touch it with your finger), turn the oil off and allow to come to room temperature. Stir several times infusing positive healing thoughts into the oil. When I stir the oil, I make the infinity sign (like the shape of the number 8). When the oil is back to room temperature, cover the oil. Day 2 The next day repeat the same process of warming the oil and herbs as described above, gently warming of the oil and herbs,

Copyright 2019 by Joan Morais All Rights Reserved Worldwide


Day 3 Repeat the same process of warming the oil and herbs as described above, First Read tips below and then the directions. Directions

1. In a double boiler system, add candelilla wax to the pot and completely melt it until it is clear with no granules stuck to the bottom or side of the pot.

2. Add plant oils and cocoa butter and melt and stir. 3. Add piñon pine sap and melt and stir well. 4. Do a spoon test to see if it is the consistency you want. 5. Pour salve into containers and allow to harden. 6. Cap and label.


- The sap is VERY sticky and hard to remove. Most recommend using a double boiler method to remove it from the container. I tried this and it was very messy. I froze the remaining amount of sap and this worked best for me. It popped right out of the container without a sticky mess.

- Use a canning jar ring, trivet to create a double boiler heating system. You want gentle heat. It is best to not have the container you are heating the salve in directly on top of the heat and this includes in the double boiler system.

- It is best to use stainless steel. Glass doesn’t conduct heat well, plus the sap

easily sticks to the glass. If you are using glass, you can use a Pyrex measuring cup, this makes it easy to pour or a glass canning jar.

- Stir often to prevent sticking of the sap.

- Do a spoon test

- Clean-Up

To remove the sap from the measuring cup or stainless steel pot, pour very hot water into it and allow to set overnight.

Copyright 2019 by Joan Morais All Rights Reserved Worldwide


Sap is VERY Sticky

Copyright 2019 by Joan Morais All Rights Reserved Worldwide


Create a Double Boiler System

Copyright 2019 by Joan Morais All Rights Reserved Worldwide


Stainless Steel Double Boiler Set-Up Pitcher is on top of a wide mouth canning jar lid.

Copyright 2019 by Joan Morais All Rights Reserved Worldwide


Pyrex Glass Double Boiler Set-Up Pitcher is on top of a wide mouth canning jar lid.

Copyright 2019 by Joan Morais All Rights Reserved Worldwide


Spoon Test After everything has melted, test the salve before pouring it into the containers to see if it is the right consistency. Place a small amount of salve on a spoon and place in the refrigerator. If it is too soft, add more candelilla wax, if it is too hard, add more plant oil.

Copyright 2019 by Joan Morais All Rights Reserved Worldwide


Pour salve into containers and allow to harden.

All things are connected. Whatever befalls the Earth, befalls the children of the Earth. Chief Seattle Resources Pinon Pine Sap/Resin Sustainable local source of Pine resin from Arizona. Harvested by hand and debris free. Plant Oils Mountain Rose Herbs Tins Mountain Rose Herbs 1 ounce tins are a good size

Copyright 2019 by Joan Morais All Rights Reserved Worldwide


About Joan Morais Joan Morais is a natural cosmetic formulator and instructor. Joan teaches online courses on making natural and organic products for body, hair and skin at She has assisted thousands in learning the art and science of making natural products and has taught at top spas and companies. She teaches and consults with people worldwide. Joan is a certified aromatherapist and herbalist. Joan Morais’ formulas contain high quality plant-based, vegan ingredients; natural, organic and wild crafted herbs, botanical extracts, pure plant butters, vegetable oils and essential oils. The results are natural products that are beneficial to the skin and friendly to people, animals and the earth.