How to make bread (gabriel, jorge)

Post on 02-Dec-2014

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Transcript of How to make bread (gabriel, jorge)



.For a bread of 30 cm.

-750 gr. flour.- A teaspoonful of yeast dried (equivalent to 15 gr. fresh yeast).- Spoonful of salt.- 450 cc. warm water .- Semolina or flour, for the table.


• Put the flour and the salt on a bowl.• Mix it with the warm water, but without exceeding 40º,

since it would destroy the living ferments.• If you use fresh yeast, let rest the mixture for about 15

minutes, until it forms bubbles in the surface.• Make a hollow in center of the flour, and remove with

the hands until the mass comes off the edges. If you see that she is too soft and humid, add a little more flour. If this very dry, damp the mass a little.


• Put some flour on table and move the mass for 15 minutes. To do it hold the mass with a hand and, with the palm of the other, stretch the mass extending it until it begins to be torn.

• Continue extending, doubling and twisting it with rythmical and regular movements, for 15-20 minutes. It will be ready when it is not sticky, extends easily and it is smooth.

3º- FIRST FERMETATION • Wash the bowl, grease slightly with oil and

introduce the mass inside.• Cover it with transparent film to maintain

humidity, and let ferment in a warm place until it duplicates his volume, between one hour or an hour and a half. The point is known when pressing with the finger, the track disappears very slowly.

4º- SECOND KNEADED • Pass the mass to the table and, making

a slight pressure with the palm of the hand, move the mass doubling the edges towards the center and repeat the process.

• When it is ready, leave it on a tray. Cover the bread with a clean rag and let rest for10-15 minutes. Then move the mass again.


• This second fermentation is the one that will give sponginess to the bread.

• Places the bread on a floured table and cover with a dry cloth.

• Let ferment in a warm site during 50 minutes approximately.

6- OVENIZED• Switch the oven to 230º. In order to obtain a humid

atmosphere introduce a tray with hot water in the base of the oven.

• Bread is ready when it has raised. Make a deep incision in the surface, with a very sharpened knife, so that it becomes more crusty. Spary fresh water on the furnace. The steam is fundamental for the formation of the crust.

• After 20 minutes, time during which the bread continues raising, retire the tray with water from the oven. Then bake it for other 15-20 lowing the temperature to 200º.


• Cool it on a grid. Do not cut it until it is completely cold, even on the following day. The excess of humidity will be lost.