How to make anzac biscuits

Post on 15-Dec-2014

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Transcript of How to make anzac biscuits


Step 1:

Gather ingredients, materials and preheat oven to 180˚

Step 2:

In a bowl combine flour, sugar, coconut and rolled oats with a wooden spoon.

Step 3:

Next, place butter and golden syrup in a cup and melt in the microwave.

Step 4:

Now dissolve bicarb soda in the boiling water and add t the cup containing the melted butter and golden syrup.

Step 5:

Make a big enough well in the dry mixture that was prepared earlier and carefully pour the wet mixture in while stirring it together with a wooden spoon.

Step 6:

Line your baking trays with baking paper or greese them lightly with butter.

~ Baking paper isn’t shown ~

Step 7:

Place spoonfuls of mixture on the tray and continue until its gone pushing it down with a fork to even it out.

Step 8:

Bake 15-20 minutes or till golden brown at 180˚