How to (Literally) Light Your Culture on Fire

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of How to (Literally) Light Your Culture on Fire

John GaddCEO, Hotcards

How to Light Your Culture on Fire

Culture is notYoga classes.

Culture is notYoga classes.

Dogs in the office.

Culture is notYoga classes.

Dogs in the office.

On-site Massage Therapists.

Culture is notYoga classes.

Dogs in the office.

On-site Massage Therapists.

Dreams that only remain dreams.

Culture is notYoga classes.

Dogs in the office.

On-site Massage Therapists.

Dreams that only remain dreams.

EVERY company has a culture.

EVERY company has a culture.

SOME don’t even realize it.

EVERY company has a culture.

SOME don’t even realize it.

MOST don’t care.

EVERY company has a culture.

SOME don’t even realize it.

MOST don’t care.

FEW nurture it.



Employee EngagementA Deloitte Study.

31% 51%


Employee EngagementA Deloitte Study.

31% 51% 17.5%


Employee EngagementA Deloitte Study.

31% 51% 17.5%


Employee EngagementA Deloitte Study.



Purpose > Paycheck

Purpose > Paycheck

Flexibility > Stability

Purpose > Paycheck

Flexibility > Stability

Passionate Colleagues > Good Bosses

Purpose > Paycheck

Flexibility > Stability

Passionate Colleagues > Good Bosses

Transparency > “It’s Not My Problem”



If you do not attract the talent, then you won’t attract the revenue.

It always,

starts with the…

It always,

starts with the…


If you don’t have the right people on the bus, you will crash and die.

No matter how “cool” your culture.

Our Hiring Policy:

Our Hiring Policy:

We don’t care how “technically” able you are,if you aren’t a culture fit, we pass.

You can’t turn a vulture into an eagle.

Everyone is trying to find themselves.At Hotcards, we’ve defined ourselves.

Hotcards’ Special Sauce…

18 Ingredients

Smiling is a rule.

Just do it.

Obsess over customers – every customer.

Create unforgettable experiences.

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

Create without fear of failure.

Fanatically follow through and follow up.


Done is better than perfect.

Do good when no one is looking.

Let your actions speak louder than your mouth.

Learn like a 4 year old.

The details don’t mean much… they mean everything.

Get comfortable living in the gray.

There’s always a better way – seek it.

It takes teamwork to make the dream work.

Communicate fiercely.

Challenges are disguised as opportunities to grow.

1. If you want to work at Hotcards, you must CHOOSE to be happy. We don’t complain. We don’t bad mouth. We don’t have “rough mornings.” We realize that one bad apple can TRULY ruin the whole bunch. Customersand team members alike look to Hotcards for light in the darkness.

2. For most people, tomorrow is this magical land where 99% of all human productivity, achievement and motivation is stored.

Those humans are not permitted to work at Hotcards.


It was Friday.

Customer neededthe cards by Saturday.

UPS had already come and gone.

We drove to 33 locations in 16 hours.



We are neurotic about creating a unique, emotional, lasting experience for all those who come in contact with Hotcards –whether in person or digitally. The “experience” people have when they “touch” Hotcards is our brand.


Much of our customers’ love affair with Hotcards is built on the principle of simplicity. We’re relentless about minimizing clicks, creating intuitive workflows – and delivering simply fast service.

6. This is how those ‘aha’ moments are

created. We have no problem falling down, because we get right back up. Fall 7 times,

get up 8. No risk, no reward.


When it comes to follow through and follow up, rare moments of greatness are no replacement for consistency. That’s why we return every email and every phone call with lightening speed.

That’s why we say, “Got it!” when someone sends us an email to confirm receipt.

We. Always. Close. The. Loop.

8. Time is our absolute most precious asset. How you spend itmakes all the difference in what you can accomplish in a day,a week, or a lifetime. Choose your projects wisely. Chooseyour hobbies wisely. Choose your commitments wisely.

9. We’re operating in an insanely fast and evolving digital world – our competition isn’t waiting, why should we?!


Ever go for the toilet paper roll just to find it empty? Thank the person who sat there before you and didn’t understand why it’s so important to do good even when no one is looking.


Talk is cheap because supply exceeds demand. Action is what creates value, loyalty and trust. The greatest way to build trust among customers both internally and externally is through humble, dedicated, determined, action.

12. The world is changing fast – and if you don’t stay on top of your game, some one will make a good case why they should have your job!


At Hotcards, we realize the difference between something good and something great is attention to detail.


The art of life is all about living in the gray. It’s rarely black or white. It’s an understanding and acceptance that life will not go exactly as you plan today.


Hotcards won’t get better by chance. It will only get better by change. We drive change like a rental car – hard and fast.


It’s not your problem, it’s our problem – it’s not your success, it’s our success. When we talk about these things, we say “we” and not “I”.


Communicating fiercely doesn’t mean you have to be aggressive or antagonistic.


Cut out the BS. Speak and listen as if this is the last conversation you’ll ever have with that person.


Opposite to most of society, we LOVE challenges. We look forward to them. This is because we know each challenge is going to make us stronger. Make us better competitors. Make us better people.