How to improve your sleep efficiency ?

Post on 20-Mar-2017

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Transcript of How to improve your sleep efficiency ?

How to Improve Your Sleep at a Chicago Sleep Medicine Center called

‘The Center for Sleep Medicine’


Effects of Improper Sleep (Insomnia)

• People will unable to function properly .• Performance at work will decrease.• Performance at social activities will decrease.• Struggle to maintain the required level of

energy to function normally.• Always in a bad mood.• Look tired.

Chronic Insomnia

• When insomnia persists for longer than four weeks, it is referred to as “chronic” insomnia.

• One in ten adults experience chronic insomnia which can persist for months, years or even decades.

• There are many causes of chronic insomnia and the condition should be carefully evaluated.

Factors Of Chronic Insomnia

Personal and Health factors Physiological Factors Cognitive Factors

Personal and Health factors(Chronic Insomnia)

• Medications• Pregnancy• Stress Responsiveness • Hormonal changes

Physiological Factors (Chronic Insomnia)

• Tense body, • A “racing” mind• Reduced sleep drive• A non-regulated sleep phase cycle.

Cognitive Factors(Chronic Insomnia)

• Excessive worry Feeling pressure• Anxiety about sleeping • Focusing on things that prevent or impair


Insomnia Symptoms

Insomnia is characterized by one or more of the following complaints:

• Difficulty getting to sleep• Difficulty staying asleep• Waking too early in the morning• Poor quality sleep

Insomnia Treatments Awareness• All too often insomnia patients are simply told

to follow “good sleep hygiene” or prescribed medication.

• While important, they alone are not an effective insomnia treatment.

• Sleep is a natural physiological process, long term medication use should be done with caution, as it may worsen sleep as patients develop tolerance over time.

Insomnia Treatments - sleep specialists

• Getting to the root of the problem is what is really helpful.

• An insomnia evaluation from a sleep specialist at The Center for Sleep Medicine will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of your insomnia and most importantly, get you on track for improved sleep.

• Such a consultation will assess the psycho physiological, psycho-social, cognitive and behavioral factors that cause insomnia.

Sleep well with…The Center for Sleep Medicine

• Getting quality sleep is essential to one's health.

• Sleepiness is detrimental to peoples' relationships and safety.

• For more details visit @