How to implement persistent follow ups

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of How to implement persistent follow ups

Sudip Samaddar.

How to implement Persistent

Follow ups?

Walk through….

Let me take you through the work flow of how to

implement Persistent follow up.

We call systematic follow up as, Cadence.

Cadence is a sequence of follow up activity to

make a prospect respond.

The software automatically creates tasks for


who have not answered the call.

you will note here that

The software automatically

Creates task.

It means following 4 times.

This means in 27 days.Leads that answers

Is removed from follow up.

It means calling the Lead 4 times

In 27 days.

Once a cadence is created you have to create

Follow up steps. How many calls and when would you call?

Hence you click here to create steps.

Here you can choose

Which follow up activity?

Say you choose

Manual phone call.

Now the system will ask you when?

Say you selected 20 mins after it is added?

This step of follow up is created in the master cadence

4X27 Fresh Leads to Walking –in.

Now the sales person can select,

The Auto SMS.

The system will deliver sms automatically

to all the prospects who did not pick the phone after

20 mins of the dial attempt described in step 1.

Then it will ask to create a template.

You have two follow up steps created. In this way

You can follow up activity till 27 days with 4 attempts.

With all the follow up tasks, the cadence will look like this. This helps your sales team to

hyper segment. Lead who have walked in but not filled form, to Leads with different product.

Like canadian Abroad education dealt Differently than Australian.

There are two ways to import data .Manually or

CSV import. In the remaining slides I have not explained

In the PPT. I look forward for an opportunity to talk to you

And explain the flow.

Can we get into a call or meet ?

Sudip Samaddar.