How to Hire a Virtual Superstar for Your Business

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How to Hire a Virtual Superstar for Your Business

April 7, 2016

Lucid Expert Webinar Series

How to Hire a Virtual Superstar for Your Business

UP NEXT: Webinar with RICK LENT, author of Leading Great Meetings: How to Structure Yours for Success

THURSDAY, MAY 5TH, 2016 at 1 PM ET




What kind of remote team are you?



What to look for

Where to start

Pro Tips


Where to start


Great internet connection

Reliable Responsive

Proactive / self starters

Self motivated Self disciplined

Honest On time Self learners

Define who you’re looking for

Image credit: Jurgen Appelo


I want people that don’t need to be lead: self starters and accountable. I’d rather have the right kind of person than the right kind of resume. I’ll take people that aren’t a fit skill-wise if I know that they fit the culture and attack whatever problem I’m hiring them for. —Jeremy Stanton, CTO and Co-Founder at Kali, LLC

What characteristics do you value in a remote candidate?



Where to look for virtual candidates

Image credit: Jurgen Appelo


Word of mouth

Image credit: Jurgen Appelo



What to look for

Where to start


Image credit: Jurgen Appelo

Skills to look for#VirtualSuperstar

Pro-active communicators

Image credit: Jurgen Appelo


Comfortable online

Image credit: Jurgen Appelo


Time zone literate

Image credit: Jurgen Appelo


People who are passionate, even if they have slightly less technical skills will be a better fit for your company than people who are brilliant technically but think of it as a 9 to 5 job. I would hire the former over the latter any day of the week. —David Horowitz, CEO at Retrium

Ask yourself “3 hours on a bus together?”

Image credit: Jurgen Appelo

Image credit: Jurgen Appelo

How to interview#VirtualSuperstar

Use combination of technologies

Image credit: Jurgen Appelo


When I interview using video, I feel like I’m physically there in the same room. And I also get a sense of their professionalism. I’ve interviewed people before where they don’t realize there’s inappropriate stuff in the background, or they’re wearing yoga clothes, or there are kids screaming and running around, and they clearly don’t have an environment that’s conducive to work. These things make it clear that they don’t know what it takes to work virtually. —Carrie McKeegan, Director at Greenback Expat Tax Services

Have more than one conversation

Image credit: Jurgen Appelo


What combination of technologies do you (or would you) find useful for interviewing remote candidates?



Image credit: Jurgen Appelo

Questions to ask

Describe your remote working experience

What do you like about working remotely?

What does your virtual office look like?

What does a typical day look like for you?

What are your favorite online tools?


What to look for

Where to start

Pro Tips


Image credit: Jurgen Appelo

Create a SMALL hurdle#VirtualSuperstar

Image credit: Jurgen Appelo

Check Google and social media#VirtualSuperstar

Image credit: Jurgen Appelo

Don’t settle#VirtualSuperstar

More resources


Collaboration Superpowers Podcast Episode 61

21st Century Work Life PodcastEpisode 9


#VirtualSuperstar @lightling @lucidmeetings
