How to get the ball moving and Keep it rolling? Motivation.

Post on 17-Jan-2018

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Philosophy We are motivated to meet our needs and our goals. Our needs are such things as basic needs of shelter, food, security. And our goals of belonging, finding love, self esteem, self recognition and self actualization.

Transcript of How to get the ball moving and Keep it rolling? Motivation.

How to get the ball moving and Keep it rolling?


Philosophy• "All mankind is divided into three classes: those that are

immovable, those that are movable, and those that move." --Benjamin Franklin

• You can motivate people, but you can’t teach motivation. In other words, you can exploit peoples existing motivations, but you can’t give them entirely new motivations.


• We are motivated to meet our needs and our goals. Our needs are such things as basic needs of shelter, food, security. And our goals of belonging, finding love, self esteem, self recognition and self actualization.

Aspects of Motivation• Vision

– Open Communication – sharing goals and vision; giving feedback; kudos; praise

– People work better if they know what is expected of them

Aspects of Motivation• Personal Stake

– What do they need? (By understanding this you will be able to keep people happy and productive.)

– Respect and fairness – employees need to know their ideas are valued and supported; no fear of making mistakes.

– Do not expect everyone to do things your way. Allow other to be creative.

Aspects of Motivation• Keeping it fresh

– Development Opportunities – when mistakes are made use as an opportunity to guide in the right direction.

– Mix it up( do not ask people to do the same tasks all the time.)

– A stimulating work place gives people opportunity to face new and difficult problems.

Aspects of Motivation• Moving Target

– Goals are always changing

• Respect– It cannot be demanded or forced. Respect has to be

given before it will be received. Treat others as you want them to treat you.

• Security– Employees need the feeling of personal security,

financial security and job security. To feel safe to make decisions, to innovate, to adapt. No fear of punishment for honest mistakes.

Motivation Engagement Plan

by Jolene Cassal• Make an assessment, take a pulse – Survey team members– If serious problems exists, discuss with upper management for course of action

• Problems are not serious and team just needs motivating Check for personal motivators - use Job Motivation Level (JML) & ask team what they want Draw on past experiences that worked – what worked or did not work Give team influencing power over project and fit their input in the project – gather input from team

members and delegate some tasks Work with team to set goals – let team member set their own goals for accomplishing task Communicate, communicate, communicate – keep every one on the team informed about how it is

going; on issues Make goals measureable and public, and often –acknowledge completion of tasks or goals; if it is a

long project, have recognitions and acknowledgement monthly.

• How do we best help others around us move towards enhanced motivation and engagement?

– The best way to help others move towards enhanced motivation and engagement is to learn their individual strengths and what they want, let them set their own goals, in a free to fail and non threatening environment and communication is ongoing.

– Eliminate the ANTS

Motivational Engagement Plan By Jon Lindberg

• I will focus on everyone’s understanding and awareness of intrinsic values and look for a way to measure this in our group.

4 Key Steps• Meaningfulness - Committing to a meaningful purpose• Choice - Choosing the best way of fulfilling that purpose• Competence - Making sure that one is performing work activities

competently, and• Progress - Making sure that one is making progress to achieving the


The following are descriptions of the four intrinsic rewards and how

workers view them:

Sense of meaningfulness

• This reward involves the meaningfulness or importance of the purpose you are trying to fulfill. You feel that you have an opportunity to accomplish something of real value—something that matters in the larger scheme of things. You feel that you are on a path that is worth your time and energy, giving you a strong sense of purpose or direction.

Sense of choice

• You feel free to choose how to accomplish your work—to use your best judgment to select those work activities that make the most sense to you and to perform them in ways that seem appropriate. You feel ownership of your work, believe in the approach you are taking, and feel responsible for making it work.

Sense of competence

• You feel that you are handling your work activities well—that your performance of these activities meets or exceeds your personal standards, and that you are doing good, high-quality work. You feel a sense of satisfaction, pride, or even artistry in how well you handle these activities.

Sense of progress

• You are encouraged that your efforts are really accomplishing something. You feel that your work is on track and moving in the right direction. You see convincing signs that things are working out, giving you confidence in the choices you have made and confidence in the future.

My thoughts

• We already have the foundation for these Key steps in our group by: – The nature of our work. – How we do it. – Personal knowledge of working with the same team of employees for

11 plus years.• It is just a matter of bringing these ideas to light. by staying Positive, giving employees Meaning, setting Goals and Rewarding a job well done. I believe we are well under way.

Motivation Engagement Plan

by Tim Hogan• I propose using a Work Engagement Profile (WEP) to measure the

employee level of the intrinsic rewards they are receiving from their work.

• The results will identify the employee's sense of meaningfulness, choice, competence and progress.

• It also identifies options to help increase engagement in the work.• It is effective in one on one coaching, leadership development, and team



• The information the assessment generates will provide helpful data for developing training.

• Give highest initial priority to the sense of meaningfulness – getting commitment to a shared, meaningful purpose.

• Make sure people have the building blocks for choice and competence to be able to actively pursue the purpose.

• Find ways of building the team's sense of progress; to show the team they are on the move and that their self management efforts are being successful.

Motivation Engagement Plan

by Kathleen Fitzgerald• Make up of work group:

– Three member crew( Journey Lead, Journeyman and Apprentice)• Provide an exciting vision ( The project build)• Keep the crew moving and motivated.

– The Apprentice needs the most of my attention.• Coaching (progress report given once a month).• Training

– Journeyman (needs more on the job experience)• Include him in the decision process( letting him know his ideas

matter)• Sharing information and techniques

MOTIVATION• “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you

going.” -Jim Rohn( Be a mover. Possess the determination and desire to advance and

fulfill your life. It is your decision and there is no better timethan now, to make it.)

MOTIVATION• References

– Motivational Quotes from AppFlute – phone app of daily motivational quotes

– Harvard Business Review:––
