How to Get Rid of Chiggers

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of How to Get Rid of Chiggers

5 Ways to Control The Chigger Population

How to Get Rid of Chiggers

Chiggers are a menace, especially during the summer holidays. These tiny red bugs are said to guard the lush grass and meadows. They bite human hosts leaving small and unbearable itchy wounds in the most sensitive areas.

How Do Chiggers Bite Humans?

• In search of the ultimate feeding area, chiggers move along the skin until they reach their destination. It’s widely expressed that chiggers burrow into the human skin; however, that’s a mere myth. 

• After inserting their feeding elements into the skin, chiggers have the capacity to cause damage to the host’s tissues. The skin then hardens, resulting in what is called stylostome. 

• Once the tissue of the host is destroyed, chigger larvae are then unleashed to feed on the infected area.  Once left undisturbed, chiggers are able to feed through the damaged tissues for days.

How To Get Rid Of Chiggers

Keep away from shady areas of brush and tall grass by frequently mowing your lawn and your kids play areas. Chiggers cannot hide well in short grass, especially at midday when there is too muchsunlight. Other than mowing your lawn, don’t forget to prune your bushes, trees, as well as other shrubs.

Avoid shady areas


How To Get Rid Of Chiggers

Chiggers tend to avoid stinky stuff. This has been proven by the Gulf Coast residents who smeared themselves with alligator grease to keep the chiggers off. Today at pharmacies, one can obtain repellents containing Sulphur or DEET. All you do is apply it to your skin or rub it on your socks and the chiggers will keep away.

Stinky Odor


How To Get Rid Of Chiggers

It’s recommended by experts that you dress up in tall boots, long sleeves and tuck your pants into your socks when going into chigger infested areas. Immediately after returning, ensure to wash your clothes and take a shower. 



How To Get Rid Of Chiggers

Favourite host for chiggers are reptiles and small mammals. Therefore, discouraging these animals from residing on your compound will automatically reduce chigger infestation, since the chiggers will likely follow their food source.  

Stop Chigger Hosts


How To Get Rid Of Chiggers

In any event there’s a severe infestation of chiggers within your compound, you can use natural organic pesticides to ward off chiggers and other lawn pests. During application, focus more on the briars, weeds, and tall grassy areas.

Sprinkling Organic Pesticides


5 Ways to Control The Chigger Population

After being bitten by a chigger, they tend to leave their signature behind in the form of bright red bumps – usually lasting as long as two to three weeks. The use of hydrocortisone creams, cool and antihistamines help relieve the itching. A tropical antihistamine called Benadryl comes in a variety of itch stick, spray, cream, and gel. Other home remedies such as applying fingernail polish helps to remind the individual not to scratch, but it does not cure the itch.

5 Ways to Control The Chigger Population

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