How To Get Rid Of Algae In Pool

Post on 10-Jan-2017

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Transcript of How To Get Rid Of Algae In Pool

How To Get Rid Of Algae In Pool

Green water and floating algae are one of the most common problems in swimming pools.

Algae is a living marine creature that rapidly expands in warm and sunny weather.

The algae spores get into the pool by different mediums like :- Rain :-Wind

:- Contaminated equipment and :-Swimsuit etc..

The algae problems can occur within one night if the swimming pool water is not well balanced.

What causes the algae formation?

The causes are :- Improper chemical balance

:- Presence of nitrate or carbon dioxide :- Warm temperature

:- Sunlight :- Poor filtration or sanitation etc.

How it affects the pool sanitation?

:- Algae blocks filter pores that decreases the filter effectiveness in pool.

It consumes more chlorine that leads to chlorine imbalance in water.

:- The algae is not harmful until it helps in the formation of pathogens..

Ways To Get Rid Of Algae....

There are several ways to solve algae problem

of your pool.

:-Killing Green Algae with Chlorine

When pool water starts to getting green means it doesn't have enough chlorine.

Give a chlorine shock treatment to the pool that will kill the algae and bring the pool to the right sanitary condition.

This process usually takes 1-3 days but can take a week if the pool water is totally green.

:- Brush the walls and floor of the swimming pool

The vigorous brushing of walls and floor of the swimming pool will remove the algae from it and the chlorine will kill them


:- Make sure to buy the right brush for the pool cleaning..

:- Steel brushes for concrete pools :- Nylon brushes for vinyl pools etc..

:- Use Of Algaecide in pools :-

Algaecide is a chemical treatment that is used in different aquatic bodies like fish ponds etc. to kill the algae.

Just add the algaecide to the swimming pool and leave it for 1 day that will kill all the algae in the


:- Adjust the pH level of the pool :-

After cleaning up the pool make sure to test the water to know whether the pool maintains a right pH and alkaline level or not.

The water pH level should be between 7.2 – 7.6 as that will work as a disinfectant for bacteria and germs etc.

Tips :- The total alkalinity should be between 80 and 120 ppm.

What safety precautions you should follow while pool cleaning?

:- Always use eye protection, gloves and thick clothes to cover your skin while dealing with these chemicals.

:- Never inhale these chemicals and always be cautious while using it in windy weather.

:- Always keep them in separate place as some

chemicals can explode when they come along.