How To Get Recovery From Google Penguin 3.0 Penalty

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Transcript of How To Get Recovery From Google Penguin 3.0 Penalty

By Techno InfonetBy Techno Infonet

In this in-depth analysis we are going to highlight some interesting findings about the Google Penguin 3.0 Update. Although speculations have been on since early summer, it wasn’t until this fall that Google’s representatives said it loud and clear : Penguin 3.0 is rolling out! It’s true that “it’s a slow worldwide rollout, so you may notice it settling down over the next few weeks” and it’s also “ affecting fewer than 1% of queries in US English search results.” as the Google guys announced. As the sixth version of the Google update named after the funny-looking ice-gentleman (admit it, penguins do look like they are wearing tuxedos) is on the roll, our guess is that everyone is trying to understand its impact.

Google Penguin 3.0 Launched on October 17

Your website isn’t showing up in Google results for some of your most potential key phrases for which you used to rank in top result pages

If you’ have seen a drop in sales over the past two quarters and your website traffic has taken a significant hit

You may receive warnings from Google like “Unnatural links warning” which may be something like:

Check your traffic in “Google Analytic”

Verify whether your site’s PageRank has dropped significantlysince the expected penalty took place.

Check if the entire website has been removed from Google’scached search results overnight.

Running a site search – keyword –yields no results.

Your listing – when you eventually find it in Google – is fora page on your site other than the home page.

Date Discovered

URL PatternsIP Patterns

NameServer Patterns

Whois patterns

If you are submitting your site URL to various

directories or link farms, remove those links

immediately, and cancel this type of activity in


404 links

Nofollowed links

Pages no longer indexed in Google

All toxic domains

Once you complete the cleaning of bad links for your site, you need to start utilizing best linking practices to rebuild your links profile.

Stop link building and start link earning.

…...Start recovery