How to Get a Job via Social Media

Post on 13-May-2015

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Kelly Malone

Transcript of How to Get a Job via Social Media

Job Hunting Via

Social Media Feb. 4, 2012

Before You Make a Move…

- Google yourself

- What’s worse than something coming up? Nothing.

- Manage your online reputation

- Set up Google Alerts for your name

- Check

- Add your profiles to directories

- Grab your name on social sites:

Before You Make a Move…

- Clean up your digital footprint

- No:

- Incriminating photos/content

- Trash talking past employers/employees

- Profanity

- Constant negativity

- Poor grammar

Before You Make a Move…

- Google+: Be there or be lost in cyberspace

- Search optimization

- Networking

- Blogging properties

- Trend and content mining opportunities

Source: Reppler, 2011

Social Networks

LinkedIn Love

- Fill out your entire profile and be honest

- Link to other social profiles, blog RSS feed, SlideShare

- Ensure your profile picture is consistent with other socnets

- Optimize your profile with keywords

- Join industry groups managed by target companies

- Contribute to Answers by your connections and others

- Don’t connect status updates to your Twitter feed

- Follow target companies

- Ask for recommendations

Twitter Tips

- Follow target companies and their employees

- Use Hootsuite or TweetDeck to set up searches for companies and hashtags

- Tweet industry info, retweet influencers and interact

- Use directories (Twellow, WeFollow)

- Tell followers you’re looking. #Twesume?

- Do you have Klout?

Join Twitter Chats: Search Hashtags:

#PRStudChat #PRJobs

#PRWebChat #PRJob

#PR20Chat #EntryPR

#CommsChat #HAPPO

Facebook Finds

- Clean up your Timeline—go ALL the way back

- Revisit privacy settings

- Use a professional shot for your profile pic; choose a personality shot for your cover photo

- Add professional apps

- BranchOut

- BeKnown

- In the Door

- TheWhoButton

- Like target companies’ pages

Creative Twists on the Paper Resume

Video Resume

Video Resume Tips

- Ask yourself:

- Is it relevant for the position?

- Is it a good fit for the company culture?

- Does it offer something different/more than your resume?

- Is it creative, fun, sharable?





Infographic Know-How

- Not for all application systems

- Keep it relevant for the position

- Use color and sections

- Link to website, socnets

- Automatic generators:


- Kinzaa


Bloggers Welcome

- Writing your own blog:

- Gives you street cred

- Demonstrates your writing skills and thinking

- Allows you greater SEO/findability

- Helps you hone your skills

- Adds a great interview talking point

- Comment on influential blogs

- News

- Industry

- Local PR/SM rock stars

- Target companies

- Contribute guest posts/enter contests


Job-Related Apps

- LinkUp

- Searches jobs on company sites

- LunchMeet

- Find other people in your area for networking

- Uses LinkedIn to broadcast you’re free

- Pocket Resume

- Customize your resume for each job

- App pulls info from your LinkedIn profile

- Export to PDF

- (not mobile app)

- Online organization tool

- Where you’ve applied, status

77% of job seekers use mobile apps during their

job hunt. - Mashable

Words of Wisdom

In the Hot Seat

- If you’re interviewing for a social media position:

- Understand how brands/businesses use social media

- Have your list of favorites ready to go

- Be prepared with campaign metrics from your internships

- Tip: I don’t care about your organization’s number of FB likes

- How did you come up with fresh content?

- Think outside Facebook

- How do you keep up with the ever-changing SM realm?

You Landed It!

- Once you are part of the team:

- Know your company’s social media policy

- Client disclosures/transparency/permission

- Remember, you now have a day job

- Discuss how much time you can allot for social media research

- Think before you tweet or post

- Root your recommendations in research

- Don’t turn down any opportunity, offer new ideas, ask lots of

questions and be a sponge

Questions? Fahlgren Mortine Kelly Kinzer Malone

@FahlgrenMortine @kelPR +Kelly Malone