How To Format & Present Your Assignment For Legitimate Grades

Post on 20-Jan-2015

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Transcript of How To Format & Present Your Assignment For Legitimate Grades

How To Format &

Present Your


Presented By-

• Students, before lecturers read your assignments, they’ve already formed an initial impression in your mind. And you just have to create a favorable first impression.

• Normally, every assignments include marks for presentation – marks are given for such as formatting and layout, word count, APA referencing, writing style, grammar and spelling. So if you have the right presentation, you can surely get few more marks.

Looks Do Matter – While Presenting Assignments

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Key Points – Before Starting Your Assignment

• Go through your learning materials, the online course page, emails from your teacher, and the assignment question

• Your teacher may have included some guidelines for presenting your assignments.

• Read the instructions carefully, make sure you understand them and follow them exactly - this isn’t the time to be creative.

• If you’re not clear about what’s required, ask: either post to a forum on the online course page or email your lecturer. Ask your assignment queries -

What if I'm not told what's required?

• Some lecturers assume that students will know how to present work of the required standard or quality and don’t give specific instructions.

• If this is the case, follow the general guidelines below.

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Formatting &


File format

• Most assignments are written using MS Word• Assignments can be submitted one of the following file

formats: .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx or .rtf.• Do not submit html files, web pages, CAD files, Visio (.vsd),

PowerPoint (.ppt), PDF s (.pdf) or zip files unless it is required.Fonts• Select a clear, readable, sans serif font such as Verdana,

Calibri, Tahoma or Arial.• Select black text on a white background. Avoid coloured

backgrounds.• Use a 12 or 14 point font for headings and 11 or 12 point for

the body of your assignment.Ask your assignment queries -

Spacing• Use 1.5 or double spacing and fairly wide margins • Leave a blank line between paragraphs.• Left-justify your work, it looks neat and impressive.

Headings• Use bold for headings, not underlining or italics.• Essays do not usually require subheadings; reports usually do.

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Title page• Make sure you have a good & impressive title.• Title page includes:

- the title and number of the assignment- the course number and name- the due date- your full name and student number.

Numbering• Number all pages except the title page.• Number your questions.• Tables and figures must be numbered: • Don't number the items in a reference list.

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Headers and footers• Insert a header or footer on each page (except the title page).• The header or footer should contain the following information:

- your name (last name, first name/s)- student number, course number- the assignment number, and- the page number.

Word count• Include a word count (the number of words in your assignment).• The title/title page, reference list and appendices are not included in the

word count.

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Reference list• The reference list comes at the end of the assignment.• Start the reference list on a new page.• Label the page References.• References are arranged alphabetically; they aren't numbered.

Appendices• Start each appendix (if applicable) on a new page.• If there's just one appendix, label it Appendix, without a number.• If there's more than one appendix, label them Appendix A, Appendix B,

etc.• In the main text, refer to the Appendix by the label, e.g. Appendix A.

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Pen and paper• Print or write on white A4 paper; use one side only.• Use a blue or black pen for handwritten answers; avoid other colours.• Don't use pencil for writing assignments.

Headings• Use bold for headings if your assignment is printed• Underline headings if it’s handwritten – use a ruler, it looks neater.

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Tops and bottoms of pages• Check the top and bottom of your pages.• Avoid

- widows - single lines of text at the top of a page. - orphans - first lines of paragraphs at the bottom of a page. - split lists – lists that are divided between two pages.

Handwritten submissions• Write boldly: if a marker can’t read what you’ve written, your answer might as

well be wrong.• If there is a mistake, use correction fluid, or draw a neat line through the

mistake.• If you find there are too many mistakes and your work looks messy, rewrite it.

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