How to find Shaklee 180 leads online

Post on 19-Jul-2015

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Transcript of How to find Shaklee 180 leads online

How to Find

Shaklee 180Leads Online

The Shaklee 180 system is a truly amazing line of


My parents have both lost a significant amount of weight

using the system including so many others.

of 2192

“ I drank this stuff and my pants fell off ! "

My Mom's tag line is

of 219


And it's true. She lost 20 pounds in 4 months without even

following the 10 000 steps exercise regimen.

But this is no secret, right?

We all know this is an amazing system.

Shaklee really hit it out of the park with this one.

of 2194

How do we approach our friends and contacts, and attract

people we don't even know who are interested in losing


But how do we tell the rest of

the world?

of 2195

Maybe you already have members buying a few 180 products, but you

wish they would try ALL the products?

And that’s not the only challenge.

of 2196

Or maybe your members buy Shaklee 180 kits, but they don't re-order very

often or at all?

If you've experienced any of these challenges,

you're not alone.

of 2197

As a distributor, I know the challenges we all face. This is why I've created

this webinar.

I wanted to share some exciting new tools and strategies to capture 180

leads, convert them into customers and get existing clients to buy more.

of 2198

What You'll Learn

• How to find Shaklee 180 leads on Facebook

• How to follow up and convert the leads you find into customers online

• How to use email marketing to improve your results

• How social media fits into all of this

• The new tools we've created to help you

Here's what you'll learn in this webinar:

of 21910

My Story

My parents started their Shaklee business in 1981. The great

products and the lifestyle encouraged me to follow in my parents


So when I was 18 I made my first attempt at building my own

business. 10 years and countless attempts later, I became what

was then called a supervisor in 2001.

of 21912

And then.…

I flat-lined again.

Life got in the way and my business

wasn't my priority, and it took a nose-dive.

of 219


Then in January 2004 I went to the Philippines and it changed my


Spending 18 days on a 7-mile island of protein-like sand made it

incredibly difficult to go back to my old life as a Footlocker store


of 21914

I had had enough of the artificial lights, plants and recycled air.

The shoe glue had taken its toll and I wanted out.

So in September of that year, I quit my job on Vancouver Island

and moved to

San Diego California.

of 21915

After a few months of getting things settled

( and a side trip to the Philippines to marry my wife )

I was ready to re-launch my business.

I had left everything back in Canada,

so I didn't have a car of my own to get around and do the

business in the traditional,

old physical style of building.

of 21916

So the internet was the

answer for me.

It was March of 2005 and there I was

shelves of products, and boxes of my

computer parts that I officially re-

of 219


I still remember the day I fired up my ad campaigns

and started driving traffic to a little website I had built myself.

But this little website wasn't all of it.

of 21918

I'd also converted the original 3 step sponsoring system, my dad had created, which helped them grow to Key

Coordinator, into an online set of evaluation classrooms.

of 21919

In less than 6 months, I went from 0 to over 4000 PV on a

consistent basis.

All from that little spare room, with just my laptop, my phone

and my ads.

And a lot of talking!

of 21920

But I ran into a problem.

A big problem.

My new builders, my own family, even my

wanted a system like mine.

Unfortunately, I didn't know how to replicate


of 219


At least not at first.

When I was able to figure out how to do it

our business really took off.

My families organization doubled and we were soon in the top

10 in business growth.

of 21922

Many of our other Shaklee friends were also having amazing results and they started

being recognized for top sponsoring for Gold ambassadors and going on incentive trips,

and getting bonus car payments, it was amazing.

of 21923

Even with all this growth, I always knew we had a weakness.

We didn't have a strong process for finding product-only clients.

of 21924

So when Shaklee introduced Cinch we had no system in place to help us market it to

people who weren't distributors.

But I was knee deep in work, trying to improve the online system that focused on helping us find business builders,

which I had created along-side with my parents and had a responsibility to maintain.

of 21925

And then a few years later Shaklee created 180.

But it kind of ended there.

We weren't able nor willing to do in-homes and we still didn't not have a system in


of 219


And then about a year ago, one of our Shaklee friends,

Frank Vandy, left me a message on Facebook and


if we had anything to help him promote Shaklee 180.

of 21927

And we didn't. It was on our wish list but that was it.

This got me thinking that we couldn't put this off any longer, we needed to create a system and a strategy to help our

team and our Shaklee friends market these amazing products.

of 21928

At first I wasn't sure how we'd do it.

So I went back to the basics.

I cracked open the books and notes I'd

over 13 years of studying online

marketing online, and it dawned on me.

of 219


The 3 secrets we'd learned long ago from the gurus

which we'd already been applying in our 3 step

sponsoring system was what I needed to follow.

of 21930

3 Secrets we discovered from the gurus

When we first began to study the big network marketers who

were creating huge businesses online in the late 90's, we

discovered they

were doing 3 key things.

of 21932

1. They were great at attracting traffic to lead capture websites and building an audience a.k.a list building. ( Lead

generation )

2. They were excellent at following up and converting the leads they found using email marketing systems, 1 on 1

presentations and webinars. ( Lead conversion )

3. And they were also skilled at educating their entire organization using online training tools and resources. (

Educating and Upgrading )

of 21933

In fact, if you study other successful entrepreneurs and

internet marketers,

they all follow this formula.

Let's review the big picture of the 3 keys to success

success formula.

of 21934

The Big Picture

Here's a quick view of the process, tools and the actions to

take when looking to find and convert 180 leads online.

Phase Lead Generation Lead ConversionEducating and


Objective Attract traffic Capture leads

(list building)Follow-up Convert leads Duplicate & Increase PV

Tools needed

- Ads- Digital Content - Promotional Cards - Offline tools - Trade shows- And more

- Lead Capture site- Lead Magnet (E-book)

- Email Marketing System- Follow-up emails- Digital Content

- Webinar - Presentations- Digital Content - Shaklee PWS

- Training Center- Email Marketing System- Follow-up emails- Webinar - Presentations- Digital Content

Action- Get training- Run ads- Create conversations- Hand out promotional tools

- Your site will handlethis part!

- Contact by phone- Send 1 time broadcasts- Connect on social media

- Put on webinars - Do 1-on-1 presentations

- Keep educating your group on the value via calls, webinars, sendingcontent etc.

of 21936

Traffic GenerationAds, social media content, word of mouth, business cards

Your HUB site

Personal Branding












LCWYour email marketing system

Personal Branding

Your conversion process

Webinars, follow-up emails, 1 on 1

Your Shaklee Group

Members and Distributors

Product Education Center

Webinars, follow-up emails, 1 on 1

Business Education Center

Webinars, follow-up emails, 1 on 1

of 219


Now that you've seen the big picture of the 3 keys to success formula

lets break it down into each phase.

of 21938

Attract Traffic

Finding Shaklee 180 leads online starts with Attracting Traffic

to a Lead Capture device.

of 21940

There's lots of ways to attract traffic.

I could do an in-depth 3 or 4 session webinar series

covering ways to attract traffic so

I'm not going to go into all of that here.

of 21941

What'd I'd like to focus on is how to find 180

leads on Facebook.

The key is to socialize and advertise.

of 21942

For today, lets cover advertising as this method will

get the most results in the shortest time.

of 21943

In the past, you could get a fair bit of

exposure on Facebook for free.

of 219


Facebook is no longer the free love

it once was. It's now pay-to-play.

of 219


But that doesn't mean we

should give up on it.

of 219


It still has (at least Facebook states they have ) 1.4 billion active users

with the longest on-page time of any site on the internet at around

32:51 minutes. that doesn't mean we should give up on it.

of 21947

It's where the eyeballs are on the internet.

of 219


A study sponsored by Facebook and conducted by data crunchers at the

Analytics Firm IDC reported people on average check their Facebook

newsfeed 14 - 15 times a day on a mobile device.

of 21949

And the real beauty of Facebook advertising

is in the ability to target people with interests

that relate to what you're offering.

of 21950

In this case, it's weight loss.

of 21951

It's also the least expensive way to reach 1000 people

compared to other media.

of 21952

There are 3 core types of campaigns you can run:

of 219


1. A 'Like' campaign is where your objective is to get likes for your Fan page

of 21954

2. A Click campaign is where your objective is to get people to

click your ad and go directly to your website.

of 21955

3. An Engagement campaign is where your objective is to get someone to Like, comment or share your


of 21956

Here's a quick checklist to run

Ads on Facebook:

Note - You have to have a Fan page to create a newsfeed ad.

of 219


1. Create your Conversion Tracking Pixel and install it on the Thank you page of your website. This is how you can

track when someone goes to your page and requests

more information.

of 21958

2 . Select your ad objective

of 21959

3. Create compelling ad graphics and upload them to your ad account

of 21960

4. Write curiosity and benefit-driven headlines

(Shows under the ad in News Feed)

of 21961

5. Write the text for above the ad.

Consider using a problem-based question or statement

of 21962

6. Write a News Feed link description

that has a Call To Action

of 21963

7. Choose your Audience

8. Set up your Campaign and Ad Set

of 21964

9. Select your Bidding and Pricing 10. Place your order

of 21965

Promote your personal story

Another simple but effective way to get people to

your site is to hand out a promotional card showing

your before and after results.

of 219


Here's an example of a custom designed promotional card we

created for Debbie Miller.

Doesn't she look fantastic!

of 21967

Phase Lead Generation Lead ConversionEducating and


Objective Attract traffic Capture leads

(list building)Follow-up Convert leads Duplicate & Increase PV

of 219


Capture 180 Leads

Now that you understand how to attract traffic, you'll want to know the destination.

You'll want to point

your traffic to a lead

capture website.

of 21970

Why not just send them to my PWS?

1. Low conversion rates

There's a very small chance a first time

visitor will buy when they land on your site.

The conversion rate of shopping sites online,

can range from below 1% to 3%.

conversion rate

1% - 3%less than

of 219


That's livable if you're and you have millions of visits a month.

of 21972

You don’t.

of 219


Mobify insights reports 2014 average conversion rates at


for Health / Beauty ecommerce sites.

of 21974

2. Don't start out trying to sell people

Even though your ultimate goal

in the business is to make sales

and sponsor people, you're much better

off to ask for just a small commitment

up front.

of 219


Build relationships through follow-up and then you can convert them into

members or distributors when they're ready to move forward.

Make connections first.

of 21976

And let's remember

that this is a relationship business.

Dr. Shaklee pulled the products from retail stores for a


He understood the power of a personal advocate.

of 219


We want systems that foster his original plan

for person to person marketing.

A lead capture website

suits that purpose.

of 21978

A lead capture site typically only has 2 pages.

The Opt-in page where your visitors are enticed to give their details in order to learn more,

and the confirmation or thank-you page.

opt-in pageconfirmation

/ thank you


of 219


The Opt-in page also known as

a squeeze page, is in ѕtаrk contrast

tо unfосuѕеd hоmе pages

which usually offer lots of

navigation options.

of 21980

Opt-in pages focus ѕресifiсаllу

оn сарturing leads аnd mаkе nо аttеmрt tо

givе viѕitоrѕ

a diffеrеnt орtiоn.

of 21981

Remember, most people won't be ready

to take action (spend money / join )

when they see your site.

So you want to focus on finding ways

to get connected to people.

of 21982

If you have enough people in your system

in their various stages of exploration,

eventually you'll start to have lots of people who convert.









of 21983

Most people quit way to soon.

If they don't see results

in the first 30 to 90 days they run.

But it takes patience!

of 21984

So don't expect anything


when you're starting

to build an audience with a

lead capture system either.

of 21985

3 Parts in the Conversion Formula:

Make a connection by getting your

web visitors name and email,

maybe a phone number.

Stay in touch via follow-up emails,

Social media interaction, phone calls.

Convert your leads by offering webinars

and 1-on-1 presentations.

of 219


If your leads haven't already purchased or sponsored after some time, but they're engaging with you, that means

you're building know, like & trust and there's a much higher chance they'll buy or take action in the future.

of 21987

If you had sent your visitors to your PWS and they weren't ready to buy that day

you would have had no chance to nurture a relationship for future opportunities.

of 21988

Now a lead capture site on it's own will fall flat on it's face

without the lead magnet.

The lead magnet is the irresistible freebie you offer your web


in exchange for their contact details.

The Lead Magnet

of 21989

It could be an e-book, video, report, newsletter, free membership or some other giveaway.

of 21990

We chose to use an E-book for our lead magnet because we

wanted something that our readers could easily go back to and


We also wanted a way to embed multiple links

to our Shaklee PWS.

of 21991

You see if they go to our Shaklee PWS now and don't buy, it's not the end of the story.

you'll still have a connection to them via email unless they've unsubscribed.

of 21992

1. People see it as a tool to help them solve a problem

2. Easy to consume

3. Looks professional, builds confidence

4. Personalized

5. Educates and entertains

6. Connects to Social media

7. Has multiple calls to action (CTA)

7 Elements that Make a Great Lead Magnet

of 21993

We all know that the key element to long term success

with getting loyal 180 consumers, is the ability to educate them

on the science behind 180 AND the entire thinking behind it.

of 21994

It's proven that a well-educated

prospect is far more likely to buy

and re-purchase products

than someone who isn't.

of 21995

But it can be hard to get people

to take the time to sit with you

so you can tell them

the whole 180 story.

of 21996

Your leads and your existing customers / builders

can educate themselves on their own time.

This is the beauty of an E-book.

of 21997

But people are busy and even though they've downloaded your E-book

that doesn't mean everyone will read all or any of it.

So what do you do?

of 21998

This is where we move them into your conversion process.

And it starts with Follow-up.

of 21999

Phase Lead Generation Lead ConversionEducating and


Objective Attract traffic Capture leads

(list building)Follow-up Convert leads Duplicate & Increase PV

of 219



The Fortune is in the Follow-up!

of 219


This is such a popular phrase in business someone

has even made it their Facebook page name.

The problem most distributors face is that they're the

only ones managing their business.

They have no helpers who can ensure the follow-up

is taken care of, nor do they use automated tools that

help them either.

of 219103

Or if they can manage to do it, it's often erratic, unfocused,

and only done with those who they're actively communicating

with 1 to 1.

So unfortunately for most, it just doesn't get done.

of 219104

That's a lot of missed opportunities because you're not able

to keep connected to leads in their various stages of


But what about the rest of your leads?

of 219105

The answer we found is to have an

email marketing system.

of 219


But isn't email marketing


of 219


In November 2011, Mark Zuckerberg

announced that email was dead.

He claimed that Facebook messaging had killed it.

of 219108

It never was. In fact, as Jay Baer pointed out in his Social

Fresh presentation on Facebook and email, you have to have

an email address to sign up for a Facebook account.

Email is not dead.

No email, no Facebook.

of 219109

5 main reasons it’s so effective:

1. Everyone uses email.

2. Email is personal.

3. Perfect for follow-up.

4. Email scales as your business grows.

5. You can control who sees your messages.

of 219


Ian Brodie, author of the bookEmail Persuasion says:“Email is, without doubt, the most powerful marketing tool available in business today.”

of 219


It's also one of the most popular activities on people's smart phones.

of 219


Here's how we use email marketing to increase our results:

We use a series of pre-written,

sequential follow-up emails, that

are sent on a weekly basis.

This is commonly known as an


of 219


We recommend your emails

go out

weekly so people remember


Here's an example of the

sequence we have set for

our leads

of 219114

I also highly recommend you send occasional one-time broadcasts to:

of 219


- Invite people to learn more on your live webinarsor even at physical meet-ups.

of 219


-Update them on new promotions or specials

of 219


-Share new stories or testimonials

of 219


11 elements that make great follow-up emails

1. Written with a friendly tone

2. Educates and entertains

3. Sells by educating

4. Looks professional, builds confidence

5. Uses some images, and looks ok if images won't show

6. Text is easy to read, with bolding and spacing

7. Personalized

8. Connects to your Social media profiles

9. Has multiple calls to action (CTA)

10. Asks your readers to engage

11. Responsive and looks great on Smart phones

of 219


Phase Lead Generation Lead ConversionEducating and


Objective Attract traffic Capture leads

(list building)Follow-up Convert leads Duplicate & Increase PV

of 219


Converting your 180 leads with webinars

Once we've captured our leads information,

we don't want to just sit and hope

they'll eventually take some action

by reading our follow-up emails alone.

of 219122

And if we're not requesting a phone number,

there's no way to follow-up with your leads 1-on-1,

unless you've been able to connect with them on Facebook.

So what do we do?

of 219123


of 219


Here's 7 reasons webinars are so effective

of 219


1. They help us build our lists

of 219


2. They allow a higher level of rapport

of 219


3. They offer a high level of interaction

of 219


4. No geographical restrictions

of 219


5. You can educate and promote to lots of people at once

of 219


6. Your leads can hear your enthusiasm and passion of 219


7. High conversion rate

of 219


Facebook expert, Mari Smith writes:

Live webinars are the next

best thing to in-person contact.

of 219133

Sherrie Rose & Jim Kukral, authors of the book The Webinar way,

write that webinars are the single most effective way to promote your business,

drive leads and sell a ton of products.

of 219134

Experts have reported that webinars have the highest conversion rate for online

promotions. of 219135

of 100136

Many see results as high as 20% compared to a website which averages 3% in the

health and beauty sector.

of 219136

3 types of Shaklee 180 focused webinars you can offer

of 219


1. Educate

of 219


2. Demonstration

of 219


2. Demonstration3. Free training with sales conversion

of 219


I needed to help Frank!

After Frank Vandy asked me if we had anything for Shaklee

180 and I couldn't offer him anything, it reminded me of when

my own business was starting to take off in 2005.

of 219142

I remember how it felt when my builders were asking for the same tools I had,

and I couldn't offer them anything.

of 219143

He wanted to market Shaklee 180 online,

and I knew he just didn't have the tools he'd need to be effective.

of 219144

I knew he'd need a lead capture site, a lead magnet, follow-up emails,

webinar tools and a place to manage it all.

I also knew he needed to be able to offer the

exact same tools

to anyone he sponsored as a builder.

of 219145

Network marketing is about duplicating a business model.

That means, as a leader, you need to

be able to give your team access to

the same tools you're using.

of 219


If you have to ask them to run off and build their own, you're doomed.

Less than 1% of your people will ever have a hope of creating effective online tools.

of 219147

I felt for Frank and I knew he needed my help.

So in December 2013, I began researching Shaklee 180 intensely.

I dug deep into every page, video blog and resource I

could find on the system.

of 219148

Then I studied the competition.

of 219


I reviewed countless websites

and downloaded loads of e-books

and signed up for their newsletters.

of 219150

I scoured Facebook, to check the Fan page

of every company I could find in the weight loss niche.

of 219151

I reviewed the Fat loss factor, Truth about fat burning foods and others.

of 219152

I even reviewed other Network marketing companies like:

Visalus, Herbalife, Usana, Amway, NuSkin to see what they were offering.

of 219153

I also checked out SlimFast, Jenny Craig, the Atkins diet,

Nutrisystem, Bodytrim and the Paleo diet.

of 219154

I bought and reviewed every book written

by Harley Pasternak including several

other books from noted authors.

of 219155

After this exhaustive research I spent several months writing the 7 Big Secrets E-book.

of 219156

Then we began to conceptualize and design the lead capture site

and the tools we'd need.

We drew from our many years of experience developing

lead capture websites and we applied all that we'd learned.

of 219157

And after 10 months of planning, designing, coding, testing

and deploying…

of 219158

I'm proud to be able to introduce the

7 Big Secrets to Losing Weight lead capture and conversion system.

Lead Generation Lead Conversion Educating and Upgrading

Lead Capture Website

Lead Magnet

26 Follow-up emails Back office

Power point presentations

of 219159

1. The 7 Big Secrets lead capture websiteBuild an audience of people interested in losing weight.

The website is comprised of 2 pages

Opt-in page Confirmation / Thank You page

of 219


8 elements that make a great lead capture site


- Offering to solve a specific number of problems

- People love lists


- Offers 1 thing and asks for 1 thing

of 219


8 elements that make a great lead capture site

Psychological triggers

- Uses words like: Reveals, Secrets

- Has Professional design


- Head shots

- Personal story

of 219


8 elements that make a great lead capture site

Strong copy

- Benefit-driven

Social proof

- Testimonials

of 219


8 elements that make a great lead capture site

Strong copy

- Clearly еxрlаins what ѕоlutiоns it offers

Social proof

- Social 'Likes' widget

of 219


8 elements that make a great lead capture site

Low Risk

- Privacy policy

- Sneak peek at what they're signing up to get

Responsive design

- Looks great on any device

- Compatible on all major browsers

of 219


2. The 7 Big Secrets - E-bookI chose this title and the content outline based on this criteria:

1. It had to create curiosity and follow the formula proven to be

effective at converting leads.

2. It needed to seem like it would be a quick read with helpful,

actionable info.

3. It needed to convey credibility and be a trustworthy source of


4. It needed to prepare the prospect for the 180 products and

educate them about what makes the 180 program work.62-page personalized E-


of 219


Professionally designed Educational Easy to read

of 219


Hi Jody ... Just reviewed the 7 Secrets to Weight Loss


GREAT JOB! I'm down 23 pounds since 08/04/14 ...

It inspired me to keep using the Shaklee products!- Jenn

of 219


Has great testimonials Has multiple calls to action (CTA) Links to your Shaklee PWS

of 219


I was very impressed with the Shaklee 180 Ebook,

authored by Jody

- Louise Jennings

of 219


Headshot and your name allows readers

to go directly to your Facebook profile

Allows readers to go directly to the

Shaklee 180 Kits on your PWS

Allows readers to connect with your social media


of 219171

3. The 7 Big Secrets - Follow-up emails40+ pre-written Follow-up emails

We wanted to keep the branding consistent all the way

from your Lead Capture site to your follow-up emails.

After 2 weeks of concepts and redesigns, we choose

this colorful and fun theme that made it easier to read

the emails and didn't look boring or stuffy.

of 219


- Written with a friendly tone

- Educates and entertains

- Looks professional, builds confidence

- Text is easy to read, with bolding and spacing

of 219173

- Uses some images,

looks okay if images won't show

- Has multiple calls to action (CTA)

- Sells by educating

of 219174

Social Sharing

Sharing icons make it easy

leads to share your site


Branding stays consistent

with your Lead Capture


of 219



Your emails will look great on mobile devices


Written to repeatedly ask for engagement

of 219



- Includes your headshot

- Connects to your Social media profiles


- Includes icons which link to your social media profiles

of 219


4. The 7 Big Secrets - PowerPoint presentationConvert your leads to customers

Understanding the importance of webinars as a key

tool for converting leads to customers and

educating existing members and distributors, we

set to work to create a power point presentation

that would support the content in the E-book.

of 219


of 219179

5. The 7 Big Secrets - 365 IntegrationLet us do the hard work for you!

We knew the system wouldn't be complete without a

comprehensive marketing strategy and tool set to back

it up. So we designed this system to be part of our

Facebook Marketing 365 service for premium members.

of 219


Fan Page set up and cover photo

of 219


Amazing Page posts

of 219


Effective Ad graphics

of 219


The YFP Super bundle!

Text here

The 7 Big Secrets lead capture and conversion systemis currently only offered with our YFP Super Bundle package.

We realized that building a Shaklee business

requires more than just 1 lead capture system.

So we've put together a comprehensive package

that will cover a wide range of what you'll

need for your online success.

of 219


We've also designed this package

so you'll get the best monthly pricing

on our system AND free upgrades

as we add on new components.

of 219186

Traffic GenerationAds, social media content, word of mouth, business cards etc.

Your HUB site

Personal Branding










9 Things

LCW7 Secrets

LCWYour email marketing system

Personal Branding

Your conversion process

Webinars, follow-up emails, 1 on 1

Your Shaklee Group

Members and Distributors

Product Education Center

Webinars, follow-up emails, 1 on 1

Business Education Center

Webinars, follow-up emails, 1 on 1

of 219


what will be part of the Super Bundle business suite.

Let’s review

of 219188

1. Your Freedom ProjectFind, sponsor and train new business builders with our simple 3 step sponsoring system.

Lead Generation Lead Conversion Educating and Upgrading

Lead Capture Website

Lead Magnet

31 Follow-up emails

Online classrooms, Power point presentations

funwork videos and study guides

Back office

of 219


Easy access to everything you need to learn,

train and manage your systemContact manager Archived Training

Train your team to duplicate your process

and manage your contacts

of 219190

Invite your leads to webinars Create your own follow-up campaigns See who opened and clicked

Full featured Email marketing system 1000 contact limit

of 219191

2. Your Hub site – Personal branding and content marketing system

“How does a business get attention these days?” The answer is: content marketing!

Content marketing is a marketing technique

that uses high-quality, relevant content to

educate, engage, and acquire your target


It has been proven to produce long-term

results and can help you drive sales and


of 219


Your home baseConnects to your content and

lead capture sites

Learn to Earn Online Generic Business Content

Health SecretsGeneric Wellness Content

About Me Work with me

*To be released in early 2015

of 219


3. LCW – Beginner’s guide to running an online business in the health and wellness industry

Capture more leads and build your audience of potential business candidates.

Lead Generation Lead Conversion Educating and Upgrading

Lead Capture Website

Lead Magnet

26 Follow-up emails Back office

Power point presentations

*To be released in 2015

of 219


4. LCW – 7 Big Secrets to losing Weight

Find, convert and upgrade Shaklee 180 customers

Lead Generation Lead Conversion Educating and Upgrading

Lead Capture Website

Lead Magnet

26 Follow-up emails Back office

Power point presentations

of 219


5. LCW – 9 Shocking things you need to know about vitamins, health and nutrition

Increase your PV when you can capture nutrition focused leads

Lead Generation Lead Conversion Educating and Upgrading

Lead Capture Website

Lead Magnet

26 Follow-up emails Back office

Power point presentations

*To be released in early 2015 of 219


6. LCW – The Simple, scientific secrets to better health

Increase your PV when you can send your leads to a dedicated sales page for Vitalizer

Lead Generation Lead Conversion Educating and Upgrading

Lead Capture Website

Lead Magnet

26 Follow-up emails Back office

Power point presentations

*To be released in early 2015 of 219


7. Your Wellness CenterIncrease your PV when you can educate your Shaklee organization on the value of Shaklee products

Easy access to everything you needto learn, train and manage your system

Shaklee-focused contentWebinars, videos, articles




*To be released in mid 2015

of 219


Our content marketing strategyHere’s our plan for your Hub site personal branding content system:

Schedule Web property Article Email

Post weekly Hub site Generic Business focused articles Supporting email

Post weekly Hub site Generic Wellness focused articles Supporting email

Post weekly Wellness center Shaklee focused product articles Supporting email

of 219


The 2D animated movies in the Mini-Office Outlets site

are over 27 minutes long.

Did you know…

You'd have to pay between $2000 - $9000 per minute

to have someone build that for you.

Let's do the math: 27 x $2000= $54 000

of 219


But it doesn’t have to!Building the 7 Big Secrets site would cost you over $30,000 to build

of 219


And then just $49 per month after that.

But don’t wait!Each time we release a new product, we'll raise the initial start-up cost.

$137You can get all this for just

for your first month.

of 219202

What you'd normally pay if we sold this separately

Product Regular price YFP bundle pricing

Your Freedom Project $30 / month

Hub site content site $39 / month

Online Business LCW $67 + 3.95 / month

7 Big Secrets LCW $67 + 3.95 / month

9 Shocking Thinks LCW $67 + 3.95 / month

Health Secrets LCW $3.95 / month

Your Wellness Center $30 / month

Email Marketing System1000 contacts

$24 / month

TOTAL $138.80 per month $49 per month

And this doesn't include the cost of the 1st month for the 3 lead capture sites.If you add that, it would be an extra $201

of 219


At regular price:Over a year, at the regular monthly price, you’d have to fork out

$138.80 x 12

= $1,665.6

With the YFP super bundle$49 x 12

= $588.00

Yearly savings$1665.6 - $588.00

= $1077.6

You SAVE $1077.60 per year in monthly costs alone!

of 219


Don’t forget the cost of writing!

Not only is it incredibly difficult to find and work

with a great writer, it's also extremely


Many writers charge from $30 - $60+ per hour. Each article and the supporting emails we'll put

in your system, can take from 4 to 8 hours to

write, proof, design, code and deploy.

of 219


I've sourced a team of 4 writers to help us create the content needed

for your system.

You'd could easily spend several thousand a month if you had

if you had someone do this for you.

of 219206

It’s already done for you!Your system will come pre-stocked with over 100 follow up emails right now.

And as we roll out new sites we'll be adding more.

of 219


Here’s some perspective…

Ryan Deiss is a well-known online marketer who owns the digital marketer.

He is selling pre-made email templates along with email marketing training.

$1997His system is

of 219


Let’s have a quick recap of everything you’ll be getting:

Product Content Articles Emails Schedule

Your Freedom Project sponsoring system YFP business training Broadcast Weekly

Hub site content marketing systemGeneric BusinessGeneric Wellness



Your Wellness center Shaklee focused Broadcast Weekly

LCW - Mini-Office Outlets 31 Follow- Weekly

LCW - Online business 26 Follow- Weekly

LCW - 7 Big secrets 41 Follow- Weekly

LCW - 9 Shocking things 26 Follow- Weekly

LCW - Health secrets 26 Follow- Weekly

Email marketing system1000 contacts

of 219


Traffic GenerationAds, social media content, word of mouth, business cards etc.

Your HUB site

Personal Branding










9 Things

LCW7 Secrets

LCWYour email marketing system

Personal Branding

Your conversion process

Webinars, follow-up emails, 1 on 1

Your Shaklee Group

Members and Distributors

Product Education Center

Webinars, follow-up emails, 1 on 1

Business Education Center

Webinars, follow-up emails, 1 on 1

of 219


Just imagine how your business can grow when you have

all the same tools that the Rockstar network marketers have!

of 219211

You'll have a content marketing strategy.

Finally, you'll have a place to drive your social media traffic

that connects to you!

of 219


Imagine how much more successful you can be

when you're able to build a list of a few thousand people

who are happy to open your emails to hear from you.

of 219213

You'll be able to send out an email to your list and get

new customers, attendees and sales while you sleep.

of 219214

It can happen if you'll follow our training,

work the tools we offer and stay the course

of 219


$137You can get all this for just

for your first month.

And then just $49 per month after that.

Get in on this limited time offer today!

of 219