How to deal with the office grump

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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How to deal with the office grump

Throughout your career you’ll no doubt encounter people you don’t get along with. But to get the job done, it’s vital to learn how to work with difficult people. Here are some handy techniques.

Try to understand where they’re coming from

Perhaps this person is under unusually high pressure to complete a project or to meet a tight deadline. Maybe they’re having a tough time at home.

If you see a conflict brewing, look for ways to avoid it. Try not to react to negative comments, and offer alternative solutions to pessimistic conversations.

Stay focused – and use this difficult time to shine. Producing top-quality work will typically generate lots of respect from other members of your team – and maybe even from your troublesome colleague.

Keep calm and carry on, try to ignore negativity, and only take in constructive criticism.

Be friendly and optimistic in your interactions with your difficult colleague. This will make it pretty hard for them to continue being negative towards you.

Is it time to escalate the situation?

If someone at work is making you miserable, and despite your best efforts the situation isn’t improving, it might be time for someone to intervene. Ask a manager or someone else in a more senior role for advice.