"How to Date My Best Friend" in 9 Simple Steps

Post on 17-Jan-2015

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Transcript of "How to Date My Best Friend" in 9 Simple Steps

The inevitable happens and you’ve fallen head over heels with your best pal.

The sad thing is you’re unsure of his/her feelings…

…so you become hesitant on whether pursuing the chase is the right thing to do.

Think about how long you’ve been friends.

Say you’ve been best pals for at least two years, then you’re already more comfortable with one another especially if you’re the type who tells each other almost everything.

Assess whether or not feelings have been established.

You should gather your thoughts as one and look at how you behave when you’re together before. Has either of you said something about dating and becoming a couple? Have you flirted with each other in the past?

Start by targeting the physical aspect slowly but surely.

Technically speaking, you’re still the best of friends. Thus, don’t let your old habits drastically change. Start out slowly and just upgrade things little by little.

Don’t go on talking about crushes the way you used to when you’re still friends.

If your now-partner has secretly liked you all those times before but

only held himself/herself together whilst talking about your crushes, imagine how he/she will feel now

that you’re already a couple.

Don’t hesitate to ask your partner what things he/she likes and hates now that you’re a couple.

Keep in mind that you will always know something new about your partner every day. Hence, don’t feel shy asking

them more about themselves.

Meet the family members.

How do you overcome the awkwardness of it all? Simply by being polite and who you are even before when you

were only the best of friends.

Phone calls DO NOT really matter.

If both of you are really serious with the relationship, the length of the call DOES NOT make a difference.

Show special treatments.

Tell your significant other how much they mean to you and that you love them. If you already decided on becoming one

but still act as if you’re friends, it’s going to be confusing and irritating for the other person.

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