How to create a compelling website "hero message" that doesn’t suck (with 30 great examples!)

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of How to create a compelling website "hero message" that doesn’t suck (with 30 great examples!)

People’s attention span

and patience while

browsing online is very

limited, so if they arrive at

a website for the first time

and can’t tell what the

company behind it does or

what products they offer

within mere seconds,

they may leave almost as

soon as they’ve arrived.

So if your website doesn’t

have a compelling hero

message, forcing people to

work too hard to figure out

what you do, it really doesn’t

matter what else your website

contains, because your visitors

simply won’t stick around to

find out.

The ideal homepage hero

message is essentially a one

(or maximum two) sentence

summary of what your

company offers or what your

products do, and for extra

punch, it should be followed

by a compelling call to action.

It’s as simple as that.

About Noya Lizor & Viola Notes

Viola Notes is the official blog of Viola Group, Israel’s

premier technology oriented private equity investment

group. It is managed by Noya Lizor, Director of Content

at Viola Group and also the author of this presentation

and its associated blog post, Why you need a compelling

hero message for your website and how to create one

that doesn’t suck (with 30 great examples!)
