How to cope with irritability and stress from lack of sleep

Post on 16-Jan-2017

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How to Cope with Irritability and Stress from

Lack of Sleep

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According to one of the findings of a new sleep survey conducted by One Poll, people commonly attributed their irritability, poor eating habits, and forgetfulness to lack of sleep.

If you experience the same, these tips will help you fight these negative health effects.

Increase your diet of positive emotions.

• Our brains are hardwired to notice, seek out, and remember negative events and information. It’s called the negativity bias. Negative emotions command your attention during the day and have physiological consequences that can interfere with sleep.

• According to Dr. Barbara Fredrickson, one of the world’s leading researchers of the benefits of positive emotions, positive emotions are linked to biological markers of health. She states that, “With positivity you are literally steeped in a different biochemical stew.” As a result, positivity brings better sleep.

Increase your diet of positive emotions.

• Fredrickson suggests that one way to enhance positive emotions is to pick a positive emotion and create a portfolio. I started a gratitude portfolio where I keep emails and notes from people I have worked with over the years. Those notes have helped me stay the course in my business on days when the world looks a little frustrating.

Develop more of a “stress helps” mindset

• Sixty-two percent of the sleep survey respondents reported that stress often causes them to wake up in a bad mood. A new science of stress is emerging that challenges the often-reported notion that all stress is bad and debilitating. 

Develop more of a “stress helps” mindset

• According to psychologist Alia Crum, ARM yourself with this three-step process to help you practice a “stress helps” mindset:• 1. (Acknowledge) stress when you

experience it and notice how it impacts you psychologically and physically.2. (Recognize) that stress is a response to something you care about. Try to connect to the positive motivation behind the stress.3. (Make use) of the energy stress gives you.

Develop more of a “stress helps” mindset

• Crum and her colleagues found that people who endorse a “stress helps” mindset report less depression and anxiety, higher levels of energy, work performance, and life satisfaction.