How To Conduct Initial Interviews: 4 Critical Questions

Post on 19-Aug-2014

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In our last lesson we continued our series on how to hire and manage with a look at how to hire a freelancer. In today’s lesson we are going to continue that series with a look at the interview process for hiring full-time employees. So let’s get started!

Transcript of How To Conduct Initial Interviews: 4 Critical Questions

4 Critical Questions Which Every Interviewer Should Askby

What is the goal of the interviewing process?

To find the best candidate for the position with the least amount of time and effort.

After posting a position, you may receive dozens if not hundreds of resumes.

Ask for the candidate to include why they are applying to your company. By doing this you can easily filter out:•Those who are just sending you canned responses.•Those who can’t follow simple directions.

After you filter the people you are interested in, the interviewing process begins.

The first interview should be conducted by phone and should not necessarily be done by the person hiring.

When interviewing by phone there should be two or three routine questions:

•Where did you go to school and what was your major?•How would you rate your (fill in the blank, ie Exel) skills?

This interview has three goals:

1.To test the candidate’s verbal and communication skills.2.To give the candidate a chance to say the job is not a good fit.3.To Schedule a next interview.

The Next InterviewNow-days I think the best idea is to have the an interview conducted using Skype video chat. With this interview, I think one can answer the following questions:•How interested is the candidate about the position?•How knowledgeable about the field is the candidate?•Does the candidate have some communication skills for the position?•Does the candidate have some problem solving abilities for the position?

The 4 key questions that every interviewer should ask

1) What Do You Know About The Company?An interested candidate will have research your company before hand. If the candidate does not answer properly, it indicates a lack of interest in the job or general laziness.

2) What do you think the positions involves doing on daily basis?In this case, what the candidate omits is as informative as what they say. Omission may indicate lack of experience or that it might not be their strong point.

Some candidates may say they have no idea but lots of questions. If they have questions written down, it indicates a good level of interest.

3) Are you interested in the field?

• If so, what articles have you recently read? (for those with no experience) • What would you have done differently to make your previous position more productive? (for those who have experience)

3) Are you interested in the field?

For inexperienced candidates, if they can summarize an article that have read in the field related to the company or position, its a sing that they will work to improve their knowledge base to do a better job.For experienced candidates, a detailed, thoughtful answer can demonstrate they care about “doing the best they can”.

4) Would you be willing to role play the following situation?

This provides gives you a chance to see the job candidate’s ability to verbally communicate, deal with stress and think on their feet.

This 4 questions are not the only ones you should ask, as the rest will vary depending on the position. However these 4 questions will allow you to have more insight to the candidates drive, personality and ability to handle the position.

And Finally...