How to Coach Effectively

Post on 21-Jan-2016

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Transcript of How to Coach Effectively


How To Coach Effectively VideoHi, it’s Christy again from the Quantum Success Coaching Academy, and in this video,we’re going to talk about some very important distinctions for being a successful lifecoach.

First, we’ll discuss the difference between:Being a Coach•Being a therapist•And being a friend with good advice.•

It’s easy to fall into the trap of feeling like a therapist or friend and I’ll show you how toalways be a life coach for your clients and how to draw boundaries and keep them.

This is a key distinction that most new coaches fail to grasp and their businesses andclients suffer from it.

After that, I’m going to teach you the 3 most important skills to being a top-notch coach.

If you just followed these 3 things, you’d be way ahead of the pack.If you’re ready, Then let’s get started;

Coach vs Therapist/Psychiatrist

What’s the difference between a coach and a psychiatrist or therapist?Both relationships develop over time •Confidentiality is critical in both •The needs and wants of the client are the focus for both •There are professional ethics and standards for both•



There are some additional important distinctions: Coaching is not appropriate as front- line support for individuals suffering fromchronic depression, anxiety, neuroses or addictions.

Coaching clients are “well” individuals who have generally accepted their pastsand have full focus on their present and future.

They are individuals who take responsibility, and they will benefit fromaccountability.

Therapists and psychiatrists work with clients who need professional help to worktowards healing, recovery and issue resolution.

Coaches work with clients who want a detached partner to help them evolve andenhance their lives.

Therapists are experts in medical and behavioral sciences, and they are trained to treatdiagnosable conditions like:

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder •Addiction•Depression•Bipolar Disorder •Other conditions•

Coaches see their clients’ brilliance, strengths, and areas that are in need of improvement.They are trained to support their clients as they achieve certain desired outcomes.

Therapists are required to keep their personal feelings and thoughts removed.

Coaches use personal disclosure as a tool to help and challenge their clients.

Coach vs Friend

What’s the difference between being a coach and being a friend?A coach holds their clients accountable for what they want to create and achieve•in their lives. As a friend, it is great to support one another, but when you try to hold a friend•accountable it can bring problems to the relationship.



I suggest to my coaches that they coach friends only if it is a clean relationship. •Meaning the friend is coachable and looking for the role of a coach, not just•another friend to listen to his or her problems and give advice. Coaching is NOT advice-giving. •Coaching is getting clients in touch with their own inner wisdom and power so•they can determine the right steps to take in their own lives. Coaches don’t give advice, whereas friends do. •

Coach vs Supportive Spouse

What’s the difference between being a coach and being a supportive husband or wife?As a husband or wife, it is hard to have a different perspective and to stay objective•because you are emotionally involved. I don’t coach my husband because it can cross too many boundaries. •I am there to support my husband and encourage him, but taking him through•processes and exercises becomes work instead of just being supportive. It is very similar to being a friend. •The wife/husband usually does not want his or her wife/husband to give advice.•

Coach vs Consultant

What’s the difference between being a coach and being a consultant?Consultants advise their clients about how to solve problems. •They say “This is what you do and this is how you do it. This is the next step•you have to take.” Coaches guide their clients to their own solutions by asking powerful questions•so that the clients allow their inner wisdom to come to the right solution forthem. Consultants are focused on results and what they can measure. They are hired•to produce a certain outcome. Coaches are hired to support their clients as they achieve certain outcomes. •

What kind of training do you need?



What kind of training or education do you need to be a coach?

Coaches come from a wide variety of backgrounds including: Corporate •Education•Consulting•Communications•Law•Health care •And others •

There are as many types of coaches as there are people.

You already know much of what is required to be good at coaching.

This is where your life experience, business expertise, and people skills count forsomething.

There are presently no formal requirements to be a coach and there is no governmententity – federal or state – that requires you to be licensed.

While no official guidelines exist, the profession is strong on self-governance and onmaintaining high ethical standards.

Formal education, such as college or graduate school, is helpful but NOT necessary.

Coach training, however, is essential in positioning yourself as a professional.

It also proves critical in your success as a practitioner in the business of coaching.

Chances are you already know a great deal of what it takes to be a good coach.

There is also an equally good chance that there are some things that will hold you back,or stop you altogether, without the proper instruction.

Consider a training program like the QSCA – fall semester opens for registration onSeptember 13th and classes start on October 6th.

In the meantime…Here are the 3 most important tips for being a great coach:



Your own inner being is your primary tool for being a great coach.

Your inner being is that non-physical part of you – that old, wise part of you.

When I start a coaching session, before I get on a call, I don’t prepare anything.

I don’t say, “Okay, I’m going to talk to them about this process and that process.” Iconnect with myself. I connect with my own inner being.

That way, I put myself aside and allow my authentic being to show up and be the guide,be the coach.

That’s when you are going to be your best coach – when you’re coming from yourauthentic being.

Your own strengths and skills, your own life experience and your own intuitive sense areenough to make you a phenomenal coach.

Consultants and therapists are the experts.

And that is something that I really want you all to understand – that there is a distinctdifference between coaching and consulting, or even therapy.

One of the key distinctions is that coaches don’t need to know more than their clients do.

YOU don’t need to know more than your clients do.

Coaching is about listening to and responding to your clients, rather than advising orfixing your clients.

So many coaches think, “I need to fix the client.”

“I need to make it all better for the client.”

You don’t have to. It’s not a coach’s job.

That’s a therapist’s job; that’s a consultant’s job; that’s a psychiatrist’s job.

It’s not a coach’s job.

Being a Great Coach Tip #1

To be an effective coach, the very first thing you have to do isstart from that authentic part of who you are.



The greatest thing you can do as a coach is to ask powerful questions, because it’sultimately the clients that have to come up with the answers.

It is easy to tell someone what to do, but it is a skill to be able to refrain from givingyour advice and ask questions of your clients so that they come to their own answers.

Whenever you give advice to a client, you are coming from your own perceptions, beliefsand attitudes, and it may not be the right direction for the client.

But when you focus back on your clients by asking them powerful questions like:

“Is that empowering or disempowering you?”

They are able to turn the focus back on themselves, and go within and discover what isreal and true for them.

Powerful questions like: “What would your life look like if everything were working?”

The clients get to go within and be creative, and decide what they want to create in theirown lives.

You, as a coach, get to support that vision instead of creating the vision for them.

Let the clients do all the work.

Being a Great Coach Tip #2

Asking powerful questions that lead the client to the answer.



So many times we go in and try to think of how we can fix the client.

Instead, you must focus on the client.

I’m sure you all have been in a situation where you’re trying to tell someone something,and they’re not really listening to you because they’re in their minds thinking of howthey’re going to respond to what you’re saying, or how they are going to fix your problem,and so they’re not deeply listening.

When that happens, you miss out on so many opportunities as a coach because you’renot focused on what the client is saying.

With coaching, it’s really important to:Listen to what the client is saying, but also 1.Feel the vibration 2.

I know you’ve experienced this – what it feels like when people are in a really highvibratory place…

They’re excited about something; they’re describing something that excites them.

Their energy is really high.

But then they might say,

“I really want to sell my house, but this real estate agent I have is just horrible,and she can’t seem to get . . .”

Their energy drops.

You can feel the difference between high and low energy.

And as a coach, that’s where you need to be actively listening. You need to be reallyintuitive.

I don’t mean that you have to be psychic or anything…

Being a Great Coach Tip #3

The focus must be on the client, rather than on solving his/her problem.



I mean that you have to listen to what they are saying, and get really connected to theirenergy level as well.

When did this client dip?

Why did this client dip?

The answers to these questions can help you “illuminate” for your clients what they’resaying that made their energy drop.

It’s not your job as a coach to fix the client.

Please, please, please get that!

It’s not your job to fix the client.

Your clients have all the answers within themselves. A good coach reminds their clientsof their own infinite wisdom, helps them see from a different perspective, and helpsthem come to their own conclusions and solutions.

So your job as a coach is to hold your clients in a very safe space and see the highervisions of your clients…

See them already being that success that they want.

See them being those worthy and deserving people that maybe they don’t feel that they are.

Hold them in that higher light.

And when your clients then come to their own conclusions, there’s a bigger impact anda bigger energy shift.

I have to tell you, there are so many times when I work with clients, that I’ll knowimmediately what the issue is for them because I’ve been doing this for a long time.

And I can easily say to clients,

“Well I know what it is for you – you just don’t feel like you’re enough, or youdon’t feel like you’re deserving, or maybe you are trying to make up for XYZ.”

I can say those things, and clients will say, “Yeah, right, yeah.”

But it’s not as impactful as when clients come to those conclusions themselves…



When they get it themselves, there’s a huge energy shift and that’s when a big impacthappens.

It’s so much easier when we come to the conclusions ourselves than when somebody justtells us.

So that’s what you’re doing as a coach, and that’s why it’s so exciting!

This also allows your clients to take personal responsibility because the solutions weretheir ideas, and there is accountability. And with that accountability, your clients are ableto get closer to their goals.

So when you tell your clients,

“This is what I want you to do: I want you to start writing out six times a day thedifferent things that you need to do for your business to move you forward.”

Your clients will most likely agree to that, but they won’t stick to it because theydidn’t essentially come up with the solution themselves.

Let me explain:

I, myself, am like a lot of people where…

…if you tell me what to do and I don’t want to do it, I dig my heels in.

Don’t tell me what to do!

If I come to my own conclusion, such as: I really need to take a step forward, like aquantum leap in my business, and I really need to take some action…

Then I’ll do it.

So, the coach could say,

“Hey, I have an easy process that would really help you in your business – can Itell you about it?”

I’d naturally respond with, “Sure, I’d love to hear it!”

I’m now receptive and willing to do what the coach asks of me, because ultimately, itwas my idea to make some upgrades in my business.

So remember, you are not there to “fix” your clients. You are there to:



Create a safe space •Ask powerful questions •Listen to them •Guide them in creating their own solutions•

If you follow these simple steps, your clients will:See amazing results in their lives•Continue to want to be coached•Love you•And refer you to all of their friends•

That’s it for today’s video lesson and I hope you enjoyed it.

Listen, I’m committed to you creating an amazing coaching business and in the nextvideo, we’re going to talk about one of the most important steps to doing that.

I’m going to share with you the secrets to easily finding clients that are willing to payyou top dollar for your services.

You won’t want to miss this video.

As always I would love it if you left me your feedback below, and don’t forget to grabyour 2nd coaching tips PDF as well.

Thanks for watching and I’ll see you again in a couple days.