How to Clean Plywood Kitchen Cabinets

Post on 12-May-2015

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Transcript of How to Clean Plywood Kitchen Cabinets

• Plywood kitchen cabinets are among kitchen building

materials that provides a custom look and lends a rustic look

in the kitchen.

• They are built-in furniture, installed in many kitchens for table

services, cooking equipments, storage of food, silverware and


• Different appliances are integrated into them and they can

also be used in different ways in the kitchen.

• These kitchen cabinets tend to build up grease, food residue

or dust with time and use. They are porous, if exposed to

moisture, easily develops mold or mildew. If you don’t clean

them, it will likely grow and can contaminate other surfaces.

• They require proper care and cleaning techniques to keep

them in their best appearance.

• It is important to clean kitchen cabinets at

least once a month to keep your kitchen

looking fresh and bright, and you'll protect

them from grease and dust.

• It is important to identify mold or mildew first

because removing it may be challenging

especially if you have a large area to treat.

• Most plywood cabinets types can be cleaned with a

dishwashing liquid, but you can also purchase a

house-cleaning solution made for wood items. You

can also use an all-purpose cleaner.

• If you wish to avoid

these commercial


solutions you can

clean the cabinet

with a mixture of one

part vinegar and one

part water.

• Put on rubber gloves and eye goggles to

protect yourself from bleach splashes. Wear

an N95 respirator (found cheaply at most

hardware stores) to protect yourself from

breathing in mold spores.

• Fill a bucket with 1 gallon of warm or hot

water, and add 2 tbsp. of mild house-cleaning


• Dampen a piece of cloth or sponge into the bucket

full of warm or hot water and wring it out. Wipe the

cabinets thoroughly using small, circular motions

while scrubbing to remove visible mold and rinsing

the sponge again in the bucket.

• Empty the bucket and mix it with 3 cups of clean

water and 1 cup of bleaching solution.

• Dip a clean soft sponge in the mixture and rub the

sponge over moldy and mildewed areas of the

Plywood kitchen Cabinets

• Allow the bleach around 15 minutes to kill the mold.

• Empty the bucket of bleach solution and refill it with

cool rinse water and rinse off the kitchen plywood

with a clean sponge to remove any soap residue and

rinse the cloth in the bucket.

• To protect the varnish and restoring the shine of

plywood, you can apply a light layer of paste wax to

a clean cloth and wipe over the cabinets evenly.

• Allow it to dry completely before doing anything more

with it.

• After drying, you can wipe the cabinets thoroughly

with a clean cloth in circular motions to remove

excess wax.

• Whether your plywood kitchen cabinets have a

glossy finish, they require the proper cleaning

techniques to keep them looking their best. You can

also restore the appearance of your old plywood

kitchen cabinets by cleaning them with mild products

on a regular basis. If you are remodeling your

kitchen you can visit kitchen cabinet online for a

great selection of plywood kitchen cabinetry. You

can get a variety of high quality affordable plywood

kitchen cabinets at affordable and discount prices.

• Kitchen Plywood cabinets lend a warm, natural touch

to any kitchen. Over time they get dirty. They only

require wood cleaner solution but with stains, you

need different products such as bleaching solution to

bring them back to their original luster.