How to choose the right lipo battery for rc helicopter or car

Post on 18-Jun-2015

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description How to Choose the right LiPo battery for RC Heli or Car? From the article you can get the right way to Choose the right LiPo battery for RC Heli and Car.

Transcript of How to choose the right lipo battery for rc helicopter or car

How to Choose the right LiPo battery for RC Heli or Car

How to Choose the rigWith so abounding choices out there it is difficult to analyze what is business hype, what is brand loyalty, and

what is absolute lies. Battery manufacturers are consistently aggravating to one up one another. While commercialism can drive

prices down, it as well can accord could cause to apocryphal claims about LiPo battery for RC Heli or Car

One abundant way to acquisition out what the best array is, is to attending at graphs of the batteries performance. Looking

at how low the voltage of the corpuscle drops at assorted amperages will accord you a metric to analyze that array to

agnate size/weight batteries.

If graphs aren't your affair again artlessly attending at what added humans are appliance in acknowledged setups that are

agnate to your application. If a lot of humans are advertisement continued flight times and lots of ability from aero plane X, with ability arrangement Y, and array Z and you

do the same, again if your bureaucracy is agnate the aforementioned array will apparently plan able-bodied for you.

It pays to apprentice something about Watts, Volts, and Amps. Understanding these concepts is above the ambit of this document, but can serve you able-bodied in not alone addition out what array is best but as well in your electric

aircraft hobby.

I'm not assertive that a 30C array is absolutely any bigger than a 10 or 20C battery. Sure a college C appraisement agency it can acquittal faster. But at the afore mentioned time a array

absolved at 20C continuously will be abandoned in 3 minutes. Do you absolutely alone wish to use the array for 3 minutes? I

adulation accepting access ability in helicopters and boats, but in about all added applications in fact active a array at or aloft 20C is abortive to me. I adopt to run batteries at 8-10 C

and accept a little allowance if I charge it.

A final agenda on allotment a battery. Don't bargain out. Confirm that your batteries are able of active that the

amperage akin you plan to use them at. Active a corpuscle at a college C appraisement than the array can handle can not

alone accident your batteries, but it can as well accident your acceleration control. Castle Creations has an

accomplished commodity on how application a anemic array can abort a altogether acceptable acceleration ascendancy

of any brand. Bigger to buy a bit bigger array than you charge than to abort your electronics.

Also, if you have other problems you can contact with us, AGA Power is a very famous RC LiPo battery manufacturer in

LiPo battery industry. People talk about what they are using and what they think. Go with the majority and you will be fine. Just make sure the majority is a majority. AGA Power RC LiPo

battery is your best choice!
