How to Build the Perfect Team

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of How to Build the Perfect Team

How to Build the Perfect Team

essential Tips from Author

Nancy Butler

Knowing what to look for when putting together a project team can mean the difference between stress, struggle, and missed deadlines, and achieving above and beyond your target.

Follow these simple tips from Nancy Butler, business coach and award-winning author, to assemble the perfect high-performing team.

“Instead of searching for people that were the same as me, I looked for the opposite. The goal was to get as close as possible to everyone doing the tasks that they really enjoy, they’re good at, and make them want to come to work.”

1. Find People With Complementary Skills

"Most every business has tasks or projects that are worked on many times throughout the day, month, or year. Whenever there is a repeatable task,

there should always be a well documented system in place to enable greater efficiency and effectiveness. Figure it out once, document it, and then follow

the plan.”

2. Only Touch Things Once

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3. Shared Responsibilities Trump Specialization

"It is important that the success of the business is not reliant on any one person, including the owner.

If someone was out sick, away on vacation, quit, or was out for any reason, systems should be in place to enable others in the office to easily step in and see what needs to be done and have the skills to complete it."

4. Know When to Grow Your Team "Do not wait until you can afford staff to hire them. If you hire the right person for the job, they will more than pay for themselves. Once I took the leap of faith and hired the right person at an appropriate level of pay, my business took off very quickly."

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