How to Build Relationships with Investors

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Transcript of How to Build Relationships with Investors

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How to Build Relationshipswith Investors

This presentation consists of highlights from 33founders, an interview series on 33voices®

INSPIRED BY: David Tisch

The biggest mistake you can make as a founder is prioritizing operational goals

above building relationships. Instead of targeting investors based on what they can do for you,

connect with them on a personal level.

INSPIRED BY: David Tisch

“I’m not a bank. I’m not here to do transactions. I’m here to build relationships. I’m not big on building relationships through transactional engagement.”

INSPIRED BY: David Tisch

Put yourself in a position to succeed when meeting co-founders, mentors, and investors

by approaching them in an environment you’re comfortable in. If large networking events cause

you anxiety, arrange a one on one meeting to authentically represent yourself.

INSPIRED BY: David Tisch

What’s going to do that?David on how to start the conversation:

“The answer isn’t a specific answer and that’s the key. There’s no script. You have to win. You have to catch somebody’s attention.

You have to stop them in their tracks.”

INSPIRED BY: David Tisch

What’s going to do that? A fantastically funny email, a fantastically impressive email, a fantastically beautiful email, and beautiful probably involves a product shot or a link

that you click and go, ‘Holy! I’ve got to stop what I’m doing and pay attention that.”

INSPIRED BY: David Tisch

Remember that investors follow Mark Suster’s advice to “Invest in lines, not dots.” As a founder, it’s your responsibility to let

relationships evolve naturally and with the flow of your company.

INSPIRED BY: David Tisch

No one, regardless of their experience, should impact your big vision. Forbid yourself from taking short cuts that sell you short of the

bigger dream you’re working to achieve.


Don’t approach venture capital meetings focused on projected success and exit strategies. Instead, present an image of how you’d like your product

to exist and provide data that supports that vision.


If you’re uncomfortable delivering presentations use photos to demonstrate

your product or service. Whether product shots, graphs, or current stats, visual representations

are an easy way to break the ice.


Remember that every startup is an experiment. The company you have today

will be entirely different in six months.


Invite potential investors to view your due diligence package after making your formal pitch. This way you’ll demonstrate that you’re meeting your milestones and

they can expedite their decision to invest.


To make your fundraising round more efficient, update existing and prospective investors by adding them to your DropBox

and constantly sharing new information.


Remember the Silicon Valley mantra when seeking investors: “If you want money

ask for advice.” Target leaders based on their mentorship qualities, not just

their financial support.