How to Build a Log Pile

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of How to Build a Log Pile

How to Build a Log Pile.

1. Materials; 4 wooden pallets, Plastic bottles, cardboard, carpet, flat pieces of wood. pipes, logs .

2. Cut the top off of plastic bottles.

3. Roll up cardboard and squeeze it into the plastic bottles

4. Decide where to build it and stack the pallets on top of each other.

5. Put carpet on the top for a roof.

6. Roll up small pieces of carpet and put them into the gaps.

7. Put the plastic bottles into the gaps.

8. lay flat pieces of wood on the ground around the pallets and in the bottom layer of pallets

9.roll up cardboard into the plastic pipes and put them into the gaps

10 After some time unroll the cardboard to find the creatures