How to Become a Better Writer

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Transcript of How to Become a Better Writer

How to Become a


Proficient Writing Skill is Vital to Career Success

Writing well . . .

leverages your chances of

building a solid internet presence

impacts your leadership abilities

and credibility

gives you the opportunity to make a profound impact

on the world

Writing well . . .

leverages your chances of

building a solid internet presence

impacts your leadership abilities

and credibility

gives you the opportunity to make a profound impact

on the world

Writing well . . .

leverages your chances of

building a solid internet presence

impacts your leadership abilities

and credibility

gives you the opportunity to make a profound impact

on the world

Learn how toBecome a Better Writer

with these 10 tips:

Refresh the basics.

Poor grammar detracts from your message and your credibility.

Refresh the basics.

Start by knowing the rules before you begin to break them.

When in doubt, spell check.


Misspelled words scream: “I didn’t proof read or care enough to check my spelling.”

When in doubt, spell check.

The spell checker on your computer should help with this, but when in doubt, look it up.


Write for your reader.

Think about . . . the information they are seeking the solutions they want for their problems

or questions, the words that will offer them motivation

and inspiration

Write for your reader.

Be concise and clear.

Concise writing is respectful of your reader’s time.

Be concise and clear.

Make your point quickly and clearly. Cut out extraneous fluff.


Reading blog posts, books, and articles by writers you respect will improve your writing.


Learn new skills, additional vocabulary, and style techniques by observing other writers and reading regularly.

Keep a journal.

A journal is an excellent way to practice your writing without judgement or fear.

Keep a journal.

Make a practice of writing for fun so that all writing doesn’t feel laborious.

Seek feedback.

Find someone you know who is a strong writer, and ask them to critique your work.

Seek feedback.

Try to put your emotions aside and give this person permission to be honest and constructive.

Hit “publish.”

Now the eyes of the world are on your writing, and it feels like you’re standing

naked on a stage.

Hit “publish.”

In order to gain confidence in writing, you must write and publish.

Make writing a habit.

Even if you write for just 10-15 minutes a day, develop the daily habit of writing.

Make writing a habit.

Set aside a specific time to write, set your timer, and don’t stop writing until the timer goes off.

Don’t be hard on yourself.

Writers tend to judge their own work much more harshly than

readers do.

Don’t be hard on yourself.

As you work to improve your writing (which should be a life long

process), be kind to yourself.

You don’t need to be anoutstanding writer in order to

succeed, but you do need to be

proficient enough tocommunicate clearly & properly.

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