How to be productive at work: 5 simple ways you can try immediately

Post on 21-Apr-2017

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Transcript of How to be productive at work: 5 simple ways you can try immediately

How to be productive at work5 simple ways you can try immediately

To be successful at your work & get everything done, you need to perform more efficiently and effectively

Managers and executives want to get the most from their employees, if your output is not as expected, your job could be in trouble.

To increase your output, you have two options, either to work more hours or to work smarter…

I believe all of us want the second option which is working with the same hours but with higher productivity.

5 Simple tipsCheck out these

to be productive at work

Take regular breaks


Taking scheduled 5-10 mins breaks will help you to improve your concentration.

Short Break will increase your productivity by getting your blood flowing, it helps you to maintain a constant level of performance; while working at a task without breaks leads to a steady decline in performance.

Have your to-do list


Having your to-do list will help you to exactly know what needs to be done

This will help you to stay organized and focused. It will also give you the satisfaction and the feeling of accomplishment when you finish each task. Prepare your next day list at the end of each day. Keep your list reasonable and by carefully prioritizing so you don’t feel disappointed and unproductive when you don’t finish.

No multi-tasking


Trying to accomplish more than one task at a time results in lost time & productivity

Studies have shown that people who try to do two or more things at once end up becoming distracted, with poor quality of work. Focus on one task at a time, commit to it before moving on to the next task.

Eliminate your meetings


How many hours you are spending weekly in unproductive meetingsMeetings are one of the biggest time-sucks around. Before you attend any meeting, ask yourself if the meeting’s goal can be accomplish via email or phone, if yes, then save the meeting time and do something more useful than attending unproductive meeting.

Have a nice & clean workspace


A messy desk is the number one productivity killerYou may don’t think about your desk or the elements around you, but research shows that having pleasing elements like plants, candles or pictures can increase productivity. Set aside some time for a clean your desk, you will be amazed how much easier it is to get things done when your space is tidy and organized.

For more productivity tips