How to Be a Hero to Your Sales Team

Post on 08-Apr-2017

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Transcript of How to Be a Hero to Your Sales Team

How to be a Hero to Your Sales Team with Simple Sales Enablement Solutions


David WeinhausManager, Partner Sales Learning & Development @HubSpotAgencies@davidweinhaus

Pop quiz

Inbound marketing drives...

When inbound drives...

Who feels the heat?

What one word (or phrase) best describes your sales team? __________

(p.s. - it’s anonymous :-) - code: 2243

Marketers love marketing…

But sales reps need love too :-)


But sales has been slower to catch up than marketing

Marketing could use a little love too

Are you on the


In the huddle? Or a hero to your sales


How to Become a Hero with Simple Sales

Enablement Solutions

“I need more good


Sales reps have challenges

Most sales teams miss the really easy stuff

Has anyone bought from a salesperson in the last 60 days at

work (or considered it)?

Who would you buy from?

Quick Tip - Bring in a photographer for headshots

Help your reps be proud of and promote their Linkedin profile

Sales people don’t like big initiatives

A word on how to ‘sell’ sales teams

“Let’s redesign the reps’ LinkedIn pages

so they can take advantage of social

media and boost their profile online!”

“Are they open to dropping a link in their

email signature?”

“Would the sales team like to see which

prospects are checking them out


Sales people like quick actionable wins that help them sell

“Would it be helpful to get some

professional headshots and spruce up

the profiles?”

Let’s take it up a notch

Introducing personalized rep landing pages

Personalized landing pages helps rep stand out

Be personal, unique, and helpful.

All part of a hero’s job

Helping your reps walk with a little more #swagger

“I need more good


Sales reps have challenges

“I need help following up

with my leads”

Ask a rep “Do you follow up with your leads?’

They’ll say “Of course”

…….but dig deeper

Sales Reps like low hanging fruit

When reps are scrambling they often turn to closed lost opportunities

Consider a closed lost nurturing campaign

Hooray! Our campaign got a click-through. What happens next?

Guess what often happens?!

Consider a campaign triggered off page views

For pricing, product, about us, and other high leverage pages

Meetings Link

Don’t stop there - alert the rep via email

All part of a hero’s job

Helping your reps turn closed lost opportunities into #moredeals

“I need more good


Sales reps have challenges

“I need decks, case studies, and more, ugh!

“I need help following up with leads”

I do. It’s not very good, but go for it!

Hey, anybody have a presentation deck I can use?

The typical sales team content creation process

Some content you can create to help the sales team...

Content from the HubSpot Sales Enablement Team

Case studies

Presentation Deck

Competitive comparisons “2-pager”

Use HubSpot Sales Pro feature ‘Documents’ to make collateral shareable and trackable

Trackable by content

Trackable by viewer

How to sell the sales team

Get a seat at the table!

Make it rain for your sales team!

“I need more good


In Summary

“I need decks, case studies, and more, ugh!

“I need help following up with leads”




Call me back in 6 months

Um, okay. (yeah right!)

We are going to go with a competitor

Ok, see ya (though I won’t!)


(Hmm, oh well. Where are some new leads?!)

A word on how to ‘sell’ sales teams

“We are going to create some great Closed

Lost Campaigns. Can you follow up with the

leads that click-through?

“It’s for a subset of reps who want to re-ignite

high potential older deals.

“We are thinking of running a pilot Closed

Lost Campaign”

“We’ll need a little help following up with leads

when they click through, but we’ll do the

work getting them engaged to begin with”

“Who are the best reps to take part?”

Sales people don’t like being told what to do

But, they don’t like being excluded