How the Values of Our Country Intersect with Civic Engagement Report

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Transcript of How the Values of Our Country Intersect with Civic Engagement Report


YIEP Kirkpatrick Signature Series Service

Learning ProjectPeretz Cohen

October 12 2015

Entry 1:Selection of the Learning Service Project

I am the son of Rabbi and thus have since childhood been exposed to the

work that my father does within the community. His duties extend beyond


religious ceremonies ,service and the like. Our religion teaches us to be

charitable and to help those in need. Unfortunately I have seen many

individuals who have fallen on hard times financially and emotionally turn to

him for help. Fortunately many were able to be helped.

Learning the material provided in this course I learnt a lot about my country

and the values upon which it was founded. This material also provided me

with an opportunity to re-examine the work my father does and which I had

begun taking part of.I now understood that the work we do didn't just effect

our individual community but society at large. Each individual is a part of

our greater society and as they change they in turn influence the world

around them. This Course presented me with a unique opportunity , to

become more involved with my father's organization with newfound skills

and perspective.I would also be able to then reflect upon my ideas ,about

what we do and how I felt about it.I chose the areas of administration ,

connection building and education as the areas I would focus in.

Administration is fairly somewhat a misunderstood term.At times it can be

degraded or despised and undervlaued.I was able to in the past able to hep

operations and ensure their continuing functions.What has in the past been

seen quite difficult and monotonous becomes quite fascinating and

streamlined by being involved in the end results.


I am fascinated by business and their structures due to my exposure to

technology and the culture currently linked to it. Business structure and its

different functions continue to amaze and invigorate me with renewed

energy. In service of this fascination I have also been able to learn about

non-profits their unique missions and ways of obtaining resources.One of

the best ways of getting information is by speaking to people ,so in search

of resources and partnerships I can learn about multiple topics and enjoy

unique experiences.

My journey in the religious education framework has been quite

bumpy.This journey despite all the aggravating parts of it , has provided me

with unique perspectives on my religion and renewed enthusiasm in all that

I do. Learning with others can now be viewed by me as less of a chore and

more of an opportunity on so many levels.

Entry 2:Service Learning Project Objectives

The service learning project goal is to connect the actions of civic

engagement on the foundation on a certain set of ideas.Civic engagement

and the organizations and ties it fosters are only possible and effective in a

country that has certain ideals about the freedom and rights of its'


citizens.The ideals upon which our country was founded of liberty , self

reliance and respect for others enable individuals to accomplish great

things without fear of consequence and censorship.In reality these ideals

not only allow they also spur one on to accomplish.For one who knows and

understands these values wants to emulate them and further along this


The non profit I chose to work with is able to operate with a freedom hence

unknown in history.WIth the freedom of religious observance and the

general culture of activism , many opportunities open up and the

organization can thus be that more effective.An example of an opportunity

that arises is that the government themselves will sometimes help an

organization fincacnally.This situation in past times was extremely rare , for

in most of our history we were persecuted,pillaged and disrespected.

Another benefit of being in our country is the ability to be able to lead our

lives and be proud as principles are for the most part respected in

society.I'll qualify that by saying that this respect extends to those who are

principled for themselves , when it comes to placing those restrictions on

others , an issue of personal freedom arises and an emotional response

usually follows.


By immersing myself within this organization , I get to see firsthand the

ideals of this country in action.Where connections are made and people

express themselves in unique fashions in service of a common goal.To

word it differently I get to see a refreshingly good side of humanity.Freedom

of expression does not guarantee its positive content and learning how and

watching how difficult people are dealt with are real life application of

blending tolerance with personal liberties. Combining this with the material

learnt in this course should help give me a unique perspective on society

and bringing down lofty ideals to the realm of practicality.In the service of

education there is no better way to imbibe values and craft a balanced

world view , than by being immersed in real life situations.Thus real life is

experienced and an anchor is maintained in objective pure intellectual

analysis of ideals.I cherish and look forward to this special opportunity that

is unfolding before me.

Entries 3-9:Journal

There is something to be said about the ties of civic orginzations.These ties

can replicate and in fact ensure the virtue of society.This can be done by

using natural inclinations of individuals to due good and contribute to those

less fortunate. Together with the capitalization on other natural tendencies


and inclinations which can be encouraged and nurtured with the positive

atmosphere that a community provides. (Messmore 2007)

Within my experience of civic engagement in the service of the synagogue I

volunteer for I looked for ways to use civil organizations that have a

community or resources that would be open to developing a connection.

This connection would be based on the mutual assumption that community

makes an organization stronger and the collaboration of the two solidifies

them into a stronger force deriving benefit for the both of them.

Amongst the organizations I sought out was the Sacramento Kings. The

Kings are a basketball team affiliated with the NBA and we have worked

with them in the past.My goal was to refresh that connection and expand

upon it.

Recently the team ,which was floundering , was bought by a ownership

group who is comprised of Silicon Valley Tech innovators and

moguls.Following in the strategy of Silicon Valley they have tried to remake

their team and the NBA in general.They want it to become a more global

phenomenon and enrich fan experience through utilizing big data analysis

and other high grade software and hardware in tandem. The name that was

given to this philosophy is NBA 3.0 . The tenets of this philosophy and


approach are technology ,globalization and deep community partnerships.

(Riches 2013 , Kings Media Release 2014)

I believe that these deep community ties are the real goal and the enabling

factor that allows this to go forward.Namley technology is used in service of

fan experiences and a good experience allows something to be

golobalized.Fans are more likely to come when they feel a kinship with the

brand.This is basically true amongst all consumer based economies and

this is one of the biggest implementation of this economy.By learning how

to create community ties in a more micro environment these same

principles can then be applied in a macro environment namely the

implementation of globalization.

Deep community ties and brand loyalty have been the item of

search ,sometimes elusively, of big companies. Many strategies have been

employed in this regard.In our situation there are two components that at

are play here the fans feeling called for and a feeling that the organization

that gains from them cares about what they care about , namely their city.

This tenet of accountability to the masses is part of what the style of

government we govern with is founded on.As expressed by Thomas Paine

in Common sense ( 1776) There is no one higher or lower and no cause or

company alliance can supersede the common interest.We all have similar


wants and needs and aspirations for our respective place of living(King

1963).This is true regardless of our backgrounds and individual beliefs

because of the affluence we find ourselves living in (De Crevecoeur 1782)

We are compelled to continue to pursue and find the truth the ideal way

and goal to combine our liberty and the truth of what we must do.

Yes these relationships with community organizations and impacting the

community directly have ulterior motives , but we must look past that and

utilize the resources that present themselves.This is not to say we rely

upon them for in the end we must rely upon ourselves to fulfill our set goals

with the power and blessings given to us by our creator.(Emerson 1841)

This is the epitome of using resources created by us,the consumers and

citizens ,as a tool to help our communities flourish.Theree are many

resources that the government provides and should and can be

used.Though with a focus on mantinsaing civic connections we create a

self sustaining culture of virtue within our own communities.

I happened upon a listing mentioning that the Kings were holding a Summit

titled "Do Good" and those attending would be the community partners of

the Kings for the coming years.The attendees were non profits from all over

the spectrum and was ,true to the nature of this business, quite


entertaining. Different aspects of the opportunities available through a

partnership with them were discussed.Including donations of memorabilia ,

board members and public awareness nights.They also outline criterias

where they place an emphasis and a priority on.They are focused on

Health as expressed in nutrition and fitness as well as the sustainability of

said food.(Kings 2015)

These are just their priorities but they work with all groups and non-profits.

The ultimate goal is that these non-profits generate great publicity and

attendees to games.There was a point where an unforced slip up by a staff

member underscored this focus.The feeling at the time was of upliftment

and of great things that could be done.

Once done the realization sunk in of the limitations of this

arrangment.There was an idea to publicize our partnership through our

calendar which was summarily dismissed as that privilege belongs to

corporate sponsors. This enforced within me the notion of self reliance and

prompted our synagogue to take a more pragmatic approach and focus on

what we can do and our planning a event for Chanukah with the Kings.

The experience of chasing down this organization and others can at times

be disheartening yet beholding the final results puts them in


perspective.Civic Engagement is not simple but not "bowling alone" makes

it easier.Despite my initial disappointment with this organization , their

summit allowed me to see and gain perspective into others working hard

and engaging with the communities around them trying to utilize similar

resources.This strengthened me and that albeit artificial sense of

community gives me strength to continue the search for those that want

and can help us strengthen and rejuvenate our community in multiple areas

of functioning.

Religion and spirituality is facing a resurgence in the public conscience

due to the overload of resources at our disposal. One of the key ways to

survive in our day and age is by having a spiritual anchor.

This is in addition to the heritage and cultural values gained by being

involved in a faith-based community.The community also provides ,upon

the basis of virtue and morals,for each other lending a helping hand when

needed.I wrote the above to stress and explain the importance and

relevance of the specific organization I am engaged with in relation to the

values and themes that are being dealt with.

All organizations run on a budget or in other words need money to execute

their functions.These funds can be obtained in numerous ways.For non


profit organizations a lot of the traditional ways that regular organizations

obtain funds are not accessible to them.For them there are magnanimity

of individual civilians and the graciousness of orginzations.Orignzations

can be as discussed above private business looking to make mutually

beneficial connections for good press and in service of enhancing and

adding value to their business.For members of the organization and the

community at large will be more inclined to utilize them if the need arises.

Namely this in other terms another expense for marketing.I am by no mean

excluding the idea of magnanimity for its own sake.In the same token,

contributions from individuals can also be with ulterior motives for more

intangible results of honor and bragging rights.

One of my responsibilities in my roles as a volunteer is keeping track of the

incoming donations in the numerous ways they come in , whether online or

in person. This information is then entered into database system designed

for our synagouge.This database can also track the amount they owe for

services rendered in the past and can then subtract funds given from the

total amount they owe.This is not automatic and donations and repayments

can be accounted for seperatly.Dealing with the donations and seeing

detailed reports of individual contributors is eye opening.It can bring to

realizations that are positive and others that are less so.


Seeing what people give and interacting with the inner workings of an

organization teaches me a lot by experience and by illumination.I gained

insight into some individuals that I deal with on a daily to weekly

basis.Irrespective of the amount the donation patterns and the

commensurate with their resources has revealed to me people who are


Generosity is a lot of times perceived as part of being a good person. I

would posit that it can be a sign but does not necessitate the existence of

the said personality. Therefore within the setting I find myself knowing more

about these people I can identify more correctly people who are actually

wholesome individuals and provide me with a lot of matter to reflect

upon.Even those who are not wholesome individuals provide matter to

reflect upon.What stimulates them to nevertheless give and how can I

incorporate this into myself?At the same time seeing negative traits and

those who are blessed with affluence and choose not to contribute ,

teaches me an entirely different lesson ,namely what to avoid and how to

grow.In reality in order to sustain a society and to maintain social

justice ,those who are more affluent should view it as their duty of honor to

share and distribute the funds given to them.According to Jewish tradition

this is actually the case.That man who has more than his fellow was given


the siad bounty as a trust fund to help out brethren and his fellow man as a

matter of justice.(Carnegie 1889, Saks 2005)

The recognition that certain traits are undesirable is a first step in that

above mentioned process and journey of growth.The main thing I think this

taught me is not to judge one by my first impression of them.That in fact

there is no evil without good in the world.Especially within this period of my

life these lessons are especially improtant.Civic Engagement does not just

benefit the community but contributes to the volunteer themselves. This is

in addition to the positive messages ,morals and lessons imbibed by

working with and within a organization that has a mission of spreading

goodness and positivity.

As an aside there are religious service the organization provides and

sponsorship opportunities which can be viewn as services.Yet the fact that

this is a non-profit and the motives are pure and religious this is not a major

source of income.This is expressed in the prices usually charged for such

services and the organization cannot nearly survive on those alone

especially in communities where certain services are not as frequently

needed.For example and community of older couples that don't exactly

need a Rabbi to officiate a wedding ceremony and procedure for them.


There has been always a continued with fascination with many issues that

find their root and solution in education. Issues of bigotry , abandoned

tradition ,poverty and morals are traced back to a lack of or faulty and

erroneous education.The saying I heard as a school child that "Knowledge

is Power" rings so true in light of this grasp on the nature of the very fabric

of society and life itself. Power can be withheld thus suffocating the ability

to self actualize and can be given corruptly or corrupt.The freedom that was

given through democracy can permit self-actualization in harmful ways to

self and others.The examples merge here as through knowledge power

can be better applied and used.When one understands the consequences

of actions and goals they strive for the freedom can be channeled in the

right direction.Yet extreme cases of power can overwhelm even the

strongest sense of self.

Religion is something which is at its core something super rational which

has some implementations that are logical.Yet even the core beliefs can be

distorted and presented in a manner that intimidates or disgust potential or

current adherents.

A great part of my synagouge's message is to spread education and

inform , thus dispelling notions and emotions about religion and religious

people.Even those who are currently adherents can be woefully unaware


about their religion and are not engaged in continual growth.This can cause

a sense of stagnancy and sometimes a backslide downhill , most good

things need maintenance to continue and blossom as many a bad

behavior is easier to fall into than positive ones.Many religious kids attend

schools of that religion that do not only educate the child about skills and

the amazing wealth of foundational knowledge in Secular studies. They try

to impart knowledge and emotions in a way that they can serve as a

signpost for the later years in life.These foundations do not guarantee an

outcome due to the nature of the human condition and free choice ,but they

give in essence that choice to choose that way.Continual education will be

needed later in life as in all matters of knowledge where material and the

grasp of it evolves.Religous doctrine is usually static but views and grasps

continue to evolve.These can be gained by a new appreciation of a topic

due to the growth of an individual or learning from the teachings of

others.There is also a practical aspect of the learning to be able to practice

the practices dictated by the dogma.

I came across an opportunity just through being a part of my community.I

was able to learn with a kid in my community taking him through basic

Hebrew reading ,to learning the tunes used to chant the Bible.These

culminated in the coming of age ceremony for this kid as he became a


man.A year later I pondered back upon that time and decided that it was

time to continue that mentor relationship.Throguht the course of my

previous tutoring I had developed a relationship and open communication

with him and wanted to continue and develop that for his growth.I began

learning with him the Abbreviated Code of Jewish Law which serves as a

method to gain practical knowledge and an appreciation of the breadth of

Jewish law and tradition.Even at an older age the emotional aspect of

learning is no less important and an essential factor in education and the

influence of it.My goal was not only to enrich him in knowledge but in

emotion and in the feeling that fuels the actual practice of religion over a

long period.As mentioned earlier the most effective way is to be schooled in

that manner.I was trying to accomplish this in a hour a week setting which

had against it the rest of the week and hi living and family situation

conspiring and undermining that education.They were also religious but

certain financial and emotional considerations were not exactly helping this

individual in living a fulfilling life religiously and practically.I am thankful to

say that during the summer I was able to collaborate with others to arrange

him taking part in a ten day summer camp which gave him a good

experience and a newfound pride of his isentidty.


The next logical step was to find him a school.It will be a considerable

financial obligation to take upon our organization and other organizations

that deal with educations are already helping in this regard.As of now he is

currently boarding out of state ,attending and enjoining an education at a

religious Jewish High School. When I look back on three years ago when I

started I gain new perspective for opportunities ahead.At that time I was

filled with a sense of dread of the grueling process that awaited me and

was keen on shirking that duty.Since I looked upon it as a matter of duty

and knowing that "if not me then who" I started it and as anticipated it was

grueling. When a session did not go to well the week before I experienced

anxiety. I learn from this the tremendous effect even a small action and

little amounts of time can have. Over time I identified channels of

communication opening up, my own confidence growing and in turn the

ability to transmit better.In continuation to the previous themes learning

about the virtue of patience continues on here.This is true in all areas of life

and especially when dealing with change and implementing it effectively.

I learnt throughout this course many ideas and now realize that these

actions can be done in a micro fashion whereupon the cumulative value of

them would be as a result a big action overall.As an example the concept

of civil disobedience which can be done through small minute actions.As


Henry Thoreau Describes (1849) his experience with refusing to pay a tax

he deemed unjust.This does not have a wide area of effect he was

summarily imprisoned. He then wrote about his experiences and his

views.Even though there are many who don't agree with his views his

writing and his actions provoke others to think differently about

government.Goverment as he argues is just another system that has its

own limitaitons.This system is developed by us and we must remember the

foundation upon which it is founded and to continue to use that foundation

in determining future outcomes.Egnaging in Civic activities even in a micro

fashion changes and develops the virtue of the population and improves

the living condition of all citzinery.Not always can one see and be

recognized for the work that they do and this must be taken into account

before embarking on especially difficult endeavors.

These actions affect the general society as a whole for as one person

becomes more virtuous they begin to influence the rest of the community

and those they come into contact with.(Etzioni 1999)

There exist an established belief that civic engagement has declined as a

result there is a lessening of social captial.It is partly ascribed to changes

within the culture of women and their inclusion in the labor force among

other facotrs.There is a resurgence but deemed not nearly near what once


was.This resurgence is attributed to self help groups like Alcoholics

Anonymous and the like.Care must be taken to identify the networks that

generate the most social capital and ensure we are not stifling them by

policy.(Putnam 1995)

The opposing view is that for one social capital is a pretty artificial and non

defined concept.The concept that engagement is declining is also

dismissed and the actual need for social capital as defined by the other

view as to its nessceity.It is deemed needed for case of emergency and

when needs arise.(Durlauf 2000)

I had the chance over the summer to meet with a civic hack group.There is

a national organization called "Code for America" which is part of a global

trend of Civic Hacking.In the local branch and meeting group of this

Organization , I was surprised to see the amount of people and wealth of

ideas put forward and implemented for the sake of the city we

inhabit.Despite the different definitions of social capital and its necessity ,

civic engagement is growing and in a different way which has been seen

until now. Social media with all its failings and curtailing of individual

communication allow one to be kind and generous to a wider audience.I

have seen total strangers reach out for help and received that help or kind


of word.As society evolves so does the forms of engaging and shaping it


Civic engagement as a whole comprimes many areas and forms.To

simplify it I would divide into general categories.There is the due diligence

that needs to be done to find out how and where to help the

community,Finding out where to gain experience in service of the

community,and identifying opportunities for the originzations.Then there is

the Action part which consists of volunteering , interning , serving the

community and building ties with other organizations. As much as one

organization alone can achieve when it connects to other organizations it

creates a stronger force of civic engament.Even more when one connects

to one organization it inevitably grows I circle of acquaintances and then in

turn connects to others.(National Louis University 2015)

This is the ideal situation and there is sadly enough roadblocks that get in

the way.They can be anything from lack of funds to petty arguments.I

would deem to say that part of the civic engagement and its subsequent

revolutionary effect should eliminate a lot of these roadblocks.Yey as with

most things implementation is the most difficult part.Though with a solid

foundation of idealism, I remain hopeful for when tomorrow comes.


Entry 10:Conclusions

I have learnt a lot about what Civic Engagement is and the effects It has.I

have seen how it not only affects those who receive the perceived benefit

but the volunteer themself.It is hard to admit but through this project I have

learnt to shift the focus from being completely on myself and personal

growth and onto others.It is far from being sacrificial as another person's


growth affects you by virtue of being part of the same society and inevitably

provides learning experiences.This also causes me to feel closer to others

and less threatened by people in general.For with the work I did ,it is not

about the individual but about a group moving towards an objective


There has been some harsh realities I have realized about the world but in

utilizing patience and rational thinking I was able to turn those situations

into positive ones.This virtue of patience allows one to continually grow and

see that happen in the small steps it takes.This was done through personal

growth and observing other people's interactions and learning from them.

i have also viewed amazing truths about the world and those that inhabit

it.Sometimes we can be pretty horrible and act in ways that disgust and

surprise one with a normal sense of decency and morals.Yet we also can

be surprised by the sheer goodness and kindness that exist in the

world.Despite all the crime and foibles constantly pushed on us and spoken

about , good exists in the world.Positivity is not always a popular subject to

discuss ,yet this does not cancel out the existence of it. People do good for

a multiple of reasons and incentives and seeing the good without

calculating the motive is a pure uplifting experience. All of this inspires a


more positively biased view of the world and a renewed enthusiasm in

pursuing goals and opportunities.

I believe I have gained as much and even more than i put in.I have been

able to see the world through the lenses of academia and idealism.Within

my engagement in civic matters I was able to see how those ideas

influence the way we behave , even today.

It is because of the values posited by our founding fathers and prominent

American thinkers that the activities I did are possible.Liberty does not only

have to be focused inward but also liberates and empowers one to have a

positive effect on the world.


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