How the americas changed

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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Transcript of How the americas changed

By: Twyla Gollery

With the word of gold and fortune in the Americas many young men traveled there, leaving their families to go to an unfamiliar place

Some made great riches gold mining, others began to settle down and hoped to profit from the service industry

This was the age of independence for the United States, Canada, and Latin America

Canada did not have to fight a war to gain it's independence, although there was political tension, Canada united when the U.S. expanded westward

As the U.S. began to expand westward tension grew between them and their neighbors on the borders of the country, and also within the country on slavery

Latin America worried about the U.S. borders, but also was concerned with gaining independence and obtaining land for agriculture and ranching

The Little Ice Age

effected all of these


Crops went to ruin, ships

got frozen into the

harbors and were unable

to sail for a period of time,

people got sick and died

more commonly

Unusually strong weather

effected peoples travels

and work

On April 30, 1803 the Louisiana Purchase took place and doubled the size of the United States at that time

Thomas Jefferson found it vital to buy this territory because he didn't want the New Orleans port to be blocked by the French or Spanish

On offering to buy the port the French want to sell the whole territory and a price is agreed on

This is now part of 15 U.S. states and two Canadian provinces

Prince Maximilian was a German explorer

Maximilian decided that he wanted to explore the Americas in the Area where the Louisiana Purchase was

His goal was to study, record, and sketch the Native Americas culture and traditions

He hired Karl Bodmer as a sketch artist and they traveled together recording the American area as it was

The Haitian Revolution was a series of outbursts by slaves to try to end slavery

Slave owners treated there slaves badly, had poor living conditions, and would work their slaves to death

Inspired by the French Revolution slaves rebelled against their owners and took over a third of the island

To protect France's economic interest(crops) the country freed all men of color

The Mexican-American war occured during 1846 to 1848

President James K. Polk wanted to expand the U.S. all the way to the Pacific

Some Americans criticized the war because of the high cost and high casualties

The results of the war were that Mexico had to give the U.S. Alta California and New Mexico in exchange for 18 million dollars

Mexico also made it official that Texas was no longer theirs either

This began as a rebellion of sepoys of Indian soldiers in service of the European army

This rebellion took place against the East Indian Companies army

Began May 10, 1837 in the town of Meerut soon the rebellion migrated to the Gangetic plains and central India

The mutiny was settled in 1858

The Crimean War took place between 1853 and 1856

In was fought between the Russian Empire against the French, British, Ottoman Empires and the Kingdom of Sardinia

The Empires were trying to gain power over the Ottoman Empire which was declining