How Social Media Marketing Can Get Your Business More Dollar Dollar Bills

Post on 22-Oct-2014

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This little tale describes how Social Media Marketing can help businesses grow (or get more dollar dollar bills), using a case study to show the 5 main benefits of SMM for businesses.

Transcript of How Social Media Marketing Can Get Your Business More Dollar Dollar Bills

A Tale about:

How Social Media Marketing Can Get

Your Business MoreDollar Dollar Bill$

Great send them up!

Sir, those guys who’re interested in our Social

Media Marketing service are here to see you

Should I change into my business suit before they come


Fo Sho! You look great in that suit

True that!

Howdy guys, thanks for coming down today!

YoHey, no probs


Yeah cool, feed us some info

I Invited you guys down here today so I could tell you about how your business could benefit by using

Social Media Marketing

we can take full control of your social media marketing; we’ll develop

strategy, create content, and monitor your social media accounts for you

So what we do is provide social media marketing services for


That’s cool. So how’s your fancy social media marketing service going to help our


Yeah, I don’t get how doing tweets or

facebook posts does much, what will we get

out of it?

I get that. A lot of people don’t understand how it can help. Well, Social Media offers a bunch of benefits for businesses; but you guys are most interested in how it effects

bottom line right?

That’s for sure; at the end of the day it’s all about Dollar Dollar Bills!

Sure is! Right, I’m gonna get my main man Joe to tell you a little story which will explain how Social Media Marketing can benefit your business, and translate to

more Dollar Dollar Bills!!

Hey Guys, I’m Joe

Hey Joe

I’m gonna tell you guys a story about one of our clients; Clint, founder of Clint’s Crazy Clock’s

and how we helped him use Social Media Marketing to help

his business sky rocket

ClintFounder of Clint’s Crazy Clocks

Clint’s Crazy Clocks sell custom made clocks online. Before they started using Social Media Marketing, they were doing okay, as people really liked their clocks. But not many people knew about them

So they came and saw us, and we setup a cool facebook page and twitter account for them,

and started posting content for them e.g. tweets on their

twitter account and posts on their facebook page

When we posted content, we made sure it was stuff that was

relevant to their target audience e.g. how to keep your clock tickin’, cool clock designs


We also used twitter and facebook to run competitions

and talk to their customers, so we built relationships with


Doing these things led to five key benefits for Clint’s..

Number One: It built Brand Awareness with their target


All of a sudden, Clint’s fans and customers could share Clint’s

content with their friends..

and their friends with their friends..

and their friends with their friends! And you get the


and all these new people that now knew about Clint’s were potential customers!

You can see how this quickly equates to extra $$

Number Two: Better Public Relations. Social Media

provides a great way for us to listen to what people are

saying about Clint’s, and then respond as necessary

It’s a great way to head off potentially negative situations, for example one of Clint’s customers

tweeted that their clock broke down the first time they used it. We saw this and then provided a free

clock straight away, which resulted in them tweeting how fast and friendly Clint’s were with the


Number Three: Strengthened Customer Loyalty. Because

we’re always monitoring and engaging with Clint’s customers

over social media, they see Clint’s as one of their friends, not

a business trying to sell them stuff

HaleyCustomer of Clint’s Crazy Clocks

Yeah I discovered Clint’s when I saw one of my friends ‘like’

them in my facebook news feed, wasn’t long before I’d bought a clock off them! I love the stuff

they post up on Twitter and Facebook too, they make me

laugh AND they teach me about clocks!

Number Four: Improved SEO (search engine optimisation).

Now you guys know how important it is to get good

search engine rankings right?


Well the top search engines like Google are now using Facebook

and Twitter as part of their ranking system, so promoting

your business across these mediums is a great way to make

your search rankings pop!


Okay now last but not leastNumber Five: Listen and Learn.

People love expressing their opinions online, so it’s a great place to get info

on how to tweak your product or service so it will be more popular

For example, by doing a survey on facebook asking fans what

new features they’d like on Clint’s clock, we found a lot of their target audience wanted water proof clocks. Now the

‘aqua man’ clock is one of their best sellers!

Isn’t Social Media Marketing Awesome?!?

I wish I could do it all day...

…Okay thanks Joe that’s enough

Sorry about Joe guys, he get’s a bit carried away

So I trust you have a pretty good idea now how Social Media Marketing can help

you out?

Yeah that sounds rad! It sounds like Social Media Marketing could really

help our business

Yeah man! Sign us up!


Sweet! You guys are gonna love what Social Media Marketing does for your business!!

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