How Orthodontic Treatment Influences Confidence and Appearance

Post on 04-Aug-2015

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Transcript of How Orthodontic Treatment Influences Confidence and Appearance

How Orthodontic Treatment Influences Confidence and Appearance: The Benefits of Braces and Invisalign for Your Health and Wellbeing

Orthodontic treatment has an

impact on more than just your

teeth and smile. By correcting

the malocclusion issues you’re

facing, you’ll begin to see

benefits in many areas of your

life including your appearance

and overall health, leading to

much higher self-esteem and


The Science of Smiling

Did you know that there’s more to smiling than meets the eye?

Countless studies have been undertaken to learn more about

this seemingly simple act. What they reveal is just how

important it is to smile regularly and o!en.

Smiling is an o!en underrated

yet hugely important factor in

how humans communicate with

each other. Body language counts

for between 50-90% of what

we say to each other, and that’s

mainly through the expressions

on our faces.

Smiling releases serotonin and

dopamine, our bodies’ feel good

hormones, causing a wave of

positivity to pass through us every

time we do it. When someone

smiles back at you, they experience

that same boost of positivity,

and that gives you a boost in


Humans are fundamentally

social animals so our

interpersonal relationships

are tied very closely to our

self-esteem. The impact of

feeling like you have to hide

your smile can trickle down

into so many areas of your life

in ways you might not have

considered before.

Positive Changes in Self-Esteem

Now that we know how important smiling is, the drawbacks of

being hesitant to show yours off are clear. When you have concerns

about your smile you might struggle to communicate, preventing

others from ge#ing to know

the real you and lowering your

confidence in yourself—and

others’ confidence in you.

A smile can impact on the influence you have over others. When

you smile, you’re showing that you are confident and in control.

The more we smile, the more trust others have in us. That can

lead to positive changes in the

relationships we have with

our family, friends and even

business colleagues or clients,

and o!en results in enjoying

more success.

When you’re satisfied with your

smile, it reduces anxiety in

social situations allowing you

to focus on enjoying yourself or

achieving goals and realizing

your passion without fear.

A study by the American Journal of Orthodontics that compared

children who could have greatly benefited from orthodontic

treatment but who didn’t receive

treatment to children who required

treatment and received it showed just

how important a healthy smile can

be for self-esteem. The children who

were treated reported significantly

higher levels of happiness and self-

esteem with lower anxiety than

children who weren’t treated.

Adult patients o!en experience

dramatic increases in their

self-confidence, opening up the

possibility that they can finally

achieve their goals. It’s truly never

too late to get a smile that you’ve

always wanted.

“Life isn’t about what you look like,

but it’s certainly about what you

feel like,” says Lawrence. “With my

new smile and body, I have a new

outlook. My confidence level before

and a!er Invisalign is completely

different. Docbraces was a great

help during my journey.”

Read Lawrence’s Story

Subtle Differences in Appearance

Whether you choose braces or

Invisalign, you’ll begin to notice

subtle differences in your appearance

in the first few weeks of treatment.

At the end of your treatment, you’ll

have a smile you’re proud to show off.

You might notice a few other slight

but positive differences in your face.

Keeping your new smile healthy will

be a breeze once you’ve completed

your orthodontic treatment. Braces

and Invisalign also rotate and align

your teeth, making them easier to

clean so they stay white and healthy

for a lifetime.

Orthodontic treatment can correct any

facial symmetry issues, resulting in

the structure of your face appearing

more even and appealing. You’ll also

see slight changes in your profile, such

as the way your lips are positioned

when they’re resting. Depending on

the issues you’re correcting with your

orthodontic treatment, you might also

find your chin and nose become more

or less pronounced as your jaws move.

Seeking treatment with braces

or Invisalign can also widen your

arches so you’ll appear to have

smoother skin, fuller lips and

higher cheekbones, all of which

will make you happier with the

way you look. And, at the end

of your treatment you might

find you’ve got a broader smile

making it easier to show off.

Further, many older patients

appreciate these subtle before

and a!er changes, saying they

look younger than they have

in years. And, we all know

that a confident smile can take

years off.

“I was so surprised at how quickly

my teeth started to move into place,

especially since I didn’t feel any

discomfort. It didn’t feel like anything

was happening, yet the mirror told

a different story! Now I love to wear

bright coloured lipsticks that actually

draw a#ention to my smile,” says


Read Monique’s Story



Orthodontic treatment doesn’t only have an impact on your smile:

it can start to boost your self-esteem, encourage positive changes

in your health, and reduce image consciousness beginning in

the first few weeks. What are you waiting for? Book your FREE

consultation today!