How Online Social Innovation Tools Can Revive Civic Engagement By Laura Kelly For Dr. Greene A-CAPS...

Post on 26-Dec-2015

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Transcript of How Online Social Innovation Tools Can Revive Civic Engagement By Laura Kelly For Dr. Greene A-CAPS...

How Online Social Innovation Tools Can Revive

Civic Engagement

By Laura KellyFor Dr. GreeneA-CAPS 4360

The Past

The Changes

The Other Factors

Work without Borders

The Throne of Self

The Result

The Impact on Politics and Civic Engagement

• Loss of collective vision

• ‘Less about solutions and more about posturing’ - Carl Boggs

• Disillusionment

• Disengagement

Democratic Deficit

• Of all of the developed nations, the US is one of the least civically engaged.

Local Democratic Deficit Travis County Voter Participation

My Premise

Citizens would engage if:

• they could do so online at their convenience

• the data was digestible (visual)

• their input was utilized

• the process was fun (and not painful!)

‘Game’ Tool Overview

• ‘Players’ (citizens) choose ‘teams’ (issues)

• Work collaboratively to build ‘playbook’ (solution framework)

• Work is done iteratively over specific period of time


Join us for the ‘Pre-session Games’!

Choose Your Team

Public Education

Health Care




Player Requirements

Watch the ‘Game Film’

(graphic overview of the issue)

‘Scout the Players’

(get to know the players, other positions)


(watch videos of neighbors and others who hold different views or who have concerns that need to be pondered)

Add your ‘Highlight Videos’ (post your thoughts, ideas, concerns)

Post your ‘Stats’ (info and picture, ‘position’ you usually play)

‘Draft a Player’ (do you know someone whose skills who would be helpful? recruit them to be a part of your team)

Team Collaboration

Create your ‘Game Strategy’ (poke others via facebook)

‘Huddle Up!’ (gather your players for some face-to-face time or find a huddle near you)

Draft your ‘Play Book’

Run It by the Officials(Policy Wonks, Economists, and Entrepreneurs)

• Are there flags? (strong concerns)

• Still have ‘yards to go’? (bases uncovered or major elements not addressed)?

Take Your Team to the Playoffs

Gather your fans (those who “Like!” your ‘Play Book’)

Certain # of “Likes” to make it to playoffs

‘Weighted value’ x 2 Hardcore Fans (have seen ‘Game Film’

and have ‘Scouted the Players’)

X 1 Everyday Fans (have only seen ‘Game Film’)

Rules of the Game

Can be ‘benched’ for flagrant fouls (3 complaints of digressing into insults or cursing)

May request a ‘review from the official’ (will check their post/blog record)

Can be reinstated after a penalty

Can be ‘ejected from the game’ for 1 more violation

Your team’s ‘Playbook’ is presented to the Legislative Select Committee

as a community-built solution

Super Bowl Game

Collaborative Gaming SuccessFold It

Unite and Innovate Online

Get Out of the Press Box &

Into the Game !*No need to remain confined by the media created

boxes of politics, class, and religion