How effective is the combination of your main

Post on 24-Jul-2015

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Transcript of How effective is the combination of your main

How effective is the combination of your main

product and ancillary texts?Fatima Mohamed


During my A2 products in Media Studies, I had to produce a website, music video and a digipak. The music video that I have created is a pop punk rock of the song ‘Loud and Clear’ by title fight. I used the same theme through all three ancillary texts; also I used various codes and conventions of pop punk rock music videos. All the product link to create a brand and to react their target audience. The effect of the combination of the products is that impact that they have on the audience and what is expected by the fans.

My Digipak

The whole idea of the digipak is based around the image of the band and their first album as it is self title. We wanted the digipak to be unique for their target audience. Furthermore, a digipak promotes and advertises a band such as stay home. It is a part of the industry and audience theory that argues stars are made. Therefore, the digipak is a part of the audience’s expectations.

Music Video

The music video is that most of the shots are focused on the band, therefore the video has lots of close ups of the instruments in the video. In my music video, I have use various shot types to expand my options when editing and providing myself the option to have many clips to edit. Furthermore, for my video I wanted to add all three aspect that a music video has with is performance, narrative and conceptual. These aspects challenge an audience to be more active, moreover the effect of the three products create an identity link that the audience will remember and recognize meaning that they are more active.


For my website, I used wix to create it. For this product I have met all the codes and convention of a pop punk rock band and that I have also met the needs of my target audience. When designing the website I have to create a layout that was understanding to the audience, furthermore the website also contained a lot of information such as tour dates and contact information for the audience to express their opinion. I have also link the website to social media pages for my band stay home.


Through out all three products that I have created have a link and the same theme. This is good for the band as they will have a brand identity as well as a logo such as the one used in both the website and the digipak. This allows people to know that the logo belongs to the band.