How Education makes a nation as a leading nation

Post on 12-Jan-2017

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Transcript of How Education makes a nation as a leading nation


IMPORTANCE OF EDUCATION:• For a happy and stable life : Stable,

balanced, self dependent life.• Makes the world a safer and more peaceful

place• Turns your dreams into reality• Makes you confident• Make better citizens• Education opens our mind and expand our

horizon• Assured of making right moves


• Achieve heights in life• Good education=good future• With right education and training we get the most competitive jobs• Good job leads to a high amount of salary• Our Productivity is increased by acquiring new skills and talents as

we grow .

Earn your own livingWith evolving lifestyles, steep

inflation rates and luxuries transcending into needs, it is only impossible for a family to depend and thrive on one bread earner. You ought to work for self sufficiency and dependency and education helps you gain job opportunities for financial independence. Also, education helps you build a network with people who’s resources might work the best in your benefit if you so choose to be self employed.

EQUALITY• If we want to see the world as a

just and fair place where everyone is given equal opportunities, education is what we require. Education is a must if we want to do away with the existing differences between different social classes and genders.  It opens a whole world of opportunities for the poor so that they may have an equal shot at well paying jobs. Education also plays a major role in women empowerment

For economic growth of the nation• Australia, USA and Japan are few

countries with very high literacy rates. These countries are extremely prosperous and the citizens have a high per capita income.  On the other hand, in underdeveloped and developing nations, where literacy rate is not as high, a number of people are still living below the poverty line. Education is vital for the economic prosperity of a nation!


• Education spreads awareness• Inform about our rights and services that we can access• It teaches us to differentiate between right and wrong• Right decisions give us the right answers• Lack of awareness leads to a weak nation.

Saves you from being fooled/cheated• Education saves you from being

exploited and fooled. We live in a country where we enjoy a number of rights and freedom.  It is easier to take advantage of innocent and illiterate people. They may be trapped into signing false documents or be deprived of some right which they have because unlike an educated person they are not well aware of their rights and freedoms.

Reasoning against the illogicalYou’d never believe anything without a reason, if only you have a reason for it. Take for example the inability of uneducated farmers to examine and analyse the quality or fertility of soil for a particular harvest and later regret and believe that the rain gods were displeased with them. They’d spend more on rituals to please the Rain God than they would to increase soil quality. If only they knew.Exposure to the WorldIs it remotely possible to know of all the other nations while remaining in your own. It is. You’d have to read and place your understanding of the reading in the cultural and historical context of that nation in a particular period. You’d know just about everything French, Roman and Greek. You’d be able to build your understanding of their language and culture without simply terming them all as ‘foreign’.

Imparts ability to work across genres and culturesAsk an educated man to travel nations and transmute the barriers of language and culture, you’d be testing his spirit of taking challenges and succeeding in them. it takes more self confidence than knowledge to not be intimidated by challenges life throws on you.