How Drones are helpful for us

Post on 07-Apr-2017

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Transcript of How Drones are helpful for us

How Drones are Helpful for Us

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle


Drones have many different names like Killer drones or attack drones, spy drones, surveillance drones etc. But the most common name for drone in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle as it is controlled by a remote or computer. These help in spying, military services and other related services.

Saving Life

In natural or man made disasters drones are appointed to survey the damages, locate injured victims and access ongoing threats without risking the sefety or rescue teams.They send images of the damages or the location of the injured person if they need help.

Supporting Law Enforcement

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle can be used to search for lost children, provide tactical surveillance and suspect tracking assists in accident investigation and also useful in controlling large crowds.


Drone photography has become more and more popular as photographers continue to discover the multiple advantages of shooting from the sky. The best photography drones 2017 are lighter in weight and they have they have Wi-Fi capabilities which allow photographers to geo tag their location.

Infrastructure and maintenance

Considering the difficulties of inspecting the underside of a bridge or the top of a skyscraper drones are taken in use which reduces life risks. With the use of UAV, scaffolding, cranes, or harness are no longer in use as cranes are capable of lifting materials and can take them to the desired location.

Agriculture management

With the use of UAV farmers can observe, measure and respond to variability in individual plants and can target the areas where attention are required. By pointing the areas farmers can target the areas where improvements are needed.

For more information about the photography drones Visit the link below