How do Brands on Twitter Work?

Post on 13-Aug-2015

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Transcript of How do Brands on Twitter Work?

How do Brands on Twitter Work?

A platform of influence or a place to focus attention?

Priyanka Bose

Twitter is one of the fastest growing social networking sites on the Internet.

But are those ads working?

Growing with it are ad sales.

Advertisers definitely think they are.

“Twitter Offers” is a new feature from Twitter that will allow advertisers to

“effectively measure the ROI from their promotions”.

!But what makes them so sure?

!How are they measuring their

success? !

Traditionally, brands assume that a successful campaign changes or influences consumer attitudes.

In other words, it persuades them.!But Twitter is different. Why?

As social media, tweets are ongoing messages. !

They are part of a continuous communication environment. !

Therefore, success cannot be measured simply through impressions.

Twitter advertising does not fit the traditional advertising model.

Someone might follow the Denny’s Twitter account because it’s funny. !

But it doesn’t mean that their opinion of the brand has changed. !!!!


Furthermore, likeability doesn’t necessarily translate into consideration.

So what do brands gain from using Twitter as a platform?

In other words, advertisers can use Twitter to keep their brand top of mind among consumers.

Brand Salience.

So what does that mean, exactly?

Well, for one thing, it means that your brand will be the first one people think of when presented with the opportunity to make a choice.


Brands can use Twitter to set the agenda. They can guide online consumer conversations and remind consumers about their products.

It’s all about framing the conversation.

Twitter isn’t a one way street.!It’s a place to create dialogue between brands and consumers.!!

But you can take steps to make it more likely that they are.

You can’t necessarily use Twitter to influence how people think about your


(in addition to other forms of social media)

To do so, always consider the following questions when developing your social

media strategy for Twitter:

Questions to Ask

• What motivates people to follow and engage with your brand?

• What motivates them to share information about your brand?

• What do people notice first about a branded tweet?

• Is your brand Twitter a place for potential new consumers to learn more about your brand?

• Or are you aiming to speak to consumers who are already aware and are actively seeking new information?
