How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

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Transcript of How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Zarenna Porter A2 Media Studies

Media TechnologiesIn making my three products, I used a variety of

programs, technologies and websites. I used this at various stages such as the research and planning, construction and the evaluation.

For example:

Final Cut Express





Research and Planning In the research and planning stage I had to use a variety of technologies in order to construct and plan a successful music video. Internet websites I used include, YouTube, Google, Blogger, Word it Out, Sound cloud and twitter.

YouTube was one of the main websites I visited. As YouTube is a platform whereby hundreds of music videos are available to view for free, this was key in my research. I looked at several videos of different genres to see top conventions and what I also needed to do to make sure I was able to create a music video.

I also used Google often to help research theories and directors. I searched theories such as Goodwin’s to also see typical conventions of music videos. I used Google to also look up top directors in different genres. I was also able to use Google to see and look at different examples of digipaks and magazine adverts related to my artists and genre.

Blogger has been the main way I have portrayed all of my research and planning. Blogger allowed me to put out all the videos I felt would help in the construction of my video. Blogger also helped to clearly lay out all the relevant information I needed per task in order to make the music video. I was also able to use blogger to lay out all the conventions of a digipak and magazine advert.

Sound cloud was also crucial In the planning of my music video as it was where I found my track and artist, I was however directed to sound cloud via twitter. I used the social networking site to scout for upcoming unsigned artists and I was frequently directed to sound cloud where many had quite a few songs. This is how I was able to find my track.

Construction The construction of all three of my products use different programs. For my music video I used Final Cut express to editing my footage. Final Cut was essential in the process of the construction and on the program I was able to add in effects and text to make the video exert a professional feel. I also used equipment such as cameras and a tripod to film my video. I became more creative with the camera techniques by using a built in light to make the artist stand out. I was also changing the height and tilt of the tripod to give more creative shots. I also used Final Cut to make the lip syncing perfect. I used markers on the clip and then on the track to match up the movement of the lips to the words. As I had previously done a tutorial I was quick and successful at this and none of my lip syncing was out of time.

Another program I used was photoshop. I used photoshop to create the digipak and magazine advert. I have never used photoshop before and this was my first time. Photoshop was a good way to plan and place the ancillary products. The layers was an easy way to delete and rearrange the placement until I was pleased with the overall look. I also used the ‘eye’ button when starting off to see which photo I had taken looked best. I constantly tested out different images and where to place the name, track list and information until I was happy.

I also used a high quality camera to take original images for my digipak and magazine advert. I was creative using a fan to create texture in the images. I also got my artist to move whilst I took photos to add movement to the images.

EvaluationIn the evaluation stages I used several new techniques in order to evaluate my products. I used iMovie to record myself explaining how my three products worked together. I have never used a voice over before and this was a new experience. This is a good way for me to explain the links I wanted I to portray in my products. I also developed my skills on the website “prezi” this is another way to present the evaluation of my products. A prezi is an active presentation in a fun creative way. Each prezi is unique and therefore mine relays information for my products. I was also able to embed videos to help explain the conventions of music videos. I also added in the song so that an audience member may familiarize themselvesI also used iMovie and my mobile device to record those for my audience feedback, I did this all at home so used what I had available. I used iMovie's to place the strengths and weaknesses of my three products said by others I picked from three groups. I also used excel to create charts to visually show the information I had gathered.

Finally I used PowerPoint and word to help supplement my evaluation and keep everything in order. I uploaded my PowerPoint to slide share and again embedded it onto my blogger.